


State Facts

Minimum Wage $12.30
2-Bedroom Housing Wage $20.83
Number of Renter Households 796,470
Number of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Number of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI

Affordable Rent for Low Income Households

Minimum Wage Worker


Household at 30% of Area Median Income


Household at 50% of Area Median Income


Fair Market Rent

1-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


2-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


Working at minimum wage $12.30/hr

Each week you have to work 55 hours

To afford a modest 1 bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent

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Missouri Missouri Non-metropolitan areas Bates County HMFA Callaway County HMFA Cape Girardeau MSA Columbia HMFA Cooper County HMFA Dallas County HMFA Howard County HMFA Jefferson City HMFA Joplin MSA Kansas City HMFA Moniteau County HMFA Polk County HMFA Springfield HMFA St. Joseph MSA St. Louis HMFA Adair County Andrew County Atchison County Audrain County Barry County Barton County Bates County Benton County Bollinger County Boone County Buchanan County Butler County Caldwell County Callaway County Camden County Cape Girardeau County Carroll County Carter County Cass County Cedar County Chariton County Christian County Clark County Clay County Clinton County Cole County Cooper County Crawford County Dade County Dallas County Daviess County DeKalb County Dent County Douglas County Dunklin County Franklin County Gasconade County Gentry County Greene County Grundy County Harrison County Henry County Hickory County Holt County Howard County Howell County Iron County Jackson County Jasper County Jefferson County Johnson County Knox County Laclede County Lafayette County Lawrence County Lewis County Lincoln County Linn County Livingston County Macon County Madison County Maries County Marion County McDonald County Mercer County Miller County Mississippi County Moniteau County Monroe County Montgomery County Morgan County New Madrid County Newton County Nodaway County Oregon County Osage County Ozark County Pemiscot County Perry County Pettis County Phelps County Pike County Platte County Polk County Pulaski County Putnam County Ralls County Randolph County Ray County Reynolds County Ripley County Saline County Schuyler County Scotland County Scott County Shannon County Shelby County St. Charles County St. Clair County St. Francois County St. Louis city St. Louis County Ste. Genevieve County Stoddard County Stone County Sullivan County Taney County Texas County Vernon County Warren County Washington County Wayne County Webster County Worth County Wright County
Number of Households
Total 2,458,324 575,494 5,929 15,981 35,369 74,269 6,125 6,604 3,350 35,371 69,472 515,004 5,691 11,803 178,237 43,943 875,682 8,864 6,865 2,351 8,968 13,415 4,477 5,929 8,146 3,791 74,269 33,363 16,269 3,480 15,981 16,494 31,578 3,367 1,925 41,524 5,476 2,591 33,411 2,300 99,501 8,047 30,151 6,125 9,285 3,020 6,604 3,016 3,715 5,825 4,616 11,134 41,512 5,970 2,347 131,109 3,806 3,013 9,241 3,504 1,744 3,350 15,433 3,821 298,908 47,481 86,455 20,613 1,154 14,345 12,165 14,629 3,329 21,961 4,773 5,463 5,848 4,633 3,602 11,295 8,399 1,253 10,116 4,612 5,691 3,425 4,644 7,820 6,769 21,991 8,261 3,383 5,220 3,654 6,275 7,329 16,696 17,730 6,307 42,606 11,803 15,653 1,768 4,014 9,101 8,773 2,309 3,936 7,808 1,264 1,527 15,160 2,753 2,362 156,381 3,955 23,973 143,059 413,247 7,121 11,472 12,726 1,991 21,595 9,335 7,776 13,067 9,032 4,490 13,717 773 6,825
