


State Facts

Minimum Wage $10.85
2-Bedroom Housing Wage $27.27
Number of Renter Households 624,425
Number of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Number of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI

Affordable Rent for Low Income Households

Minimum Wage Worker


Household at 30% of Area Median Income


Household at 50% of Area Median Income


Fair Market Rent

1-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


2-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


Working at minimum wage $10.85/hr

Each week you have to work 82 hours

To afford a modest 1 bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent

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Compare Jurisdictions

Minnesota Minnesota Non-metropolitan areas Duluth HMFA Fargo MSA Fillmore County HMFA Grand Forks MSA La Crosse-Onalaska MSA Lake County HMFA Le Sueur County HMFA Mankato-North Mankato MSA Mille Lacs County HMFA Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington HMFA Rochester HMFA St. Cloud MSA Wabasha County HMFA Aitkin County Anoka County Becker County Beltrami County Benton County Big Stone County Blue Earth County Brown County Carlton County Carver County Cass County Chippewa County Chisago County Clay County Clearwater County Cook County Cottonwood County Crow Wing County Dakota County Dodge County Douglas County Faribault County Fillmore County Freeborn County Goodhue County Grant County Hennepin County Houston County Hubbard County Isanti County Itasca County Jackson County Kanabec County Kandiyohi County Kittson County Koochiching County Lac qui Parle County Lake County Lake of the Woods County Le Sueur County Lincoln County Lyon County Mahnomen County Marshall County Martin County McLeod County Meeker County Mille Lacs County Morrison County Mower County Murray County Nicollet County Nobles County Norman County Olmsted County Otter Tail County Pennington County Pine County Pipestone County Polk County Pope County Ramsey County Red Lake County Redwood County Renville County Rice County Rock County Roseau County Scott County Sherburne County Sibley County St. Louis County Stearns County Steele County Stevens County Swift County Todd County Traverse County Wabasha County Wadena County Waseca County Washington County Watonwan County Wilkin County Winona County Wright County Yellow Medicine County
Number of Households
Total 2,256,126 509,680 99,521 25,512 8,460 12,472 8,028 5,036 11,340 40,023 10,546 1,365,661 73,797 76,821 9,229 6,797 134,390 14,134 17,870 16,312 2,242 27,110 10,926 13,795 39,293 12,482 5,206 20,911 25,512 3,196 2,672 4,613 28,141 169,404 7,827 17,252 6,006 8,460 12,890 19,633 2,540 529,029 8,028 8,778 15,572 18,121 4,391 6,518 17,128 1,722 5,703 2,838 5,036 1,632 11,340 2,433 9,924 1,879 3,746 8,870 14,825 8,975 10,546 13,718 15,653 3,532 12,913 7,689 2,660 65,970 24,910 6,150 11,380 3,965 12,472 4,897 216,969 1,638 6,075 5,876 23,265 3,923 5,833 53,014 34,379 5,882 85,726 60,509 15,011 3,798 4,154 9,767 1,433 9,229 5,734 7,493 101,177 4,301 2,667 20,215 51,523 3,978
