Recap of 1/16 National HoUSed Campaign Call

NLIHC hosted a national HoUSed campaign call on January 16. We were joined by Jesse Rabinowitz, campaign and communications director at the National Homelessness Law Center, who provided a special update on a legal challenge involving the rights of people experiencing homelessness that will be considered by the U.S. Supreme Court. The case, Johnson v. Grants Pass, challenges legal precedent that prohibits the government from punishing people – through ticketing, arrest, or other actions – for sleeping outside when they have no safe alternative. Learn more about the case and stay updated about mobilization efforts to safeguard the basic rights of people experiencing homelessness at: A recording of the call, as well as the presentation slides, are now available. The next national HoUSed campaign call will be held on February 12 from 2:30-3:30 pm ET. Register at:

We also discussed Congress’s progress toward enacting a final fiscal year 2024 spending bill, as well as the status of negotiations on Capitol Hill over a potential tax package that ultimately failed to include key reforms to the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). In her update, NLIHC’s Kim Johnson highlighted an upcoming Day of Action on January 25, hosted by NLIHC and our colleagues at the Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding (CHCDF). Advocates around the country are encouraged to contact their members of Congress and demand they provide increased funding for affordable housing, homelessness, and community development services in any final bill. NLIHC’s Noah Patton discussed disaster housing recovery efforts for the year ahead, including key legislation, and we received a field update from Will White of Hawai’i Appleseed.