


State Facts

Minimum Wage $7.25
2-Bedroom Housing Wage $20.03
Number of Renter Households 345,804
Number of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Number of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI

Affordable Rent for Low Income Households

Minimum Wage Worker


Household at 30% of Area Median Income


Household at 50% of Area Median Income


Fair Market Rent

1-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


2-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


Working at minimum wage $7.25/hr

Each week you have to work 93 hours

To afford a modest 1 bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent

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Compare Jurisdictions

Mississippi Mississippi Non-metropolitan areas Covington County HMFA Gulfport-Biloxi HMFA Hattiesburg HMFA Holmes County HMFA Jackson HMFA Marshall County HMFA Memphis HMFA Pascagoula HMFA Simpson County HMFA Stone County HMFA Tate County HMFA Tunica County HMFA Yazoo County HMFA Adams County Alcorn County Amite County Attala County Benton County Bolivar County Calhoun County Carroll County Chickasaw County Choctaw County Claiborne County Clarke County Clay County Coahoma County Copiah County Covington County DeSoto County Forrest County Franklin County George County Greene County Grenada County Hancock County Harrison County Hinds County Holmes County Humphreys County Issaquena County † Itawamba County Jackson County Jasper County Jefferson County Jefferson Davis County Jones County Kemper County Lafayette County Lamar County Lauderdale County Lawrence County Leake County Lee County Leflore County Lincoln County Lowndes County Madison County Marion County Marshall County Monroe County Montgomery County Neshoba County Newton County Noxubee County Oktibbeha County Panola County Pearl River County Perry County Pike County Pontotoc County Prentiss County Quitman County Rankin County Scott County Sharkey County Simpson County Smith County Stone County Sunflower County Tallahatchie County Tate County Tippah County Tishomingo County Tunica County Union County Walthall County Warren County Washington County Wayne County Webster County Wilkinson County Winston County Yalobusha County Yazoo County
Number of Households
Total 1,121,269 574,169 6,954 99,577 58,709 5,798 200,590 12,797 68,353 55,373 9,534 6,517 10,496 3,595 8,807 11,618 13,975 5,834 6,311 3,086 11,704 5,641 4,037 6,767 3,532 2,624 6,117 7,582 8,387 9,841 6,954 68,353 29,351 2,974 8,978 3,910 8,434 19,386 80,191 89,585 5,798 2,991 392 8,976 55,373 6,447 2,530 4,453 24,323 3,143 18,702 24,896 28,349 4,473 7,369 32,001 9,656 13,070 22,651 42,182 9,102 12,797 13,410 3,830 10,199 7,706 3,696 21,165 12,392 21,188 4,462 14,745 11,630 9,296 2,656 58,982 9,696 1,374 9,534 5,450 6,517 8,136 4,301 10,496 8,091 8,463 3,595 10,227 5,290 16,823 17,290 7,410 4,065 3,264 7,131 5,106 8,807