Renter 624,425 113,798 26,913 8,658 1,512 3,547 1,375 854 2,112 13,803 2,510 402,199 20,272 25,160 1,712 1,046 26,579 3,085 5,756 5,470 544 10,475 2,333 2,816 7,078 1,986 1,521 2,826 8,658 579 586 1,076 6,395 40,822 1,004 4,192 1,176 1,512 2,790 4,412 510 195,925 1,375 1,599 2,488 3,179 841 999 4,468 326 1,102 474 854 283 2,112 437 2,970 548 550 2,433 3,434 1,617 2,510 2,729 3,909 621 3,328 1,963 504 19,268 4,947 1,683 1,862 812 3,547 953 84,554 289 1,211 1,245 5,699 898 1,145 8,770 5,724 1,100 24,097 19,690 3,387 1,223 1,091 1,613 294 1,712 1,590 1,393 18,758 862 524 6,324 8,675 680
Percent Renters 28% 22% 27% 34% 18% 28% 17% 17% 19% 34% 24% 29% 27% 33% 19% 15% 20% 22% 32% 34% 24% 39% 21% 20% 18% 16% 29% 14% 34% 18% 22% 23% 23% 24% 13% 24% 20% 18% 22% 22% 20% 37% 17% 18% 16% 18% 19% 15% 26% 19% 19% 17% 17% 17% 19% 18% 30% 29% 15% 27% 23% 18% 24% 20% 25% 18% 26% 26% 19% 29% 20% 27% 16% 20% 28% 19% 39% 18% 20% 21% 24% 23% 20% 17% 17% 19% 28% 33% 23% 32% 26% 17% 21% 19% 28% 19% 19% 20% 20% 31% 17% 17%
Housing Wage
Zero-Bedroom $19.74 $13.68 $14.65 $12.62 $13.15 $14.06 $14.62 $14.88 $15.46 $17.25 $16.44 $22.58 $15.65 $16.87 $15.10 $13.02 $22.58 $13.21 $15.77 $16.87 $11.79 $17.25 $11.79 $14.65 $22.58 $15.21 $11.79 $22.58 $12.62 $12.19 $11.79 $11.79 $14.38 $22.58 $15.65 $12.92 $11.79 $13.15 $12.67 $14.17 $11.79 $22.58 $14.62 $12.85 $22.58 $15.60 $11.79 $13.17 $14.77 $11.79 $11.79 $11.79 $14.88 $12.69 $15.46 $11.79 $11.79 $11.79 $11.92 $12.00 $14.08 $12.42 $16.44 $13.44 $14.13 $11.79 $17.25 $13.88 $12.23 $15.65 $12.31 $14.35 $16.65 $11.79 $14.06 $13.77 $22.58 $11.79 $11.79 $14.19 $17.56 $12.27 $12.21 $22.58 $22.58 $12.73 $14.65 $16.87 $15.54 $12.63 $11.79 $14.79 $11.79 $15.10 $12.69 $13.15 $22.58 $11.79 $11.79 $13.65 $22.58 $11.79
One-Bedroom $22.11 $15.06 $16.69 $15.02 $13.25 $14.15 $16.65 $16.54 $16.25 $17.37 $16.56 $25.52 $17.83 $17.42 $15.50 $13.63 $25.52 $15.40 $16.37 $17.42 $14.90 $17.37 $13.25 $16.69 $25.52 $16.33 $14.75 $25.52 $15.02 $13.69 $15.50 $14.44 $16.15 $25.52 $17.83 $15.17 $13.96 $13.25 $14.23 $16.81 $13.29 $25.52 $16.65 $14.42 $25.52 $15.71 $13.37 $15.75 $14.87 $13.25 $13.25 $14.31 $16.54 $14.25 $16.25 $13.25 $13.75 $13.25 $13.38 $13.46 $14.17 $14.73 $16.56 $13.69 $15.88 $13.54 $17.37 $15.60 $13.73 $17.83 $13.81 $16.10 $16.77 $13.40 $14.15 $15.46 $25.52 $13.25 $13.33 $14.27 $17.65 $13.77 $14.50 $25.52 $25.52 $14.65 $16.69 $17.42 $15.65 $14.19 $13.25 $14.88 $13.69 $15.50 $14.54 $13.25 $25.52 $15.50 $13.25 $15.73 $25.52 $13.25
Two-Bedroom $27.27 $19.20 $21.40 $18.15 $17.40 $17.87 $21.58 $21.73 $21.35 $21.17 $21.75 $31.19 $22.08 $22.21 $17.40 $17.92 $31.19 $19.50 $21.50 $22.21 $17.40 $21.17 $17.40 $21.40 $31.19 $18.33 $17.40 $31.19 $18.15 $18.00 $17.40 $17.40 $21.23 $31.19 $22.08 $18.50 $17.40 $17.40 $18.69 $20.12 $17.40 $31.19 $21.58 $18.94 $31.19 $20.37 $17.40 $19.44 $18.00 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $21.73 $18.73 $21.35 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $17.58 $17.69 $18.52 $18.33 $21.75 $17.87 $20.87 $17.40 $21.17 $20.48 $18.04 $22.08 $18.15 $21.15 $22.04 $17.40 $17.87 $20.33 $31.19 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $23.19 $18.10 $18.02 $31.19 $31.19 $18.79 $21.40 $22.21 $20.40 $18.65 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $18.73 $17.40 $31.19 $17.40 $17.40 $19.29 $31.19 $17.40
