Racial Equity and Fair Housing

People of color are significantly more likely than white people to experience evictions and homelessness in the United States, the result of centuries of structural racism that continues today, that has systematically and purposefully excluded African Americans and others from equal access to housing, community supports, and opportunities for economic mobility.

We must work to right these wrongs and work towards racial equity in housing: we can’t address racial inequities without addressing housing, and we cannot solve for housing inequities without addressing race.

Memo to Members and Partners Articles

NLIHC Submits AFFH Comment Letter, Signs On to Housing Justice Network Letter

NLIHC submitted a comment letter to HUD on April 24 supporting the proposed Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule while also suggesting improvements. NLIHC also signed on to an AFFH comment letter submitted to HUD by the Housing Justice Network (HJN), an informal network of housing…

NLIHC Joins National Women’s Law Center AFFH Comment Letter

NLIHC signed on to a letter drafted by the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) that comments on HUD’s proposed Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule. The letter, which commends HUD for advancing the proposed AFFH rule and making significant improvements to the 2015 AFFH rule, states that…