Renter 796,470 164,006 1,594 3,629 11,112 31,516 1,417 1,610 613 10,750 23,116 187,290 1,322 3,342 67,959 14,817 272,377 3,381 1,482 658 2,509 3,595 1,333 1,594 1,414 739 31,516 12,215 5,633 696 3,629 2,986 10,373 973 590 9,902 1,448 475 8,043 496 31,651 1,936 9,872 1,417 2,491 716 1,610 663 1,120 1,465 864 4,175 9,306 1,152 572 56,711 1,208 863 2,572 615 373 613 4,809 837 123,945 17,467 16,676 7,598 173 4,284 2,971 4,271 778 4,579 1,101 1,664 1,352 1,003 913 3,516 2,801 259 2,497 1,849 1,322 827 1,192 1,578 2,380 5,649 3,022 984 878 759 2,745 1,636 5,012 7,073 1,659 14,305 3,342 6,699 331 523 2,892 1,884 453 801 2,153 327 303 4,761 503 620 30,125 932 7,398 78,886 130,240 1,331 3,299 1,933 513 7,194 2,214 2,250 2,565 1,935 1,153 3,205 155 1,541
Percent Renters 32% 28% 27% 23% 31% 42% 23% 24% 18% 30% 33% 36% 23% 28% 38% 34% 31% 38% 22% 28% 28% 27% 30% 27% 17% 19% 42% 37% 35% 20% 23% 18% 33% 29% 31% 24% 26% 18% 24% 22% 32% 24% 33% 23% 27% 24% 24% 22% 30% 25% 19% 37% 22% 19% 24% 43% 32% 29% 28% 18% 21% 18% 31% 22% 41% 37% 19% 37% 15% 30% 24% 29% 23% 21% 23% 30% 23% 22% 25% 31% 33% 21% 25% 40% 23% 24% 26% 20% 35% 26% 37% 29% 17% 21% 44% 22% 30% 40% 26% 34% 28% 43% 19% 13% 32% 21% 20% 20% 28% 26% 20% 31% 18% 26% 19% 24% 31% 55% 32% 19% 29% 15% 26% 33% 24% 29% 20% 21% 26% 23% 20% 23%
Housing Wage
Zero-Bedroom $15.94 $12.02 $12.42 $13.62 $13.17 $13.50 $10.67 $11.60 $11.23 $12.42 $13.88 $18.94 $11.96 $12.27 $13.81 $12.56 $17.85 $10.42 $12.56 $11.56 $11.56 $11.60 $11.56 $12.42 $11.85 $13.17 $13.50 $12.56 $11.58 $18.94 $13.62 $12.58 $13.17 $11.56 $11.56 $18.94 $11.56 $11.56 $13.81 $11.56 $18.94 $18.94 $12.42 $10.67 $10.38 $11.56 $11.60 $11.56 $12.56 $11.56 $11.56 $11.56 $17.85 $11.56 $11.56 $13.81 $11.56 $11.56 $11.60 $10.38 $11.56 $11.23 $11.56 $11.56 $18.94 $13.88 $17.85 $12.87 $11.87 $11.56 $18.94 $11.83 $10.42 $17.85 $11.56 $11.77 $10.38 $11.56 $11.56 $11.96 $12.13 $11.56 $12.46 $11.56 $11.96 $11.56 $11.60 $11.56 $12.10 $13.88 $12.23 $11.56 $12.42 $12.46 $11.56 $12.23 $13.29 $12.42 $11.88 $18.94 $12.27 $14.21 $11.56 $12.31 $11.56 $18.94 $11.62 $11.56 $11.79 $10.38 $11.56 $12.54 $12.23 $11.56 $17.85 $10.38 $11.87 $17.85 $17.85 $13.02 $11.56 $11.79 $10.38 $13.90 $11.56 $12.54 $17.85 $11.56 $11.56 $13.81 $11.96 $11.56
One-Bedroom $17.03 $12.47 $12.50 $13.71 $14.27 $16.56 $12.08 $11.67 $12.62 $12.50 $14.25 $21.12 $12.04 $12.35 $13.90 $14.12 $18.69 $11.71 $14.12 $11.67 $12.13 $11.67 $12.67 $12.50 $11.96 $14.27 $16.56 $14.12 $11.67 $21.12 $13.71 $12.71 $14.27 $11.67 $11.67 $21.12 $11.67 $11.69 $13.90 $11.67 $21.12 $21.12 $12.50 $12.08 $12.21 $12.13 $11.67 $11.67 $14.12 $11.67 $11.67 $11.90 $18.69 $11.67 $11.87 $13.90 $11.81 $11.79 $11.67 $12.17 $11.67 $12.62 $11.67 $13.65 $21.12 $14.25 $18.69 $13.69 $11.98 $11.67 $21.12 $11.90 $11.67 $18.69 $11.67 $11.88 $11.67 $11.67 $13.65 $12.87 $12.21 $11.67 $14.67 $11.67 $12.04 $11.67 $11.67 $13.60 $12.21 $14.25 $12.94 $11.67 $12.50 $12.60 $13.65 $13.69 $13.40 $12.65 $12.00 $21.12 $12.35 $14.31 $12.56 $12.42 $11.67 $21.12 $11.73 $12.06 $11.90 $11.67 $11.67 $12.65 $12.35 $11.87 $18.69 $11.67 $11.98 $18.69 $18.69 $13.13 $11.67 $11.87 $11.67 $14.00 $13.65 $12.65 $18.69 $11.67 $13.44 $13.90 $12.08 $11.67
Two-Bedroom $20.83 $15.98 $16.42 $18.02 $17.94 $19.90 $15.75 $15.33 $16.58 $15.85 $17.75 $24.19 $15.83 $15.33 $17.71 $18.54 $23.25 $15.38 $18.54 $15.33 $15.33 $15.33 $15.33 $16.42 $15.71 $17.94 $19.90 $18.54 $15.35 $24.19 $18.02 $16.69 $17.94 $15.33 $15.33 $24.19 $15.33 $15.33 $17.71 $15.33 $24.19 $24.19 $15.85 $15.75 $15.33 $15.33 $15.33 $15.33 $18.54 $15.33 $15.33 $15.33 $23.25 $15.33 $15.33 $17.71 $15.33 $15.33 $15.33 $15.33 $15.33 $16.58 $15.33 $15.33 $24.19 $17.75 $23.25 $16.17 $15.73 $15.33 $24.19 $15.33 $15.33 $23.25 $15.33 $15.62 $15.33 $15.33 $15.33 $15.92 $15.33 $15.33 $16.54 $15.33 $15.83 $15.33 $15.33 $15.33 $16.04 $17.75 $16.23 $15.33 $15.85 $16.54 $15.33 $16.23 $17.62 $16.63 $15.77 $24.19 $15.33 $18.81 $15.33 $16.33 $15.33 $24.19 $15.40 $15.33 $15.63 $15.33 $15.33 $16.63 $16.21 $15.33 $23.25 $15.33 $15.75 $23.25 $23.25 $17.27 $15.33 $15.60 $15.33 $18.38 $15.33 $16.63 $23.25 $15.33 $15.33 $17.71 $15.87 $15.33
