


State Facts

Minimum Wage $7.25
2-Bedroom Housing Wage $23.06
Number of Renter Households 189,044
Number of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Number of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI

Affordable Rent for Low Income Households

Minimum Wage Worker


Household at 30% of Area Median Income


Household at 50% of Area Median Income


Fair Market Rent

1-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


2-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


Working at minimum wage $7.25/hr

Each week you have to work 103 hours

To afford a modest 1 bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent

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Compare Jurisdictions

Idaho Idaho Non-metropolitan areas Boise City HMFA Butte County HMFA Coeur d'Alene MSA Gem County HMFA Idaho Falls HMFA Jerome County HMFA Lewiston MSA Logan MSA Pocatello HMFA Power County HMFA Twin Falls County HMFA Ada County Adams County Bannock County Bear Lake County Benewah County Bingham County Blaine County Boise County Bonner County Bonneville County Boundary County Butte County Camas County Canyon County Caribou County Cassia County Clark County Clearwater County Custer County Elmore County Franklin County Fremont County Gem County Gooding County Idaho County Jefferson County Jerome County Kootenai County Latah County Lemhi County Lewis County Lincoln County Madison County Minidoka County Nez Perce County Oneida County Owyhee County Payette County Power County Shoshone County Teton County Twin Falls County Valley County Washington County
Number of Households
Total 675,323 171,461 277,992 1,024 67,002 7,196 52,025 8,092 17,124 4,672 32,704 2,671 33,360 190,641 1,687 32,704 2,323 3,826 15,627 9,298 3,396 19,228 42,402 4,710 1,024 323 79,728 2,527 8,180 258 3,511 1,808 10,760 4,672 4,320 7,196 5,413 6,603 9,623 8,092 67,002 15,929 3,328 1,566 1,846 11,979 7,474 17,124 1,841 4,227 9,352 2,671 5,478 4,317 33,360 3,806 4,143
Renter 189,044 48,615 76,438 216 18,544 1,767 13,995 2,182 4,868 1,056 10,384 773 10,206 54,623 273 10,384 450 1,008 3,115 2,317 474 4,184 12,297 1,059 216 77 20,119 560 2,511 76 703 400 4,032 1,056 695 1,767 1,508 1,433 1,698 2,182 18,544 6,384 547 417 489 7,186 2,084 4,868 218 1,222 2,727 773 1,478 933 10,206 581 1,170
Percent Renters 28% 28% 27% 21% 28% 25% 27% 27% 28% 23% 32% 29% 31% 29% 16% 32% 19% 26% 20% 25% 14% 22% 29% 22% 21% 24% 25% 22% 31% 29% 20% 22% 37% 23% 16% 25% 28% 22% 18% 27% 28% 40% 16% 27% 26% 60% 28% 28% 12% 29% 29% 29% 27% 22% 31% 15% 28%
Housing Wage
Zero-Bedroom $16.54 $14.70 $19.10 $13.87 $16.40 $14.69 $15.44 $13.40 $15.19 $15.19 $12.87 $11.94 $13.81 $19.10 $13.17 $12.87 $12.79 $13.25 $12.79 $17.79 $19.10 $15.87 $15.44 $12.90 $13.87 $14.12 $19.10 $12.79 $13.06 $14.12 $13.96 $13.75 $14.79 $15.19 $12.15 $14.69 $14.00 $13.44 $15.44 $13.40 $16.40 $13.52 $13.10 $12.79 $12.79 $17.62 $13.00 $15.19 $14.48 $19.10 $14.75 $11.94 $12.48 $19.96 $13.81 $15.12 $14.73
One-Bedroom $18.64 $15.54 $21.90 $15.75 $20.04 $15.65 $17.37 $15.04 $16.54 $16.08 $14.44 $13.40 $15.50 $21.90 $15.98 $14.44 $13.37 $14.87 $13.25 $19.98 $21.90 $15.96 $17.37 $13.38 $15.75 $14.75 $21.90 $13.25 $13.65 $14.75 $14.48 $14.38 $15.33 $16.08 $15.50 $15.65 $14.73 $15.10 $17.37 $15.04 $20.04 $14.67 $14.10 $13.25 $13.96 $17.87 $15.04 $16.54 $15.13 $21.90 $14.85 $13.40 $14.02 $20.08 $15.50 $18.35 $15.27