Three-Bedroom $36.74 $25.31 $28.56 $25.58 $23.73 $25.17 $29.13 $28.88 $30.08 $29.85 $27.69 $42.08 $31.12 $29.44 $24.52 $24.50 $42.08 $26.17 $26.00 $29.44 $24.52 $29.85 $21.67 $28.56 $42.08 $24.23 $24.52 $42.08 $25.58 $24.35 $23.17 $21.69 $26.40 $42.08 $31.12 $24.54 $24.15 $23.73 $23.83 $28.35 $24.52 $42.08 $29.13 $24.48 $42.08 $24.62 $21.98 $25.79 $25.37 $21.04 $21.94 $23.33 $28.88 $22.65 $30.08 $23.67 $24.52 $21.46 $21.71 $23.48 $25.60 $25.83 $27.69 $25.17 $26.50 $24.52 $29.85 $25.00 $21.81 $31.12 $24.79 $26.90 $26.79 $23.02 $25.17 $24.58 $42.08 $23.10 $24.48 $24.52 $31.42 $23.98 $22.06 $42.08 $42.08 $23.94 $28.56 $29.44 $28.75 $26.29 $21.50 $23.38 $24.52 $24.52 $22.65 $24.52 $42.08 $24.52 $24.52 $25.25 $42.08 $21.04
Four-Bedroom $42.03 $28.60 $36.33 $30.81 $27.75 $30.33 $36.62 $36.88 $33.81 $35.92 $36.90 $47.65 $37.46 $35.00 $29.54 $24.58 $47.65 $28.94 $30.31 $35.00 $26.27 $35.92 $29.54 $36.33 $47.65 $27.71 $24.71 $47.65 $30.81 $27.88 $25.17 $24.12 $29.92 $47.65 $37.46 $24.63 $24.23 $27.75 $26.96 $34.13 $29.54 $47.65 $36.62 $29.69 $47.65 $27.52 $24.94 $25.88 $29.69 $26.15 $25.17 $28.31 $36.88 $27.08 $33.81 $25.17 $29.12 $23.17 $29.15 $23.56 $31.42 $28.81 $36.90 $27.65 $29.69 $29.54 $35.92 $27.27 $26.08 $37.46 $26.83 $30.58 $29.83 $29.46 $30.33 $28.27 $47.65 $23.17 $29.15 $28.62 $37.15 $25.27 $24.00 $47.65 $47.65 $25.02 $36.33 $35.00 $34.63 $30.83 $23.17 $23.48 $26.73 $29.54 $24.94 $27.87 $47.65 $25.46 $29.54 $26.33 $47.65 $23.17
Fair Market Rent
Zero-Bedroom $1,026 $712 $762 $656 $684 $731 $760 $774 $804 $897 $855 $1,174 $814 $877 $785 $677 $1,174 $687 $820 $877 $613 $897 $613 $762 $1,174 $791 $613 $1,174 $656 $634 $613 $613 $748 $1,174 $814 $672 $613 $684 $659 $737 $613 $1,174 $760 $668 $1,174 $811 $613 $685 $768 $613 $613 $613 $774 $660 $804 $613 $613 $613 $620 $624 $732 $646 $855 $699 $735 $613 $897 $722 $636 $814 $640 $746 $866 $613 $731 $716 $1,174 $613 $613 $738 $913 $638 $635 $1,174 $1,174 $662 $762 $877 $808 $657 $613 $769 $613 $785 $660 $684 $1,174 $613 $613 $710 $1,174 $613
One-Bedroom $1,150 $783 $868 $781 $689 $736 $866 $860 $845 $903 $861 $1,327 $927 $906 $806 $709 $1,327 $801 $851 $906 $775 $903 $689 $868 $1,327 $849 $767 $1,327 $781 $712 $806 $751 $840 $1,327 $927 $789 $726 $689 $740 $874 $691 $1,327 $866 $750 $1,327 $817 $695 $819 $773 $689 $689 $744 $860 $741 $845 $689 $715 $689 $696 $700 $737 $766 $861 $712 $826 $704 $903 $811 $714 $927 $718 $837 $872 $697 $736 $804 $1,327 $689 $693 $742 $918 $716 $754 $1,327 $1,327 $762 $868 $906 $814 $738 $689 $774 $712 $806 $756 $689 $1,327 $806 $689 $818 $1,327 $689
Two-Bedroom $1,418 $998 $1,113 $944 $905 $929 $1,122 $1,130 $1,110 $1,101 $1,131 $1,622 $1,148 $1,155 $905 $932 $1,622 $1,014 $1,118 $1,155 $905 $1,101 $905 $1,113 $1,622 $953 $905 $1,622 $944 $936 $905 $905 $1,104 $1,622 $1,148 $962 $905 $905 $972 $1,046 $905 $1,622 $1,122 $985 $1,622 $1,059 $905 $1,011 $936 $905 $905 $905 $1,130 $974 $1,110 $905 $905 $905 $914 $920 $963 $953 $1,131 $929 $1,085 $905 $1,101 $1,065 $938 $1,148 $944 $1,100 $1,146 $905 $929 $1,057 $1,622 $905 $905 $905 $1,206 $941 $937 $1,622 $1,622 $977 $1,113 $1,155 $1,061 $970 $905 $905 $905 $905 $974 $905 $1,622 $905 $905 $1,003 $1,622 $905