Three-Bedroom $27.37 $21.32 $21.37 $21.79 $25.29 $26.65 $20.04 $21.29 $20.04 $22.33 $22.63 $31.63 $20.48 $20.96 $24.50 $23.52 $30.10 $21.67 $23.52 $18.54 $19.77 $21.60 $20.71 $21.37 $20.60 $25.29 $26.65 $23.52 $20.96 $31.63 $21.79 $22.15 $25.29 $21.56 $19.63 $31.63 $20.58 $20.27 $24.50 $19.75 $31.63 $31.63 $22.33 $20.04 $21.13 $21.60 $21.29 $20.79 $23.52 $19.38 $18.54 $19.83 $30.10 $18.54 $21.00 $24.50 $20.46 $18.54 $20.33 $21.19 $18.79 $20.04 $21.56 $19.87 $31.63 $22.63 $30.10 $22.79 $19.02 $20.40 $31.63 $21.60 $19.75 $30.10 $18.54 $20.06 $21.60 $20.69 $20.60 $22.44 $20.21 $21.60 $20.00 $20.75 $20.48 $18.54 $21.60 $20.33 $19.38 $22.63 $20.50 $21.60 $22.33 $20.00 $20.25 $22.60 $22.98 $22.33 $19.06 $31.63 $20.96 $26.50 $20.56 $21.27 $21.60 $31.63 $18.63 $18.54 $21.65 $18.54 $21.60 $21.06 $19.60 $19.69 $30.10 $18.54 $21.48 $30.10 $30.10 $20.88 $19.94 $21.98 $18.58 $24.29 $20.27 $21.08 $30.10 $18.54 $19.75 $24.50 $22.37 $21.54
Four-Bedroom $31.62 $24.34 $27.87 $26.54 $29.62 $31.15 $26.73 $21.37 $25.92 $23.21 $24.38 $37.13 $22.31 $24.71 $27.58 $25.60 $34.96 $26.12 $25.60 $21.08 $20.40 $22.27 $25.19 $27.87 $23.60 $29.62 $31.15 $25.60 $23.25 $37.13 $26.54 $22.23 $29.62 $23.35 $23.40 $37.13 $23.40 $23.38 $27.58 $23.40 $37.13 $37.13 $23.21 $26.73 $23.06 $25.40 $21.37 $23.87 $25.60 $22.02 $23.40 $21.85 $34.96 $25.50 $26.02 $27.58 $23.40 $20.58 $20.40 $23.40 $23.67 $25.92 $23.06 $24.08 $37.13 $24.38 $34.96 $27.44 $24.02 $26.02 $37.13 $23.63 $20.40 $34.96 $20.40 $20.79 $21.90 $26.02 $23.40 $23.23 $26.02 $23.40 $25.40 $26.02 $22.31 $23.00 $23.23 $20.40 $21.37 $24.38 $27.54 $23.58 $23.21 $22.02 $21.33 $25.27 $25.73 $22.46 $21.00 $37.13 $24.71 $31.92 $23.40 $27.71 $23.42 $37.13 $23.52 $23.71 $23.87 $20.40 $23.40 $22.15 $24.75 $24.77 $34.96 $23.40 $21.58 $34.96 $34.96 $26.37 $24.21 $26.46 $20.40 $31.19 $26.02 $26.52 $34.96 $23.12 $26.02 $27.58 $24.21 $23.27
Fair Market Rent
Zero-Bedroom $829 $625 $646 $708 $685 $702 $555 $603 $584 $646 $722 $985 $622 $638 $718 $653 $928 $542 $653 $601 $601 $603 $601 $646 $616 $685 $702 $653 $602 $985 $708 $654 $685 $601 $601 $985 $601 $601 $718 $601 $985 $985 $646 $555 $540 $601 $603 $601 $653 $601 $601 $601 $928 $601 $601 $718 $601 $601 $603 $540 $601 $584 $601 $601 $985 $722 $928 $669 $617 $601 $985 $615 $542 $928 $601 $612 $540 $601 $601 $622 $631 $601 $648 $601 $622 $601 $603 $601 $629 $722 $636 $601 $646 $648 $601 $636 $691 $646 $618 $985 $638 $739 $601 $640 $601 $985 $604 $601 $613 $540 $601 $652 $636 $601 $928 $540 $617 $928 $928 $677 $601 $613 $540 $723 $601 $652 $928 $601 $601 $718 $622 $601
One-Bedroom $885 $649 $650 $713 $742 $861 $628 $607 $656 $650 $741 $1,098 $626 $642 $723 $734 $972 $609 $734 $607 $631 $607 $659 $650 $622 $742 $861 $734 $607 $1,098 $713 $661 $742 $607 $607 $1,098 $607 $608 $723 $607 $1,098 $1,098 $650 $628 $635 $631 $607 $607 $734 $607 $607 $619 $972 $607 $617 $723 $614 $613 $607 $633 $607 $656 $607 $710 $1,098 $741 $972 $712 $623 $607 $1,098 $619 $607 $972 $607 $618 $607 $607 $710 $669 $635 $607 $763 $607 $626 $607 $607 $707 $635 $741 $673 $607 $650 $655 $710 $712 $697 $658 $624 $1,098 $642 $744 $653 $646 $607 $1,098 $610 $627 $619 $607 $607 $658 $642 $617 $972 $607 $623 $972 $972 $683 $607 $617 $607 $728 $710 $658 $972 $607 $699 $723 $628 $607
Two-Bedroom $1,083 $831 $854 $937 $933 $1,035 $819 $797 $862 $824 $923 $1,258 $823 $797 $921 $964 $1,209 $800 $964 $797 $797 $797 $797 $854 $817 $933 $1,035 $964 $798 $1,258 $937 $868 $933 $797 $797 $1,258 $797 $797 $921 $797 $1,258 $1,258 $824 $819 $797 $797 $797 $797 $964 $797 $797 $797 $1,209 $797 $797 $921 $797 $797 $797 $797 $797 $862 $797 $797 $1,258 $923 $1,209 $841 $818 $797 $1,258 $797 $797 $1,209 $797 $812 $797 $797 $797 $828 $797 $797 $860 $797 $823 $797 $797 $797 $834 $923 $844 $797 $824 $860 $797 $844 $916 $865 $820 $1,258 $797 $978 $797 $849 $797 $1,258 $801 $797 $813 $797 $797 $865 $843 $797 $1,209 $797 $819 $1,209 $1,209 $898 $797 $811 $797 $956 $797 $865 $1,209 $797 $797 $921 $825 $797