Renter 345,804 171,721 1,713 36,106 22,013 2,177 65,368 2,887 16,098 15,983 1,765 1,438 2,761 2,024 3,750 4,066 4,764 1,112 1,565 587 4,728 1,626 714 2,177 840 644 875 2,404 3,908 2,336 1,713 16,098 12,945 717 1,624 932 2,677 3,742 32,364 37,820 2,177 1,198 193 1,816 15,983 1,010 702 805 6,167 730 6,661 8,179 10,583 954 1,768 9,618 4,357 3,204 8,640 11,611 1,878 2,887 3,275 1,278 2,851 1,571 937 11,113 3,604 4,181 889 5,148 3,239 2,083 1,133 13,601 2,582 578 1,765 704 1,438 3,580 1,561 2,761 2,212 2,233 2,024 2,601 951 4,749 7,304 942 899 584 2,035 1,549 3,750
Percent Renters 31% 30% 25% 36% 37% 38% 33% 23% 24% 29% 19% 22% 26% 56% 43% 35% 34% 19% 25% 19% 40% 29% 18% 32% 24% 25% 14% 32% 47% 24% 25% 24% 44% 24% 18% 24% 32% 19% 40% 42% 38% 40% 49% 20% 29% 16% 28% 18% 25% 23% 36% 33% 37% 21% 24% 30% 45% 25% 38% 28% 21% 23% 24% 33% 28% 20% 25% 53% 29% 20% 20% 35% 28% 22% 43% 23% 27% 42% 19% 13% 22% 44% 36% 26% 27% 26% 56% 25% 18% 28% 42% 13% 22% 18% 29% 30% 43%
Housing Wage
Zero-Bedroom $15.92 $14.64 $11.81 $15.87 $14.73 $13.54 $19.15 $15.90 $19.83 $16.06 $11.77 $13.04 $15.38 $18.08 $13.58 $14.90 $13.62 $13.25 $13.13 $14.90 $13.13 $13.13 $13.87 $13.13 $13.13 $14.19 $15.29 $14.90 $14.46 $19.15 $11.81 $19.83 $14.73 $14.90 $14.19 $13.46 $13.17 $15.87 $15.87 $19.15 $13.54 $14.90 $14.19 $13.98 $16.06 $14.19 $13.13 $14.19 $14.08 $14.19 $20.19 $14.73 $15.44 $14.00 $13.71 $16.40 $13.13 $13.65 $14.40 $19.15 $13.35 $15.90 $14.90 $14.90 $14.90 $13.44 $14.90 $16.15 $11.92 $16.87 $14.73 $16.79 $12.00 $12.63 $13.13 $19.15 $14.58 $14.19 $11.77 $14.90 $13.04 $11.77 $14.90 $15.38 $14.19 $14.90 $18.08 $15.06 $14.37 $14.52 $12.85 $14.19 $14.19 $14.19 $14.90 $13.58 $13.58
One-Bedroom $16.81 $15.15 $14.40 $17.75 $17.42 $15.46 $19.17 $16.27 $22.04 $18.40 $15.10 $13.58 $16.04 $19.56 $13.67 $15.46 $13.69 $13.33 $13.21 $15.46 $13.21 $13.21 $13.94 $13.21 $13.21 $14.27 $15.87 $15.46 $15.46 $19.17 $14.40 $22.04 $17.42 $15.46 $14.27 $13.54 $13.27 $17.75 $17.75 $19.17 $15.46 $15.46 $14.27 $14.08 $18.40 $14.27 $13.21 $14.27 $14.17 $14.27 $20.48 $17.42 $15.56 $14.10 $13.81 $16.52 $13.21 $13.75 $14.48 $19.17 $13.42 $16.27 $15.46 $15.04 $15.46 $13.54 $15.46 $17.10 $14.46 $17.19 $17.42 $17.23 $15.77 $14.38 $13.21 $19.17 $14.65 $14.27 $15.10 $15.46 $13.58 $13.21 $15.46 $16.04 $14.27 $15.46 $19.56 $15.46 $14.46 $14.62 $14.87 $14.27 $14.27 $14.27 $15.46 $13.67 $13.67