Three-Bedroom $1,911 $1,316 $1,485 $1,330 $1,234 $1,309 $1,515 $1,502 $1,564 $1,552 $1,440 $2,188 $1,618 $1,531 $1,275 $1,274 $2,188 $1,361 $1,352 $1,531 $1,275 $1,552 $1,127 $1,485 $2,188 $1,260 $1,275 $2,188 $1,330 $1,266 $1,205 $1,128 $1,373 $2,188 $1,618 $1,276 $1,256 $1,234 $1,239 $1,474 $1,275 $2,188 $1,515 $1,273 $2,188 $1,280 $1,143 $1,341 $1,319 $1,094 $1,141 $1,213 $1,502 $1,178 $1,564 $1,231 $1,275 $1,116 $1,129 $1,221 $1,331 $1,343 $1,440 $1,309 $1,378 $1,275 $1,552 $1,300 $1,134 $1,618 $1,289 $1,399 $1,393 $1,197 $1,309 $1,278 $2,188 $1,201 $1,273 $1,275 $1,634 $1,247 $1,147 $2,188 $2,188 $1,245 $1,485 $1,531 $1,495 $1,367 $1,118 $1,216 $1,275 $1,275 $1,178 $1,275 $2,188 $1,275 $1,275 $1,313 $2,188 $1,094
Four-Bedroom $2,186 $1,487 $1,889 $1,602 $1,443 $1,577 $1,904 $1,918 $1,758 $1,868 $1,919 $2,478 $1,948 $1,820 $1,536 $1,278 $2,478 $1,505 $1,576 $1,820 $1,366 $1,868 $1,536 $1,889 $2,478 $1,441 $1,285 $2,478 $1,602 $1,450 $1,309 $1,254 $1,556 $2,478 $1,948 $1,281 $1,260 $1,443 $1,402 $1,775 $1,536 $2,478 $1,904 $1,544 $2,478 $1,431 $1,297 $1,346 $1,544 $1,360 $1,309 $1,472 $1,918 $1,408 $1,758 $1,309 $1,514 $1,205 $1,516 $1,225 $1,634 $1,498 $1,919 $1,438 $1,544 $1,536 $1,868 $1,418 $1,356 $1,948 $1,395 $1,590 $1,551 $1,532 $1,577 $1,470 $2,478 $1,205 $1,516 $1,488 $1,932 $1,314 $1,248 $2,478 $2,478 $1,301 $1,889 $1,820 $1,801 $1,603 $1,205 $1,221 $1,390 $1,536 $1,297 $1,449 $2,478 $1,324 $1,536 $1,369 $2,478 $1,205
Annual Income Needed to Afford
Zero-Bedroom $41,049 $28,460 $30,480 $26,240 $27,360 $29,240 $30,400 $30,960 $32,160 $35,880 $34,200 $46,960 $32,560 $35,080 $31,400 $27,080 $46,960 $27,480 $32,800 $35,080 $24,520 $35,880 $24,520 $30,480 $46,960 $31,640 $24,520 $46,960 $26,240 $25,360 $24,520 $24,520 $29,920 $46,960 $32,560 $26,880 $24,520 $27,360 $26,360 $29,480 $24,520 $46,960 $30,400 $26,720 $46,960 $32,440 $24,520 $27,400 $30,720 $24,520 $24,520 $24,520 $30,960 $26,400 $32,160 $24,520 $24,520 $24,520 $24,800 $24,960 $29,280 $25,840 $34,200 $27,960 $29,400 $24,520 $35,880 $28,880 $25,440 $32,560 $25,600 $29,840 $34,640 $24,520 $29,240 $28,640 $46,960 $24,520 $24,520 $29,520 $36,520 $25,520 $25,400 $46,960 $46,960 $26,480 $30,480 $35,080 $32,320 $26,280 $24,520 $30,760 $24,520 $31,400 $26,400 $27,360 $46,960 $24,520 $24,520 $28,400 $46,960 $24,520
One-Bedroom $45,987 $31,316 $34,720 $31,240 $27,560 $29,440 $34,640 $34,400 $33,800 $36,120 $34,440 $53,080 $37,080 $36,240 $32,240 $28,360 $53,080 $32,040 $34,040 $36,240 $31,000 $36,120 $27,560 $34,720 $53,080 $33,960 $30,680 $53,080 $31,240 $28,480 $32,240 $30,040 $33,600 $53,080 $37,080 $31,560 $29,040 $27,560 $29,600 $34,960 $27,640 $53,080 $34,640 $30,000 $53,080 $32,680 $27,800 $32,760 $30,920 $27,560 $27,560 $29,760 $34,400 $29,640 $33,800 $27,560 $28,600 $27,560 $27,840 $28,000 $29,480 $30,640 $34,440 $28,480 $33,040 $28,160 $36,120 $32,440 $28,560 $37,080 $28,720 $33,480 $34,880 $27,880 $29,440 $32,160 $53,080 $27,560 $27,720 $29,680 $36,720 $28,640 $30,160 $53,080 $53,080 $30,480 $34,720 $36,240 $32,560 $29,520 $27,560 $30,960 $28,480 $32,240 $30,240 $27,560 $53,080 $32,240 $27,560 $32,720 $53,080 $27,560