Two-Bedroom $23.06 $19.50 $26.69 $19.15 $24.19 $20.58 $21.12 $19.77 $21.33 $20.13 $18.98 $17.62 $20.37 $26.69 $17.94 $18.98 $17.40 $19.54 $17.40 $26.25 $26.69 $20.54 $21.12 $17.58 $19.15 $19.21 $26.69 $17.40 $17.79 $19.21 $19.02 $18.73 $20.13 $20.13 $17.40 $20.58 $19.06 $19.85 $21.12 $19.77 $24.19 $18.19 $17.85 $17.40 $17.40 $20.33 $17.69 $21.33 $19.71 $26.69 $19.50 $17.62 $18.42 $24.21 $20.37 $20.60 $20.06
Three-Bedroom $32.37 $27.13 $37.62 $25.85 $34.10 $26.98 $29.73 $26.23 $30.06 $28.37 $26.75 $24.83 $28.69 $37.62 $24.19 $26.75 $24.52 $25.58 $24.52 $35.19 $37.62 $28.94 $29.73 $24.77 $25.85 $27.08 $37.62 $24.52 $25.08 $27.08 $26.71 $26.40 $28.37 $28.37 $24.52 $26.98 $26.25 $25.75 $29.73 $26.23 $34.10 $25.63 $23.94 $24.52 $24.52 $28.65 $24.92 $30.06 $27.77 $37.62 $27.46 $24.83 $24.44 $34.12 $28.69 $28.33 $25.73
Four-Bedroom $38.39 $31.99 $44.19 $32.50 $41.06 $32.75 $35.83 $33.56 $36.19 $34.17 $32.21 $29.88 $34.56 $44.19 $28.75 $32.21 $29.33 $31.40 $29.06 $35.33 $44.19 $34.85 $35.83 $29.83 $32.50 $32.38 $44.19 $28.85 $26.65 $32.38 $32.27 $31.56 $33.02 $34.17 $29.54 $32.75 $30.02 $33.67 $35.83 $33.56 $41.06 $30.87 $30.08 $29.54 $29.54 $34.50 $29.81 $36.19 $33.21 $44.19 $29.63 $29.88 $31.04 $41.10 $34.56 $34.71 $33.81
Fair Market Rent
Zero-Bedroom $860 $765 $993 $721 $853 $764 $803 $697 $790 $790 $669 $621 $718 $993 $685 $669 $665 $689 $665 $925 $993 $825 $803 $671 $721 $734 $993 $665 $679 $734 $726 $715 $769 $790 $632 $764 $728 $699 $803 $697 $853 $703 $681 $665 $665 $916 $676 $790 $753 $993 $767 $621 $649 $1,038 $718 $786 $766
One-Bedroom $969 $808 $1,139 $819 $1,042 $814 $903 $782 $860 $836 $751 $697 $806 $1,139 $831 $751 $695 $773 $689 $1,039 $1,139 $830 $903 $696 $819 $767 $1,139 $689 $710 $767 $753 $748 $797 $836 $806 $814 $766 $785 $903 $782 $1,042 $763 $733 $689 $726 $929 $782 $860 $787 $1,139 $772 $697 $729 $1,044 $806 $954 $794
Two-Bedroom $1,199 $1,014 $1,388 $996 $1,258 $1,070 $1,098 $1,028 $1,109 $1,047 $987 $916 $1,059 $1,388 $933 $987 $905 $1,016 $905 $1,365 $1,388 $1,068 $1,098 $914 $996 $999 $1,388 $905 $925 $999 $989 $974 $1,047 $1,047 $905 $1,070 $991 $1,032 $1,098 $1,028 $1,258 $946 $928 $905 $905 $1,057 $920 $1,109 $1,025 $1,388 $1,014 $916 $958 $1,259 $1,059 $1,071 $1,043
Three-Bedroom $1,683 $1,411 $1,956 $1,344 $1,773 $1,403 $1,546 $1,364 $1,563 $1,475 $1,391 $1,291 $1,492 $1,956 $1,258 $1,391 $1,275 $1,330 $1,275 $1,830 $1,956 $1,505 $1,546 $1,288 $1,344 $1,408 $1,956 $1,275 $1,304 $1,408 $1,389 $1,373 $1,475 $1,475 $1,275 $1,403 $1,365 $1,339 $1,546 $1,364 $1,773 $1,333 $1,245 $1,275 $1,275 $1,490 $1,296 $1,563 $1,444 $1,956 $1,428 $1,291 $1,271 $1,774 $1,492 $1,473 $1,338
Four-Bedroom $1,996 $1,664 $2,298 $1,690 $2,135 $1,703 $1,863 $1,745 $1,882 $1,777 $1,675 $1,554 $1,797 $2,298 $1,495 $1,675 $1,525 $1,633 $1,511 $1,837 $2,298 $1,812 $1,863 $1,551 $1,690 $1,684 $2,298 $1,500 $1,386 $1,684 $1,678 $1,641 $1,717 $1,777 $1,536 $1,703 $1,561 $1,751 $1,863 $1,745 $2,135 $1,605 $1,564 $1,536 $1,536 $1,794 $1,550 $1,882 $1,727 $2,298 $1,541 $1,554 $1,614 $2,137 $1,797 $1,805 $1,758
Annual Income Needed to Afford