Three-Bedroom $1,423 $1,109 $1,111 $1,133 $1,315 $1,386 $1,042 $1,107 $1,042 $1,161 $1,177 $1,645 $1,065 $1,090 $1,274 $1,223 $1,565 $1,127 $1,223 $964 $1,028 $1,123 $1,077 $1,111 $1,071 $1,315 $1,386 $1,223 $1,090 $1,645 $1,133 $1,152 $1,315 $1,121 $1,021 $1,645 $1,070 $1,054 $1,274 $1,027 $1,645 $1,645 $1,161 $1,042 $1,099 $1,123 $1,107 $1,081 $1,223 $1,008 $964 $1,031 $1,565 $964 $1,092 $1,274 $1,064 $964 $1,057 $1,102 $977 $1,042 $1,121 $1,033 $1,645 $1,177 $1,565 $1,185 $989 $1,061 $1,645 $1,123 $1,027 $1,565 $964 $1,043 $1,123 $1,076 $1,071 $1,167 $1,051 $1,123 $1,040 $1,079 $1,065 $964 $1,123 $1,057 $1,008 $1,177 $1,066 $1,123 $1,161 $1,040 $1,053 $1,175 $1,195 $1,161 $991 $1,645 $1,090 $1,378 $1,069 $1,106 $1,123 $1,645 $969 $964 $1,126 $964 $1,123 $1,095 $1,019 $1,024 $1,565 $964 $1,117 $1,565 $1,565 $1,086 $1,037 $1,143 $966 $1,263 $1,054 $1,096 $1,565 $964 $1,027 $1,274 $1,163 $1,120
Four-Bedroom $1,644 $1,266 $1,449 $1,380 $1,540 $1,620 $1,390 $1,111 $1,348 $1,207 $1,268 $1,931 $1,160 $1,285 $1,434 $1,331 $1,818 $1,358 $1,331 $1,096 $1,061 $1,158 $1,310 $1,449 $1,227 $1,540 $1,620 $1,331 $1,209 $1,931 $1,380 $1,156 $1,540 $1,214 $1,217 $1,931 $1,217 $1,216 $1,434 $1,217 $1,931 $1,931 $1,207 $1,390 $1,199 $1,321 $1,111 $1,241 $1,331 $1,145 $1,217 $1,136 $1,818 $1,326 $1,353 $1,434 $1,217 $1,070 $1,061 $1,217 $1,231 $1,348 $1,199 $1,252 $1,931 $1,268 $1,818 $1,427 $1,249 $1,353 $1,931 $1,229 $1,061 $1,818 $1,061 $1,081 $1,139 $1,353 $1,217 $1,208 $1,353 $1,217 $1,321 $1,353 $1,160 $1,196 $1,208 $1,061 $1,111 $1,268 $1,432 $1,226 $1,207 $1,145 $1,109 $1,314 $1,338 $1,168 $1,092 $1,931 $1,285 $1,660 $1,217 $1,441 $1,218 $1,931 $1,223 $1,233 $1,241 $1,061 $1,217 $1,152 $1,287 $1,288 $1,818 $1,217 $1,122 $1,818 $1,818 $1,371 $1,259 $1,376 $1,061 $1,622 $1,353 $1,379 $1,818 $1,202 $1,353 $1,434 $1,259 $1,210
Annual Income Needed to Afford
Zero-Bedroom $33,162 $25,011 $25,840 $28,320 $27,400 $28,080 $22,200 $24,120 $23,360 $25,840 $28,880 $39,400 $24,880 $25,520 $28,720 $26,120 $37,120 $21,680 $26,120 $24,040 $24,040 $24,120 $24,040 $25,840 $24,640 $27,400 $28,080 $26,120 $24,080 $39,400 $28,320 $26,160 $27,400 $24,040 $24,040 $39,400 $24,040 $24,040 $28,720 $24,040 $39,400 $39,400 $25,840 $22,200 $21,600 $24,040 $24,120 $24,040 $26,120 $24,040 $24,040 $24,040 $37,120 $24,040 $24,040 $28,720 $24,040 $24,040 $24,120 $21,600 $24,040 $23,360 $24,040 $24,040 $39,400 $28,880 $37,120 $26,760 $24,680 $24,040 $39,400 $24,600 $21,680 $37,120 $24,040 $24,480 $21,600 $24,040 $24,040 $24,880 $25,240 $24,040 $25,920 $24,040 $24,880 $24,040 $24,120 $24,040 $25,160 $28,880 $25,440 $24,040 $25,840 $25,920 $24,040 $25,440 $27,640 $25,840 $24,720 $39,400 $25,520 $29,560 $24,040 $25,600 $24,040 $39,400 $24,160 $24,040 $24,520 $21,600 $24,040 $26,080 $25,440 $24,040 $37,120 $21,600 $24,680 $37,120 $37,120 $27,080 $24,040 $24,520 $21,600 $28,920 $24,040 $26,080 $37,120 $24,040 $24,040 $28,720 $24,880 $24,040
One-Bedroom $35,413 $25,940 $26,000 $28,520 $29,680 $34,440 $25,120 $24,280 $26,240 $26,000 $29,640 $43,920 $25,040 $25,680 $28,920 $29,360 $38,880 $24,360 $29,360 $24,280 $25,240 $24,280 $26,360 $26,000 $24,880 $29,680 $34,440 $29,360 $24,280 $43,920 $28,520 $26,440 $29,680 $24,280 $24,280 $43,920 $24,280 $24,320 $28,920 $24,280 $43,920 $43,920 $26,000 $25,120 $25,400 $25,240 $24,280 $24,280 $29,360 $24,280 $24,280 $24,760 $38,880 $24,280 $24,680 $28,920 $24,560 $24,520 $24,280 $25,320 $24,280 $26,240 $24,280 $28,400 $43,920 $29,640 $38,880 $28,480 $24,920 $24,280 $43,920 $24,760 $24,280 $38,880 $24,280 $24,720 $24,280 $24,280 $28,400 $26,760 $25,400 $24,280 $30,520 $24,280 $25,040 $24,280 $24,280 $28,280 $25,400 $29,640 $26,920 $24,280 $26,000 $26,200 $28,400 $28,480 $27,880 $26,320 $24,960 $43,920 $25,680 $29,760 $26,120 $25,840 $24,280 $43,920 $24,400 $25,080 $24,760 $24,280 $24,280 $26,320 $25,680 $24,680 $38,880 $24,280 $24,920 $38,880 $38,880 $27,320 $24,280 $24,680 $24,280 $29,120 $28,400 $26,320 $38,880 $24,280 $27,960 $28,920 $25,120 $24,280