Two-Bedroom $20.03 $18.19 $17.37 $22.13 $21.17 $17.37 $22.29 $20.13 $24.96 $20.71 $17.37 $17.83 $19.48 $22.90 $17.96 $17.37 $17.37 $17.52 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $17.81 $17.37 $17.37 $22.29 $17.37 $24.96 $21.17 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $17.42 $22.13 $22.13 $22.29 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $20.71 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $17.88 $17.37 $24.19 $21.17 $18.37 $18.52 $17.98 $20.10 $17.37 $18.06 $17.42 $22.29 $17.37 $20.13 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $17.79 $17.37 $19.19 $17.60 $19.65 $21.17 $19.56 $17.71 $17.37 $17.37 $22.29 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $17.83 $17.37 $17.37 $19.48 $17.37 $17.37 $22.90 $17.37 $17.60 $18.67 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $17.37 $17.96
Three-Bedroom $25.63 $23.50 $23.27 $29.33 $26.98 $23.04 $26.94 $24.40 $32.90 $27.65 $23.85 $22.40 $25.10 $27.69 $21.75 $23.04 $24.29 $21.44 $23.35 $23.35 $21.54 $24.00 $21.75 $23.58 $22.08 $21.75 $21.54 $24.44 $24.13 $26.94 $23.27 $32.90 $26.98 $23.35 $21.00 $21.00 $21.15 $29.33 $29.33 $26.94 $23.04 $23.04 $21.75 $21.40 $27.65 $22.88 $22.77 $23.06 $21.62 $23.35 $29.25 $26.98 $24.13 $22.38 $21.75 $25.37 $21.52 $23.21 $23.92 $26.94 $21.00 $24.40 $21.00 $23.42 $21.31 $21.50 $21.15 $25.46 $23.04 $27.29 $26.98 $23.65 $22.27 $22.58 $23.13 $26.94 $21.44 $23.35 $23.85 $21.00 $22.40 $22.31 $23.08 $25.10 $23.12 $23.35 $27.69 $22.17 $21.27 $23.75 $24.02 $21.00 $21.00 $21.75 $23.04 $24.48 $21.75
Four-Bedroom $28.66 $26.26 $23.37 $31.27 $28.19 $23.13 $30.08 $31.13 $38.37 $35.15 $29.46 $28.00 $29.58 $30.50 $23.92 $23.13 $25.58 $23.63 $23.44 $23.44 $23.13 $27.63 $23.44 $28.48 $23.44 $23.44 $23.71 $29.46 $26.37 $30.08 $23.37 $38.37 $28.19 $23.44 $29.46 $23.44 $23.79 $31.27 $31.27 $30.08 $23.13 $23.13 $23.44 $23.44 $35.15 $23.13 $23.44 $23.44 $23.83 $23.44 $32.21 $28.19 $26.63 $25.00 $24.69 $28.58 $23.13 $24.37 $27.15 $30.08 $23.88 $31.13 $25.90 $23.44 $27.04 $23.69 $24.13 $25.56 $29.87 $30.98 $28.19 $26.04 $26.92 $26.13 $29.46 $30.08 $25.42 $23.44 $29.46 $23.44 $28.00 $26.04 $29.46 $29.58 $23.13 $23.44 $30.50 $23.13 $23.44 $31.69 $28.13 $23.44 $24.21 $23.44 $23.13 $29.46 $23.92
Fair Market Rent
Zero-Bedroom $828 $761 $614 $825 $766 $704 $996 $827 $1,031 $835 $612 $678 $800 $940 $706 $775 $708 $689 $683 $775 $683 $683 $721 $683 $683 $738 $795 $775 $752 $996 $614 $1,031 $766 $775 $738 $700 $685 $825 $825 $996 $704 $775 $738 $727 $835 $738 $683 $738 $732 $738 $1,050 $766 $803 $728 $713 $853 $683 $710 $749 $996 $694 $827 $775 $775 $775 $699 $775 $840 $620 $877 $766 $873 $624 $657 $683 $996 $758 $738 $612 $775 $678 $612 $775 $800 $738 $775 $940 $783 $747 $755 $668 $738 $738 $738 $775 $706 $706