Zero-Bedroom $34,403 $30,586 $39,720 $28,840 $34,120 $30,560 $32,120 $27,880 $31,600 $31,600 $26,760 $24,840 $28,720 $39,720 $27,400 $26,760 $26,600 $27,560 $26,600 $37,000 $39,720 $33,000 $32,120 $26,840 $28,840 $29,360 $39,720 $26,600 $27,160 $29,360 $29,040 $28,600 $30,760 $31,600 $25,280 $30,560 $29,120 $27,960 $32,120 $27,880 $34,120 $28,120 $27,240 $26,600 $26,600 $36,640 $27,040 $31,600 $30,120 $39,720 $30,680 $24,840 $25,960 $41,520 $28,720 $31,440 $30,640
One-Bedroom $38,776 $32,321 $45,560 $32,760 $41,680 $32,560 $36,120 $31,280 $34,400 $33,440 $30,040 $27,880 $32,240 $45,560 $33,240 $30,040 $27,800 $30,920 $27,560 $41,560 $45,560 $33,200 $36,120 $27,840 $32,760 $30,680 $45,560 $27,560 $28,400 $30,680 $30,120 $29,920 $31,880 $33,440 $32,240 $32,560 $30,640 $31,400 $36,120 $31,280 $41,680 $30,520 $29,320 $27,560 $29,040 $37,160 $31,280 $34,400 $31,480 $45,560 $30,880 $27,880 $29,160 $41,760 $32,240 $38,160 $31,760
Two-Bedroom $47,969 $40,561 $55,520 $39,840 $50,320 $42,800 $43,920 $41,120 $44,360 $41,880 $39,480 $36,640 $42,360 $55,520 $37,320 $39,480 $36,200 $40,640 $36,200 $54,600 $55,520 $42,720 $43,920 $36,560 $39,840 $39,960 $55,520 $36,200 $37,000 $39,960 $39,560 $38,960 $41,880 $41,880 $36,200 $42,800 $39,640 $41,280 $43,920 $41,120 $50,320 $37,840 $37,120 $36,200 $36,200 $42,280 $36,800 $44,360 $41,000 $55,520 $40,560 $36,640 $38,320 $50,360 $42,360 $42,840 $41,720
Three-Bedroom $67,328 $56,434 $78,240 $53,760 $70,920 $56,120 $61,840 $54,560 $62,520 $59,000 $55,640 $51,640 $59,680 $78,240 $50,320 $55,640 $51,000 $53,200 $51,000 $73,200 $78,240 $60,200 $61,840 $51,520 $53,760 $56,320 $78,240 $51,000 $52,160 $56,320 $55,560 $54,920 $59,000 $59,000 $51,000 $56,120 $54,600 $53,560 $61,840 $54,560 $70,920 $53,320 $49,800 $51,000 $51,000 $59,600 $51,840 $62,520 $57,760 $78,240 $57,120 $51,640 $50,840 $70,960 $59,680 $58,920 $53,520
Four-Bedroom $79,843 $66,542 $91,920 $67,600 $85,400 $68,120 $74,520 $69,800 $75,280 $71,080 $67,000 $62,160 $71,880 $91,920 $59,800 $67,000 $61,000 $65,320 $60,440 $73,480 $91,920 $72,480 $74,520 $62,040 $67,600 $67,360 $91,920 $60,000 $55,440 $67,360 $67,120 $65,640 $68,680 $71,080 $61,440 $68,120 $62,440 $70,040 $74,520 $69,800 $85,400 $64,200 $62,560 $61,440 $61,440 $71,760 $62,000 $75,280 $69,080 $91,920 $61,640 $62,160 $64,560 $85,480 $71,880 $72,200 $70,320
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25
Rent Affordable for a Full-Time Worker at Minimum Wage $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377
Work Hours/Week at Minimum Wage
Zero-Bedroom 91 81 105 76 91 81 85 74 84 84 71 66 76 105 73 71 71 73 71 98 105 88 85 71 76 78 105 71 72 78 77 76 82 84 67 81 77 74 85 74 91 75 72 71 71 97 72 84 80 105 81 66 69 110 76 83 81
One-Bedroom 103 86 121 87 111 86 96 83 91 89 80 74 86 121 88 80 74 82 73 110 121 88 96 74 87 81 121 73 75 81 80 79 85 89 86 86 81 83 96 83 111 81 78 73 77 99 83 91 84 121 82 74 77 111 86 101 84
Two-Bedroom 127 108 147 106 133 114 116 109 118 111 105 97 112 147 99 105 96 108 96 145 147 113 116 97 106 106 147 96 98 106 105 103 111 111 96 114 105 109 116 109 133 100 98 96 96 112 98 118 109 147 108 97 102 134 112 114 111
Three-Bedroom 179 150 208 143 188 149 164 145 166 156 148 137 158 208 133 148 135 141 135 194 208 160 164 137 143 149 208 135 138 149 147 146 156 156 135 149 145 142 164 145 188 141 132 135 135 158 138 166 153 208 152 137 135 188 158 156 142