Two-Bedroom $43,330 $33,247 $34,160 $37,480 $37,320 $41,400 $32,760 $31,880 $34,480 $32,960 $36,920 $50,320 $32,920 $31,880 $36,840 $38,560 $48,360 $32,000 $38,560 $31,880 $31,880 $31,880 $31,880 $34,160 $32,680 $37,320 $41,400 $38,560 $31,920 $50,320 $37,480 $34,720 $37,320 $31,880 $31,880 $50,320 $31,880 $31,880 $36,840 $31,880 $50,320 $50,320 $32,960 $32,760 $31,880 $31,880 $31,880 $31,880 $38,560 $31,880 $31,880 $31,880 $48,360 $31,880 $31,880 $36,840 $31,880 $31,880 $31,880 $31,880 $31,880 $34,480 $31,880 $31,880 $50,320 $36,920 $48,360 $33,640 $32,720 $31,880 $50,320 $31,880 $31,880 $48,360 $31,880 $32,480 $31,880 $31,880 $31,880 $33,120 $31,880 $31,880 $34,400 $31,880 $32,920 $31,880 $31,880 $31,880 $33,360 $36,920 $33,760 $31,880 $32,960 $34,400 $31,880 $33,760 $36,640 $34,600 $32,800 $50,320 $31,880 $39,120 $31,880 $33,960 $31,880 $50,320 $32,040 $31,880 $32,520 $31,880 $31,880 $34,600 $33,720 $31,880 $48,360 $31,880 $32,760 $48,360 $48,360 $35,920 $31,880 $32,440 $31,880 $38,240 $31,880 $34,600 $48,360 $31,880 $31,880 $36,840 $33,000 $31,880
Three-Bedroom $56,936 $44,344 $44,440 $45,320 $52,600 $55,440 $41,680 $44,280 $41,680 $46,440 $47,080 $65,800 $42,600 $43,600 $50,960 $48,920 $62,600 $45,080 $48,920 $38,560 $41,120 $44,920 $43,080 $44,440 $42,840 $52,600 $55,440 $48,920 $43,600 $65,800 $45,320 $46,080 $52,600 $44,840 $40,840 $65,800 $42,800 $42,160 $50,960 $41,080 $65,800 $65,800 $46,440 $41,680 $43,960 $44,920 $44,280 $43,240 $48,920 $40,320 $38,560 $41,240 $62,600 $38,560 $43,680 $50,960 $42,560 $38,560 $42,280 $44,080 $39,080 $41,680 $44,840 $41,320 $65,800 $47,080 $62,600 $47,400 $39,560 $42,440 $65,800 $44,920 $41,080 $62,600 $38,560 $41,720 $44,920 $43,040 $42,840 $46,680 $42,040 $44,920 $41,600 $43,160 $42,600 $38,560 $44,920 $42,280 $40,320 $47,080 $42,640 $44,920 $46,440 $41,600 $42,120 $47,000 $47,800 $46,440 $39,640 $65,800 $43,600 $55,120 $42,760 $44,240 $44,920 $65,800 $38,760 $38,560 $45,040 $38,560 $44,920 $43,800 $40,760 $40,960 $62,600 $38,560 $44,680 $62,600 $62,600 $43,440 $41,480 $45,720 $38,640 $50,520 $42,160 $43,840 $62,600 $38,560 $41,080 $50,960 $46,520 $44,800
Four-Bedroom $65,778 $50,624 $57,960 $55,200 $61,600 $64,800 $55,600 $44,440 $53,920 $48,280 $50,720 $77,240 $46,400 $51,400 $57,360 $53,240 $72,720 $54,320 $53,240 $43,840 $42,440 $46,320 $52,400 $57,960 $49,080 $61,600 $64,800 $53,240 $48,360 $77,240 $55,200 $46,240 $61,600 $48,560 $48,680 $77,240 $48,680 $48,640 $57,360 $48,680 $77,240 $77,240 $48,280 $55,600 $47,960 $52,840 $44,440 $49,640 $53,240 $45,800 $48,680 $45,440 $72,720 $53,040 $54,120 $57,360 $48,680 $42,800 $42,440 $48,680 $49,240 $53,920 $47,960 $50,080 $77,240 $50,720 $72,720 $57,080 $49,960 $54,120 $77,240 $49,160 $42,440 $72,720 $42,440 $43,240 $45,560 $54,120 $48,680 $48,320 $54,120 $48,680 $52,840 $54,120 $46,400 $47,840 $48,320 $42,440 $44,440 $50,720 $57,280 $49,040 $48,280 $45,800 $44,360 $52,560 $53,520 $46,720 $43,680 $77,240 $51,400 $66,400 $48,680 $57,640 $48,720 $77,240 $48,920 $49,320 $49,640 $42,440 $48,680 $46,080 $51,480 $51,520 $72,720 $48,680 $44,880 $72,720 $72,720 $54,840 $50,360 $55,040 $42,440 $64,880 $54,120 $55,160 $72,720 $48,080 $54,120 $57,360 $50,360 $48,400
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30
Rent Affordable for a Full-Time Worker at Minimum Wage $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639 $639
Work Hours/Week at Minimum Wage
Zero-Bedroom 52 39 40 44 43 44 35 38 37 40 45 62 39 40 45 41 58 34 41 38 38 38 38 40 39 43 44 41 38 62 44 41 43 38 38 62 38 38 45 38 62 62 40 35 34 38 38 38 41 38 38 38 58 38 38 45 38 38 38 34 38 37 38 38 62 45 58 42 39 38 62 38 34 58 38 38 34 38 38 39 39 38 41 38 39 38 38 38 39 45 40 38 40 41 38 40 43 40 39 62 40 46 38 40 38 62 38 38 38 34 38 41 40 38 58 34 39 58 58 42 38 38 34 45 38 41 58 38 38 45 39 38