Two-Bedroom $56,728 $39,940 $44,520 $37,760 $36,200 $37,160 $44,880 $45,200 $44,400 $44,040 $45,240 $64,880 $45,920 $46,200 $36,200 $37,280 $64,880 $40,560 $44,720 $46,200 $36,200 $44,040 $36,200 $44,520 $64,880 $38,120 $36,200 $64,880 $37,760 $37,440 $36,200 $36,200 $44,160 $64,880 $45,920 $38,480 $36,200 $36,200 $38,880 $41,840 $36,200 $64,880 $44,880 $39,400 $64,880 $42,360 $36,200 $40,440 $37,440 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $45,200 $38,960 $44,400 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $36,560 $36,800 $38,520 $38,120 $45,240 $37,160 $43,400 $36,200 $44,040 $42,600 $37,520 $45,920 $37,760 $44,000 $45,840 $36,200 $37,160 $42,280 $64,880 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $48,240 $37,640 $37,480 $64,880 $64,880 $39,080 $44,520 $46,200 $42,440 $38,800 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $38,960 $36,200 $64,880 $36,200 $36,200 $40,120 $64,880 $36,200
Three-Bedroom $76,421 $52,645 $59,400 $53,200 $49,360 $52,360 $60,600 $60,080 $62,560 $62,080 $57,600 $87,520 $64,720 $61,240 $51,000 $50,960 $87,520 $54,440 $54,080 $61,240 $51,000 $62,080 $45,080 $59,400 $87,520 $50,400 $51,000 $87,520 $53,200 $50,640 $48,200 $45,120 $54,920 $87,520 $64,720 $51,040 $50,240 $49,360 $49,560 $58,960 $51,000 $87,520 $60,600 $50,920 $87,520 $51,200 $45,720 $53,640 $52,760 $43,760 $45,640 $48,520 $60,080 $47,120 $62,560 $49,240 $51,000 $44,640 $45,160 $48,840 $53,240 $53,720 $57,600 $52,360 $55,120 $51,000 $62,080 $52,000 $45,360 $64,720 $51,560 $55,960 $55,720 $47,880 $52,360 $51,120 $87,520 $48,040 $50,920 $51,000 $65,360 $49,880 $45,880 $87,520 $87,520 $49,800 $59,400 $61,240 $59,800 $54,680 $44,720 $48,640 $51,000 $51,000 $47,120 $51,000 $87,520 $51,000 $51,000 $52,520 $87,520 $43,760
Four-Bedroom $87,430 $59,482 $75,560 $64,080 $57,720 $63,080 $76,160 $76,720 $70,320 $74,720 $76,760 $99,120 $77,920 $72,800 $61,440 $51,120 $99,120 $60,200 $63,040 $72,800 $54,640 $74,720 $61,440 $75,560 $99,120 $57,640 $51,400 $99,120 $64,080 $58,000 $52,360 $50,160 $62,240 $99,120 $77,920 $51,240 $50,400 $57,720 $56,080 $71,000 $61,440 $99,120 $76,160 $61,760 $99,120 $57,240 $51,880 $53,840 $61,760 $54,400 $52,360 $58,880 $76,720 $56,320 $70,320 $52,360 $60,560 $48,200 $60,640 $49,000 $65,360 $59,920 $76,760 $57,520 $61,760 $61,440 $74,720 $56,720 $54,240 $77,920 $55,800 $63,600 $62,040 $61,280 $63,080 $58,800 $99,120 $48,200 $60,640 $59,520 $77,280 $52,560 $49,920 $99,120 $99,120 $52,040 $75,560 $72,800 $72,040 $64,120 $48,200 $48,840 $55,600 $61,440 $51,880 $57,960 $99,120 $52,960 $61,440 $54,760 $99,120 $48,200
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85
Rent Affordable for a Full-Time Worker at Minimum Wage $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564 $564
Work Hours/Week at Minimum Wage
Zero-Bedroom 73 50 54 47 48 52 54 55 57 64 61 83 58 62 56 48 83 49 58 62 43 64 43 54 83 56 43 83 47 45 43 43 53 83 58 48 43 48 47 52 43 83 54 47 83 57 43 49 54 43 43 43 55 47 57 43 43 43 44 44 52 46 61 50 52 43 64 51 45 58 45 53 61 43 52 51 83 43 43 52 65 45 45 83 83 47 54 62 57 47 43 55 43 56 47 48 83 43 43 50 83 43