Four-Bedroom 212 177 244 179 227 181 198 185 200 189 178 165 191 244 159 178 162 173 160 195 244 192 198 165 179 179 244 159 147 179 178 174 182 189 163 181 166 186 198 185 227 170 166 163 163 190 164 200 183 244 164 165 171 227 191 192 187
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payment
SSI Monthly Payment $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996 $996
Rent affordable to SSI recipient $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299 $299
Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $27,047 $23,623 $29,610 $18,570 $29,190 $23,190 $26,160 $22,230 $25,290 $28,740 $26,100 $21,450 $24,660 $29,610 $19,950 $26,100 $26,100 $19,680 $25,440 $27,900 $29,610 $23,970 $26,160 $20,730 $18,570 $23,040 $29,610 $25,080 $22,380 $18,960 $23,850 $23,970 $21,210 $28,740 $23,940 $23,190 $23,460 $21,150 $26,160 $22,230 $29,190 $27,450 $23,310 $19,410 $21,180 $18,810 $22,770 $25,290 $24,990 $29,610 $22,920 $21,450 $19,590 $34,800 $24,660 $27,900 $18,660
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $45,078 $39,372 $49,350 $30,950 $48,650 $38,650 $43,600 $37,050 $42,150 $47,900 $43,500 $35,750 $41,100 $49,350 $33,250 $43,500 $43,500 $32,800 $42,400 $46,500 $49,350 $39,950 $43,600 $34,550 $30,950 $38,400 $49,350 $41,800 $37,300 $31,600 $39,750 $39,950 $35,350 $47,900 $39,900 $38,650 $39,100 $35,250 $43,600 $37,050 $48,650 $45,750 $38,850 $32,350 $35,300 $31,350 $37,950 $42,150 $41,650 $49,350 $38,200 $35,750 $32,650 $58,000 $41,100 $46,500 $31,100
Median Renter Household Income $49,732 $43,024 $57,059 $34,773 $50,002 $47,417 $50,577 $53,991 $35,576 $44,240 $39,110 $49,051 $43,138 $59,256 $33,722 $39,110 $33,894 $40,299 $43,155 $59,302 $56,029 $47,671 $49,285 $48,222 $34,773 $53,531 $51,579 $29,862 $43,300 $31,370 $41,143 $24,845 $49,742 $44,240 $47,065 $47,417 $35,178 $38,196 $59,936 $53,991 $50,002 $39,926 $28,535 $34,577 $42,311 $39,733 $51,701 $35,576 $43,556 $49,510 $45,423 $49,051 $32,530 $57,650 $43,138 $49,000 $25,420
Rent Affordable at Different Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $676 $591 $740 $464 $730 $580 $654 $556 $632 $719 $653 $536 $617 $740 $499 $653 $653 $492 $636 $698 $740 $599 $654 $518 $464 $576 $740 $627 $560 $474 $596 $599 $530 $719 $599 $580 $587 $529 $654 $556 $730 $686 $583 $485 $530 $470 $569 $632 $625 $740 $573 $536 $490 $870 $617 $698 $467
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $1,127 $984 $1,234 $774 $1,216 $966 $1,090 $926 $1,054 $1,198 $1,088 $894 $1,028 $1,234 $831 $1,088 $1,088 $820 $1,060 $1,163 $1,234 $999 $1,090 $864 $774 $960 $1,234 $1,045 $933 $790 $994 $999 $884 $1,198 $998 $966 $978 $881 $1,090 $926 $1,216 $1,144 $971 $809 $883 $784 $949 $1,054 $1,041 $1,234 $955 $894 $816 $1,450 $1,028 $1,163 $778
Median Renter Household Income $1,243 $1,076 $1,426 $869 $1,250 $1,185 $1,264 $1,350 $889 $1,106 $978 $1,226 $1,078 $1,481 $843 $978 $847 $1,007 $1,079 $1,483 $1,401 $1,192 $1,232 $1,206 $869 $1,338 $1,289 $747 $1,082 $784 $1,029 $621 $1,244 $1,106 $1,177 $1,185 $879 $955 $1,498 $1,350 $1,250 $998 $713 $864 $1,058 $993 $1,293 $889 $1,089 $1,238 $1,136 $1,226 $813 $1,441 $1,078 $1,225 $635

