The Solution

We have the solution. We just need the political will.

The Solution

Protect and Expand the National Housing Trust Fund

Capital investments are needed to build, preserve and rehabilitate homes affordable to the lowest income people. These dollars can address other challenges as well, like revitalizing distressed communities, providing housing options for low income families in tight or gentrifying markets, and producing accessible housing for persons with disabilities.

The national Housing Trust Fund (HTF) is the first federal resource in a generation that provides block grants to states to build, rehabilitate, or preserve housing targeted to extremely low income (ELI) households, those with incomes at or less than 30% of the area median income or less than the federal poverty line.

States are using most of their HTF resource for projects that will serve people experiencing homelessness, people with disabilities, elderly people, or other special needs populations.

For nearly two decades, NLIHC led a national campaign to create and fund the HTF.  In 2019, the first $249 million in HTF funding was allocated to states. It was followed by over $323 million allocated for 2020 and nearly $693 million for 2021. NLIHC works to ensure that the funding is used effectively to create decent and affordable homes for the more than 11 million ELI renter households that need this assistance the most. Learn more.

Preserve and Increase Resources for Federal Affordable Housing Programs

Federal investments in the affordable housing programs at HUD and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provide families and communities with the resources they need to thrive. Access to affordable housing has wide ranging, positive impacts. When families have stable, decent, and accessible homes that they can afford, they are better able to maintain employment, perform better in school, and achieve improved health and well-being.

NLIHC leads the Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding (CHCDF), a coalition of 75 national and regional organizations dedicated to ensuring the highest allocation of resources possible to support affordable housing and community development. Learn more.

We also support the expansion and reform of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit to better serve families with the greatest needs. Learn more.

Ensure Federal Disaster Recovery Efforts are Fair and Equitable

One of the top priorities after a disaster is making sure that all displaced families have a safe, accessible, and affordable place to live while they get back on their feet. Too often, however, the housing, infrastructure, and mitigation needs of the lowest income people and their communities are overlooked. NLIHC leads the Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition of more than 250 national, state, and local organizations, including many working directly with disaster-impacted communities and with first-hand experience recovering after disasters. Learn more.

Promote Equitable Access to Affordable Housing

NLIHC believes in just communities, where all community members have access to economic and educational opportunities, as well as affordable housing. Evidence shows that access to stable, affordable housing in communities of opportunity has broad, positive impacts. It can lead to better health and education outcomes and higher lifetime earnings, especially for children.

NLIHC supports U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule that helps communities better meet their fair housing obligations and promotes housing choice. Learn more.

NLIHC advocates for safe, stable, affordable and accessible housing for those who have been involved in the criminal or juvenile justice system. By eliminating the barriers to housing and supporting programs that help formerly incarcerated people successfully reintegrate into their communities, people with criminal records can make the most of their second chance. In addition, NLIHC advocates to end the criminalization of homelessness. Nationwide, homeless people are targeted, arrested, and jailed under laws that criminalize homelessness by making illegal those basic acts that are necessary for life. Learn more.

Champion Anti-Poverty Solutions

Beyond ensuring access to affordable housing, NLIHC is strongly committed to enacting legislation and protecting resources that alleviate poverty. Learn more.