One-Bedroom 82 56 62 55 49 52 61 61 60 64 61 94 66 64 57 50 94 57 60 64 55 64 49 62 94 60 54 94 55 50 57 53 60 94 66 56 51 49 52 62 49 94 61 53 94 58 49 58 55 49 49 53 61 53 60 49 51 49 49 50 52 54 61 50 59 50 64 57 51 66 51 59 62 49 52 57 94 49 49 53 65 51 53 94 94 54 62 64 58 52 49 55 50 57 54 49 94 57 49 58 94 49
Two-Bedroom 101 71 79 67 64 66 80 80 79 78 80 115 81 82 64 66 115 72 79 82 64 78 64 79 115 68 64 115 67 66 64 64 78 115 81 68 64 64 69 74 64 115 80 70 115 75 64 72 66 64 64 64 80 69 79 64 64 64 65 65 68 68 80 66 77 64 78 76 67 81 67 78 81 64 66 75 115 64 64 64 86 67 66 115 115 69 79 82 75 69 64 64 64 64 69 64 115 64 64 71 115 64
Three-Bedroom 135 93 105 94 87 93 107 106 111 110 102 155 115 109 90 90 155 96 96 109 90 110 80 105 155 89 90 155 94 90 85 80 97 155 115 90 89 87 88 105 90 155 107 90 155 91 81 95 94 78 81 86 106 84 111 87 90 79 80 87 94 95 102 93 98 90 110 92 80 115 91 99 99 85 93 91 155 85 90 90 116 88 81 155 155 88 105 109 106 97 79 86 90 90 84 90 155 90 90 93 155 78
Four-Bedroom 155 105 134 114 102 112 135 136 125 132 136 176 138 129 109 91 176 107 112 129 97 132 109 134 176 102 91 176 114 103 93 89 110 176 138 91 89 102 99 126 109 176 135 109 176 101 92 95 109 96 93 104 136 100 125 93 107 85 107 87 116 106 136 102 109 109 132 101 96 138 99 113 110 109 112 104 176 85 107 105 137 93 88 176 176 92 134 129 128 114 85 87 99 109 92 103 176 94 109 97 176 85
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payment
SSI Monthly Payment $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024
Rent affordable to SSI recipient $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307 $307
Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $33,949 $27,593 $28,560 $31,770 $28,740 $31,290 $29,520 $28,830 $32,850 $30,180 $26,010 $37,260 $35,160 $29,340 $29,580 $23,190 $37,260 $27,510 $25,740 $29,340 $26,070 $30,180 $27,960 $28,560 $37,260 $24,270 $26,100 $37,260 $31,770 $25,260 $29,100 $26,250 $26,160 $37,260 $35,160 $29,130 $27,180 $28,740 $25,950 $32,010 $26,130 $37,260 $29,520 $25,650 $37,260 $26,340 $27,090 $26,100 $28,530 $29,100 $24,540 $26,730 $28,830 $24,600 $32,850 $25,440 $26,790 $20,220 $29,580 $26,310 $30,750 $29,610 $26,010 $26,220 $27,810 $29,280 $30,180 $24,210 $29,190 $35,160 $27,900 $29,310 $25,320 $25,410 $31,290 $30,060 $37,260 $29,850 $26,310 $27,270 $30,270 $30,090 $27,120 $37,260 $37,260 $29,370 $28,560 $29,340 $32,640 $30,300 $24,210 $24,360 $28,500 $29,580 $24,000 $28,530 $37,260 $26,730 $28,050 $29,460 $37,260 $27,450
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $56,582 $45,989 $47,600 $52,950 $47,900 $52,150 $49,200 $48,050 $54,750 $50,300 $43,350 $62,100 $58,600 $48,900 $49,300 $38,650 $62,100 $45,850 $42,900 $48,900 $43,450 $50,300 $46,600 $47,600 $62,100 $40,450 $43,500 $62,100 $52,950 $42,100 $48,500 $43,750 $43,600 $62,100 $58,600 $48,550 $45,300 $47,900 $43,250 $53,350 $43,550 $62,100 $49,200 $42,750 $62,100 $43,900 $45,150 $43,500 $47,550 $48,500 $40,900 $44,550 $48,050 $41,000 $54,750 $42,400 $44,650 $33,700 $49,300 $43,850 $51,250 $49,350 $43,350 $43,700 $46,350 $48,800 $50,300 $40,350 $48,650 $58,600 $46,500 $48,850 $42,200 $42,350 $52,150 $50,100 $62,100 $49,750 $43,850 $45,450 $50,450 $50,150 $45,200 $62,100 $62,100 $48,950 $47,600 $48,900 $54,400 $50,500 $40,350 $40,600 $47,500 $49,300 $40,000 $47,550 $62,100 $44,550 $46,750 $49,100 $62,100 $45,750