Median Wages for State’s Most Common Occupations

Occupation Total Employment Median Hourly Wage
Fast Food and Counter Workers 20,840 $13.73
Cashiers 17,050 $14.49
Home Health and Personal Care Aides 17,290 $14.59
Waiters and Waitresses 12,210 $14.63
Retail Salespersons 20,460 $15.49
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 12,010 $16.38
Receptionists and Information Clerks 7,400 $16.79
Cooks, Restaurant 7,670 $16.82
Stockers and Order Fillers 12,010 $17.60
First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers 6,970 $17.98
Nursing Assistants 6,760 $18.28
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 17,640 $18.30
Office Clerks, General 18,020 $18.61
One-Bedroom Housing Wage $18.64
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 10,840 $18.76
Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers 7,300 $18.78
Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators 6,670 $18.85
Customer Service Representatives 20,120 $19.09
Construction Laborers 9,590 $20.01
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 10,130 $21.66
All Occupations 822,690 $21.79
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 7,870 $21.80
Light Truck Drivers 7,070 $22.05
First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers 6,060 $22.14
Two-bedrooom Housing Wage $23.06
Carpenters 8,220 $23.20
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 14,720 $24.99
First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers 7,620 $26.77
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products 7,550 $27.44
Accountants and Auditors 6,380 $30.83
General and Operations Managers 32,470 $34.72
Registered Nurses 14,060 $39.47
Software Developers 5,910 $50.58