One-Bedroom 55 41 41 45 46 54 39 38 41 41 46 69 39 40 45 46 61 38 46 38 39 38 41 41 39 46 54 46 38 69 45 41 46 38 38 69 38 38 45 38 69 69 41 39 40 39 38 38 46 38 38 39 61 38 39 45 38 38 38 40 38 41 38 44 69 46 61 45 39 38 69 39 38 61 38 39 38 38 44 42 40 38 48 38 39 38 38 44 40 46 42 38 41 41 44 45 44 41 39 69 40 47 41 40 38 69 38 39 39 38 38 41 40 39 61 38 39 61 61 43 38 39 38 46 44 41 61 38 44 45 39 38
Two-Bedroom 68 52 53 59 58 65 51 50 54 52 58 79 51 50 58 60 76 50 60 50 50 50 50 53 51 58 65 60 50 79 59 54 58 50 50 79 50 50 58 50 79 79 52 51 50 50 50 50 60 50 50 50 76 50 50 58 50 50 50 50 50 54 50 50 79 58 76 53 51 50 79 50 50 76 50 51 50 50 50 52 50 50 54 50 51 50 50 50 52 58 53 50 52 54 50 53 57 54 51 79 50 61 50 53 50 79 50 50 51 50 50 54 53 50 76 50 51 76 76 56 50 51 50 60 50 54 76 50 50 58 52 50
Three-Bedroom 89 69 69 71 82 87 65 69 65 73 74 103 67 68 80 76 98 70 76 60 64 70 67 69 67 82 87 76 68 103 71 72 82 70 64 103 67 66 80 64 103 103 73 65 69 70 69 68 76 63 60 64 98 60 68 80 67 60 66 69 61 65 70 65 103 74 98 74 62 66 103 70 64 98 60 65 70 67 67 73 66 70 65 67 67 60 70 66 63 74 67 70 73 65 66 73 75 73 62 103 68 86 67 69 70 103 61 60 70 60 70 68 64 64 98 60 70 98 98 68 65 71 60 79 66 69 98 60 64 80 73 70
Four-Bedroom 103 79 91 86 96 101 87 69 84 75 79 121 73 80 90 83 114 85 83 69 66 72 82 91 77 96 101 83 76 121 86 72 96 76 76 121 76 76 90 76 121 121 75 87 75 83 69 78 83 72 76 71 114 83 85 90 76 67 66 76 77 84 75 78 121 79 114 89 78 85 121 77 66 114 66 68 71 85 76 76 85 76 83 85 73 75 76 66 69 79 90 77 75 72 69 82 84 73 68 121 80 104 76 90 76 121 76 77 78 66 76 72 80 81 114 76 70 114 114 86 79 86 66 101 85 86 114 75 85 90 79 76
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payment
SSI Monthly Payment $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943
Rent affordable to SSI recipient $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283
Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $27,549 $21,116 $23,430 $26,520 $24,930 $30,840 $24,300 $19,560 $22,860 $30,420 $21,990 $30,930 $26,730 $21,510 $24,450 $24,450 $30,960 $23,280 $24,450 $21,300 $20,160 $21,450 $19,440 $23,430 $20,880 $24,930 $30,840 $24,450 $19,290 $30,930 $26,520 $24,510 $24,930 $23,370 $24,630 $30,930 $18,390 $23,670 $24,450 $22,050 $30,930 $30,930 $30,420 $24,300 $21,210 $19,950 $19,560 $22,230 $24,450 $19,020 $19,200 $18,720 $30,960 $24,720 $22,920 $24,450 $20,460 $19,470 $21,510 $16,620 $22,350 $22,860 $17,760 $22,140 $30,930 $21,990 $30,960 $25,800 $22,440 $19,260 $30,930 $22,110 $21,330 $30,960 $22,230 $24,120 $22,110 $21,720 $23,790 $24,330 $17,010 $24,480 $23,130 $15,270 $26,730 $22,080 $23,790 $20,520 $19,110 $21,990 $24,480 $16,080 $30,420 $15,630 $16,170 $24,900 $21,780 $22,110 $23,970 $30,930 $21,510 $24,240 $21,960 $25,110 $21,540 $30,930 $17,400 $18,750 $24,300 $19,470 $21,600 $20,940 $20,040 $20,580 $30,960 $18,660 $16,350 $30,960 $30,960 $26,460 $21,420 $22,230 $20,670 $20,190 $18,030 $21,750 $30,960 $19,200 $17,280 $24,450 $20,700 $16,320
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $45,915 $35,194 $39,050 $44,200 $41,550 $51,400 $40,500 $32,600 $38,100 $50,700 $36,650 $51,550 $44,550 $35,850 $40,750 $40,750 $51,600 $38,800 $40,750 $35,500 $33,600 $35,750 $32,400 $39,050 $34,800 $41,550 $51,400 $40,750 $32,150 $51,550 $44,200 $40,850 $41,550 $38,950 $41,050 $51,550 $30,650 $39,450 $40,750 $36,750 $51,550 $51,550 $50,700 $40,500 $35,350 $33,250 $32,600 $37,050 $40,750 $31,700 $32,000 $31,200 $51,600 $41,200 $38,200 $40,750 $34,100 $32,450 $35,850 $27,700 $37,250 $38,100 $29,600 $36,900 $51,550 $36,650 $51,600 $43,000 $37,400 $32,100 $51,550 $36,850 $35,550 $51,600 $37,050 $40,200 $36,850 $36,200 $39,650 $40,550 $28,350 $40,800 $38,550 $25,450 $44,550 $36,800 $39,650 $34,200 $31,850 $36,650 $40,800 $26,800 $50,700 $26,050 $26,950 $41,500 $36,300 $36,850 $39,950 $51,550 $35,850 $40,400 $36,600 $41,850 $35,900 $51,550 $29,000 $31,250 $40,500 $32,450 $36,000 $34,900 $33,400 $34,300 $51,600 $31,100 $27,250 $51,600 $51,600 $44,100 $35,700 $37,050 $34,450 $33,650 $30,050 $36,250 $51,600 $32,000 $28,800 $40,750 $34,500 $27,200
