State & Tribal Partners

NLIHC state and tribal partners are the member organizations with which we work most closely. Partners receive specialized support from NLIHC to enhance their participation in federal housing advocacy. In turn, they commit to being a primary advocate for housing for the lowest-income renters in their region and to educate and mobilize their network to advocate for NLIHC’s policy priorities. NLIHC depends on our state and tribal partners to inform us about federal housing issues arising in their areas so that NLIHC can raise them at the federal level.

State partners are independent housing and homelessness advocacy organizations that serve whole states or regions within states. Tribal partners are non-profit organizations that serve members of tribes in a particular geographic region and prioritize advocacy for the lowest-income renters. Six positions of NLIHC’s board of directors are reserved for current state and tribal partners. New partners go through an NLIHC board-approval process to ensure they can meet the qualifications and expectations listed below. Currently, NLIHC has 68 state partners operating in 46 states and the District of Columbia, as well as one tribal partner operating in the Northern Plains region.

To learn more about NLIHC’s state and tribal partners, please contact the Field Team member for your state!


Alaska Coalition on Housing and Homelessnesss


Alabama Arise
Low Income Housing Coalition of Alabama


Arizona Housing Coalition


Arkansas Coalition of Housing and Neighborhood Growth for Empowerment


California Coalition for Rural Housing
California Housing Partnership
Housing California
Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California
Southern California Association of Non-Profit Housing


Colorado Coalition for the Homeless
Housing Colorado


Partnership for Strong Communities

District of Columbia

Coalition for Nonprofit Housing & Economic Development


Housing Alliance Delaware


Florida Housing Coalition, Inc.
Florida Supportive Housing Coalition


Georgia ACT


Hawai'i Appleseed Center for Law & Economic Justice


Idaho Asset Building Network (a project of Idaho Voices for Children)


Housing Action Illinois


Prosperity Indiana


Iowa Housing Partnership


Kansas Statewide Homeless Coalition


Homeless and Housing Coalition of Kentucky




Maine Affordable Housing Coalition


Community Development Network of Maryland

Maryland Affordable Housing Coalition


Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association


Community Economic Development Association of Michigan

Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness


Minnesota Housing Partnership
Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless


Mississippi Center for Justice


Empower Missouri


Nebraska Housing Developers Association


Nevada Housing Coalition

New Hampshire

Housing Action New Hampshire

New Jersey

Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey

New Mexico

New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness

New York

Coalition for the Homeless
Neighborhood Preservation Coalition of New York State
New York State Rural Housing Coalition
New York State Tenants & Neighbors Information Service
Supportive Housing Network of New York
New York Housing Conference

North Carolina

North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness
North Carolina Housing Coalition

North Dakota

North Dakota Coalition for Homeless People


Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio


Oklahoma Coalition for Affordable Housing


Oregon Housing Alliance
Housing Oregon


Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania

Rhode Island

Housing Network of Rhode Island
Rhode Island Coalition to End Homelessness


Texas Association of Community Development Corporations
Texas Homeless Network
Texas Low Income Housing Information Service


Utah Housing Coalition


Housing & Homelessness Alliance of Vermont


Virginia Housing Alliance


Washington Low Income Housing Alliance

West Virginia

West Virginia Coalition to End Homelessness


Wisconsin Community Action Program Association
Wisconsin Partnership for Housing Development, Inc.

Tribal Territories

United Native American Housing Association (northern plains)


  • Current NLIHC member
  • 501(c)3 non-profit organization
  • Accept and support NLIHC’s policy priorities:
  • Prioritize advocacy for policies that expand affordable housing for the lowest-income renters 
    • Tribal partners advocate for members of tribes in a particular geographic region
    • State partners advocate for constituents across an entire state or a region within a state boundary
  • Have a network to mobilize
    • A membership base is preferrable and membership may be broad
    • If more than one partner exists in a state or region, there should be minimal overlap in their networks and strong coordination between partners


  • Exclusive monthly calls for federal policy updates, special guest speakers, and peer knowledge sharing
  • Semi-annual convenings in Washington, DC, for more in-depth conversations on federal policy issues, meetings with Capitol Hill and Administration staff, and networking
  • Listserv to seek answers, best practices, and more from peer organizations
  • Specialized support from NLIHC staff with advocacy
  • NLIHC staff speakers for partner events
  • Access to pre-release copies of NLIHC data reports
  • Advocacy work highlighted in NLIHC’s weekly Memo to Members and Partners


  • Serve as a primary advocate in its region regarding federal housing policy by contacting elected officials and others at key federal agencies and mobilizing its network to do the same
  • Share key updates from engagement with members of Congress as they relate to NLIHC’s policy priorities
  • Inform NLIHC about other federal housing issues arising in their area that we can raise with our network
  • Maintain NLIHC membership
  • Maintain regular contact with NLIHC staff and respond to staff requests when available
  • Share NLIHC data reports and calls to action with its network as often as possible
  • Support media distribution of NLIHC data reports as much as possible
  • Participate as often as possible in NLIHC activities with other state and tribal partners such as monthly calls and twice-yearly meetings in Washington, DC

Become a State Partner

NLIHC always seeks to welcome new partners, particularly in states or regions where we do not currently have one. For questions or inquiries about becoming a partner, please contact Brooke Schipporeit, Manager of Field Organizing, at [email protected].

Become a State or Tribal Partner

NLIHC’s affiliation with our state and tribal partners is central to our advocacy efforts. Although our partners’ involvement varies, they are all housing and homelessness advocacy organizations engaged in advocacy on the state or regional and federal levels. Many are traditional coalitions with a range of members, and all serve as NLIHC’s main point of contact for that state or region.

Learn more about becoming a state
or tribal partner by contacting [email protected].

State Coalition Partners