Median Renter Household Income $51,473 $39,231 $35,803 $36,013 $39,816 $32,864 $41,226 $53,088 $43,861 $44,161 $35,294 $57,277 $54,261 $44,861 $38,730 $30,526 $58,209 $37,185 $43,965 $49,033 $34,232 $43,932 $44,867 $42,704 $64,470 $39,816 $37,335 $47,267 $36,013 $31,941 $57,335 $45,520 $39,839 $58,785 $47,354 $42,885 $40,660 $39,816 $37,998 $36,882 $32,737 $59,684 $41,226 $35,692 $40,227 $31,870 $44,876 $41,274 $41,096 $39,348 $34,100 $40,235 $53,088 $33,913 $43,861 $45,722 $36,327 $35,288 $38,868 $37,950 $46,511 $41,392 $35,294 $39,606 $41,645 $41,759 $44,879 $45,635 $30,968 $54,621 $36,760 $49,622 $31,421 $40,178 $32,864 $32,936 $49,745 $34,354 $37,785 $42,080 $38,766 $38,981 $36,751 $54,322 $51,789 $47,078 $34,997 $43,702 $38,321 $38,275 $37,225 $37,344 $38,299 $38,730 $33,384 $36,125 $65,392 $41,323 $39,537 $35,740 $57,705 $39,423
Rent Affordable at Different Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $849 $690 $714 $794 $719 $782 $738 $721 $821 $755 $650 $932 $879 $734 $740 $580 $932 $688 $644 $734 $652 $755 $699 $714 $932 $607 $653 $932 $794 $632 $728 $656 $654 $932 $879 $728 $680 $719 $649 $800 $653 $932 $738 $641 $932 $659 $677 $653 $713 $728 $614 $668 $721 $615 $821 $636 $670 $506 $740 $658 $769 $740 $650 $656 $695 $732 $755 $605 $730 $879 $698 $733 $633 $635 $782 $752 $932 $746 $658 $682 $757 $752 $678 $932 $932 $734 $714 $734 $816 $758 $605 $609 $713 $740 $600 $713 $932 $668 $701 $737 $932 $686
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $1,415 $1,150 $1,190 $1,324 $1,198 $1,304 $1,230 $1,201 $1,369 $1,258 $1,084 $1,553 $1,465 $1,223 $1,233 $966 $1,553 $1,146 $1,073 $1,223 $1,086 $1,258 $1,165 $1,190 $1,553 $1,011 $1,088 $1,553 $1,324 $1,053 $1,213 $1,094 $1,090 $1,553 $1,465 $1,214 $1,133 $1,198 $1,081 $1,334 $1,089 $1,553 $1,230 $1,069 $1,553 $1,098 $1,129 $1,088 $1,189 $1,213 $1,023 $1,114 $1,201 $1,025 $1,369 $1,060 $1,116 $843 $1,233 $1,096 $1,281 $1,234 $1,084 $1,093 $1,159 $1,220 $1,258 $1,009 $1,216 $1,465 $1,163 $1,221 $1,055 $1,059 $1,304 $1,253 $1,553 $1,244 $1,096 $1,136 $1,261 $1,254 $1,130 $1,553 $1,553 $1,224 $1,190 $1,223 $1,360 $1,263 $1,009 $1,015 $1,188 $1,233 $1,000 $1,189 $1,553 $1,114 $1,169 $1,228 $1,553 $1,144
Median Renter Household Income $1,287 $981 $895 $900 $995 $822 $1,031 $1,327 $1,097 $1,104 $882 $1,432 $1,357 $1,122 $968 $763 $1,455 $930 $1,099 $1,226 $856 $1,098 $1,122 $1,068 $1,612 $995 $933 $1,182 $900 $799 $1,433 $1,138 $996 $1,470 $1,184 $1,072 $1,017 $995 $950 $922 $818 $1,492 $1,031 $892 $1,006 $797 $1,122 $1,032 $1,027 $984 $853 $1,006 $1,327 $848 $1,097 $1,143 $908 $882 $972 $949 $1,163 $1,035 $882 $990 $1,041 $1,044 $1,122 $1,141 $774 $1,366 $919 $1,241 $786 $1,004 $822 $823 $1,244 $859 $945 $1,052 $969 $975 $919 $1,358 $1,295 $1,177 $875 $1,093 $958 $957 $931 $934 $957 $968 $835 $903 $1,635 $1,033 $988 $893 $1,443 $986