Median Renter Household Income $43,093 $34,988 $33,294 $50,032 $35,949 $40,079 $37,405 $26,474 $32,316 $44,813 $38,297 $48,258 $41,692 $30,010 $38,662 $38,576 $47,037 $26,867 $48,801 $40,794 $34,749 $38,135 $25,332 $33,294 $31,189 $26,365 $40,079 $37,243 $29,494 $43,696 $50,032 $40,370 $36,632 $35,446 $29,198 $50,095 $30,689 $34,981 $48,318 $32,295 $52,645 $49,709 $45,125 $37,405 $38,463 $34,669 $26,474 $40,419 $39,583 $27,110 $31,663 $28,953 $42,186 $32,818 $36,375 $36,940 $31,535 $34,776 $31,902 $24,434 $51,352 $32,316 $29,319 $25,623 $45,065 $37,776 $49,510 $42,179 $31,342 $39,324 $49,532 $36,861 $33,024 $50,127 $37,250 $46,217 $31,306 $36,295 $41,143 $38,499 $36,229 $27,208 $38,067 $24,842 $41,692 $36,707 $34,507 $27,180 $31,197 $39,906 $30,320 $26,718 $41,302 $24,705 $23,810 $35,834 $38,735 $28,316 $35,202 $65,865 $30,010 $53,543 $21,456 $37,876 $31,642 $39,394 $35,834 $25,238 $37,175 $30,526 $24,664 $31,485 $31,805 $36,303 $60,468 $30,746 $36,719 $39,341 $48,602 $40,176 $36,719 $39,456 $48,251 $41,213 $28,882 $36,782 $42,502 $34,766 $26,530 $44,901 $30,703 $27,464
Rent Affordable at Different Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $689 $528 $586 $663 $623 $771 $608 $489 $572 $761 $550 $773 $668 $538 $611 $611 $774 $582 $611 $533 $504 $536 $486 $586 $522 $623 $771 $611 $482 $773 $663 $613 $623 $584 $616 $773 $460 $592 $611 $551 $773 $773 $761 $608 $530 $499 $489 $556 $611 $476 $480 $468 $774 $618 $573 $611 $512 $487 $538 $416 $559 $572 $444 $554 $773 $550 $774 $645 $561 $482 $773 $553 $533 $774 $556 $603 $553 $543 $595 $608 $425 $612 $578 $382 $668 $552 $595 $513 $478 $550 $612 $402 $761 $391 $404 $623 $545 $553 $599 $773 $538 $606 $549 $628 $539 $773 $435 $469 $608 $487 $540 $524 $501 $515 $774 $467 $409 $774 $774 $662 $536 $556 $517 $505 $451 $544 $774 $480 $432 $611 $518 $408
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $1,148 $880 $976 $1,105 $1,039 $1,285 $1,013 $815 $953 $1,268 $916 $1,289 $1,114 $896 $1,019 $1,019 $1,290 $970 $1,019 $888 $840 $894 $810 $976 $870 $1,039 $1,285 $1,019 $804 $1,289 $1,105 $1,021 $1,039 $974 $1,026 $1,289 $766 $986 $1,019 $919 $1,289 $1,289 $1,268 $1,013 $884 $831 $815 $926 $1,019 $793 $800 $780 $1,290 $1,030 $955 $1,019 $853 $811 $896 $693 $931 $953 $740 $923 $1,289 $916 $1,290 $1,075 $935 $803 $1,289 $921 $889 $1,290 $926 $1,005 $921 $905 $991 $1,014 $709 $1,020 $964 $636 $1,114 $920 $991 $855 $796 $916 $1,020 $670 $1,268 $651 $674 $1,038 $908 $921 $999 $1,289 $896 $1,010 $915 $1,046 $898 $1,289 $725 $781 $1,013 $811 $900 $873 $835 $858 $1,290 $778 $681 $1,290 $1,290 $1,103 $893 $926 $861 $841 $751 $906 $1,290 $800 $720 $1,019 $863 $680
Median Renter Household Income $1,077 $875 $832 $1,251 $899 $1,002 $935 $662 $808 $1,120 $957 $1,206 $1,042 $750 $967 $964 $1,176 $672 $1,220 $1,020 $869 $953 $633 $832 $780 $659 $1,002 $931 $737 $1,092 $1,251 $1,009 $916 $886 $730 $1,252 $767 $875 $1,208 $807 $1,316 $1,243 $1,128 $935 $962 $867 $662 $1,010 $990 $678 $792 $724 $1,055 $820 $909 $923 $788 $869 $798 $611 $1,284 $808 $733 $641 $1,127 $944 $1,238 $1,054 $784 $983 $1,238 $922 $826 $1,253 $931 $1,155 $783 $907 $1,029 $962 $906 $680 $952 $621 $1,042 $918 $863 $679 $780 $998 $758 $668 $1,033 $618 $595 $896 $968 $708 $880 $1,647 $750 $1,339 $536 $947 $791 $985 $896 $631 $929 $763 $617 $787 $795 $908 $1,512 $769 $918 $984 $1,215 $1,004 $918 $986 $1,206 $1,030 $722 $920 $1,063 $869 $663 $1,123 $768 $687