One-Bedroom $874 $788 $749 $923 $906 $804 $997 $846 $1,146 $957 $785 $706 $834 $1,017 $711 $804 $712 $693 $687 $804 $687 $687 $725 $687 $687 $742 $825 $804 $804 $997 $749 $1,146 $906 $804 $742 $704 $690 $923 $923 $997 $804 $804 $742 $732 $957 $742 $687 $742 $737 $742 $1,065 $906 $809 $733 $718 $859 $687 $715 $753 $997 $698 $846 $804 $782 $804 $704 $804 $889 $752 $894 $906 $896 $820 $748 $687 $997 $762 $742 $785 $804 $706 $687 $804 $834 $742 $804 $1,017 $804 $752 $760 $773 $742 $742 $742 $804 $711 $711
Two-Bedroom $1,042 $946 $903 $1,151 $1,101 $903 $1,159 $1,047 $1,298 $1,077 $903 $927 $1,013 $1,191 $934 $903 $903 $911 $903 $903 $903 $903 $903 $903 $903 $903 $926 $903 $903 $1,159 $903 $1,298 $1,101 $903 $903 $903 $906 $1,151 $1,151 $1,159 $903 $903 $903 $903 $1,077 $903 $903 $903 $930 $903 $1,258 $1,101 $955 $963 $935 $1,045 $903 $939 $906 $1,159 $903 $1,047 $903 $903 $903 $925 $903 $998 $915 $1,022 $1,101 $1,017 $921 $903 $903 $1,159 $903 $903 $903 $903 $927 $903 $903 $1,013 $903 $903 $1,191 $903 $915 $971 $903 $903 $903 $903 $903 $903 $934
Three-Bedroom $1,333 $1,222 $1,210 $1,525 $1,403 $1,198 $1,401 $1,269 $1,711 $1,438 $1,240 $1,165 $1,305 $1,440 $1,131 $1,198 $1,263 $1,115 $1,214 $1,214 $1,120 $1,248 $1,131 $1,226 $1,148 $1,131 $1,120 $1,271 $1,255 $1,401 $1,210 $1,711 $1,403 $1,214 $1,092 $1,092 $1,100 $1,525 $1,525 $1,401 $1,198 $1,198 $1,131 $1,113 $1,438 $1,190 $1,184 $1,199 $1,124 $1,214 $1,521 $1,403 $1,255 $1,164 $1,131 $1,319 $1,119 $1,207 $1,244 $1,401 $1,092 $1,269 $1,092 $1,218 $1,108 $1,118 $1,100 $1,324 $1,198 $1,419 $1,403 $1,230 $1,158 $1,174 $1,203 $1,401 $1,115 $1,214 $1,240 $1,092 $1,165 $1,160 $1,200 $1,305 $1,202 $1,214 $1,440 $1,153 $1,106 $1,235 $1,249 $1,092 $1,092 $1,131 $1,198 $1,273 $1,131
Four-Bedroom $1,490 $1,365 $1,215 $1,626 $1,466 $1,203 $1,564 $1,619 $1,995 $1,828 $1,532 $1,456 $1,538 $1,586 $1,244 $1,203 $1,330 $1,229 $1,219 $1,219 $1,203 $1,437 $1,219 $1,481 $1,219 $1,219 $1,233 $1,532 $1,371 $1,564 $1,215 $1,995 $1,466 $1,219 $1,532 $1,219 $1,237 $1,626 $1,626 $1,564 $1,203 $1,203 $1,219 $1,219 $1,828 $1,203 $1,219 $1,219 $1,239 $1,219 $1,675 $1,466 $1,385 $1,300 $1,284 $1,486 $1,203 $1,267 $1,412 $1,564 $1,242 $1,619 $1,347 $1,219 $1,406 $1,232 $1,255 $1,329 $1,553 $1,611 $1,466 $1,354 $1,400 $1,359 $1,532 $1,564 $1,322 $1,219 $1,532 $1,219 $1,456 $1,354 $1,532 $1,538 $1,203 $1,219 $1,586 $1,203 $1,219 $1,648 $1,463 $1,219 $1,259 $1,219 $1,203 $1,532 $1,244
Annual Income Needed to Afford
Zero-Bedroom $33,104 $30,446 $24,560 $33,000 $30,640 $28,160 $39,840 $33,080 $41,240 $33,400 $24,480 $27,120 $32,000 $37,600 $28,240 $31,000 $28,320 $27,560 $27,320 $31,000 $27,320 $27,320 $28,840 $27,320 $27,320 $29,520 $31,800 $31,000 $30,080 $39,840 $24,560 $41,240 $30,640 $31,000 $29,520 $28,000 $27,400 $33,000 $33,000 $39,840 $28,160 $31,000 $29,520 $29,080 $33,400 $29,520 $27,320 $29,520 $29,280 $29,520 $42,000 $30,640 $32,120 $29,120 $28,520 $34,120 $27,320 $28,400 $29,960 $39,840 $27,760 $33,080 $31,000 $31,000 $31,000 $27,960 $31,000 $33,600 $24,800 $35,080 $30,640 $34,920 $24,960 $26,280 $27,320 $39,840 $30,320 $29,520 $24,480 $31,000 $27,120 $24,480 $31,000 $32,000 $29,520 $31,000 $37,600 $31,320 $29,880 $30,200 $26,720 $29,520 $29,520 $29,520 $31,000 $28,240 $28,240