Median Wages for State’s Most Common Occupations

Occupation Total Employment Median Hourly Wage
Waiters and Waitresses 38,760 $11.75
Bartenders 20,170 $12.97
Fast Food and Counter Workers 57,230 $14.70
Cashiers 58,840 $15.22
Food Preparation Workers 18,860 $16.65
Home Health and Personal Care Aides 112,010 $16.96
Retail Salespersons 67,280 $17.19
Stockers and Order Fillers 41,170 $18.39
Cooks, Restaurant 27,440 $18.46
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 42,750 $18.49
Nursing Assistants 26,910 $20.66
Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators 47,040 $21.11
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 54,740 $21.82
One-Bedroom Housing Wage $22.11
Office Clerks, General 56,580 $22.69
First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers 19,950 $22.98
Customer Service Representatives 61,870 $23.11
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 30,810 $23.74
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 28,110 $24.44
All Occupations 2,881,100 $25.06
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 29,000 $25.32
Two-bedrooom Housing Wage $27.27
Construction Laborers 24,540 $27.40
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 39,390 $29.27
Sales Representatives of Services, Except Advertising, Insurance, Financial Services, and Travel 19,390 $34.68
First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers 23,870 $34.81
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products 32,210 $37.01
Accountants and Auditors 30,370 $38.53
Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists 22,940 $38.90
Management Analysts 20,780 $45.46
General and Operations Managers 76,670 $46.78
Registered Nurses 66,700 $47.92
Software Developers 38,570 $61.75