Median Wages for State’s Most Common Occupations

Occupation Total Employment Median Hourly Wage
Cashiers 71,100 $13.96
Fast Food and Counter Workers 30,600 $13.97
Cooks, Fast Food 44,280 $13.99
Home Health and Personal Care Aides 83,510 $14.14
Retail Salespersons 60,650 $15.21
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 42,880 $15.56
Waiters and Waitresses 42,400 $16.26
Receptionists and Information Clerks 17,320 $16.41
Cooks, Restaurant 32,850 $16.56
One-Bedroom Housing Wage $17.03
Stockers and Order Fillers 63,280 $17.64
First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers 22,390 $17.84
Nursing Assistants 29,340 $17.85
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 48,070 $18.09
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 41,090 $18.70
Office Clerks, General 59,900 $18.87
Security Guards 18,620 $18.93
Customer Service Representatives 51,840 $19.41
Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators 36,140 $19.60
Two-bedrooom Housing Wage $20.83
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 21,960 $22.09
All Occupations 2,876,400 $22.20
First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers 18,360 $22.29
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 32,750 $22.64
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 48,810 $24.39
First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers 23,880 $29.31
Human Resources Specialists 17,620 $29.74
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products 25,490 $29.97
Accountants and Auditors 27,380 $34.90
General and Operations Managers 95,120 $37.93
Registered Nurses 73,190 $38.01
Project Management Specialists 19,130 $42.18
Software Developers 18,450 $51.52