One-Bedroom $34,974 $31,507 $29,960 $36,920 $36,240 $32,160 $39,880 $33,840 $45,840 $38,280 $31,400 $28,240 $33,360 $40,680 $28,440 $32,160 $28,480 $27,720 $27,480 $32,160 $27,480 $27,480 $29,000 $27,480 $27,480 $29,680 $33,000 $32,160 $32,160 $39,880 $29,960 $45,840 $36,240 $32,160 $29,680 $28,160 $27,600 $36,920 $36,920 $39,880 $32,160 $32,160 $29,680 $29,280 $38,280 $29,680 $27,480 $29,680 $29,480 $29,680 $42,600 $36,240 $32,360 $29,320 $28,720 $34,360 $27,480 $28,600 $30,120 $39,880 $27,920 $33,840 $32,160 $31,280 $32,160 $28,160 $32,160 $35,560 $30,080 $35,760 $36,240 $35,840 $32,800 $29,920 $27,480 $39,880 $30,480 $29,680 $31,400 $32,160 $28,240 $27,480 $32,160 $33,360 $29,680 $32,160 $40,680 $32,160 $30,080 $30,400 $30,920 $29,680 $29,680 $29,680 $32,160 $28,440 $28,440
Two-Bedroom $41,671 $37,832 $36,120 $46,040 $44,040 $36,120 $46,360 $41,880 $51,920 $43,080 $36,120 $37,080 $40,520 $47,640 $37,360 $36,120 $36,120 $36,440 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $37,040 $36,120 $36,120 $46,360 $36,120 $51,920 $44,040 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $36,240 $46,040 $46,040 $46,360 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $43,080 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $37,200 $36,120 $50,320 $44,040 $38,200 $38,520 $37,400 $41,800 $36,120 $37,560 $36,240 $46,360 $36,120 $41,880 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $37,000 $36,120 $39,920 $36,600 $40,880 $44,040 $40,680 $36,840 $36,120 $36,120 $46,360 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $37,080 $36,120 $36,120 $40,520 $36,120 $36,120 $47,640 $36,120 $36,600 $38,840 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $36,120 $37,360
Three-Bedroom $53,307 $48,875 $48,400 $61,000 $56,120 $47,920 $56,040 $50,760 $68,440 $57,520 $49,600 $46,600 $52,200 $57,600 $45,240 $47,920 $50,520 $44,600 $48,560 $48,560 $44,800 $49,920 $45,240 $49,040 $45,920 $45,240 $44,800 $50,840 $50,200 $56,040 $48,400 $68,440 $56,120 $48,560 $43,680 $43,680 $44,000 $61,000 $61,000 $56,040 $47,920 $47,920 $45,240 $44,520 $57,520 $47,600 $47,360 $47,960 $44,960 $48,560 $60,840 $56,120 $50,200 $46,560 $45,240 $52,760 $44,760 $48,280 $49,760 $56,040 $43,680 $50,760 $43,680 $48,720 $44,320 $44,720 $44,000 $52,960 $47,920 $56,760 $56,120 $49,200 $46,320 $46,960 $48,120 $56,040 $44,600 $48,560 $49,600 $43,680 $46,600 $46,400 $48,000 $52,200 $48,080 $48,560 $57,600 $46,120 $44,240 $49,400 $49,960 $43,680 $43,680 $45,240 $47,920 $50,920 $45,240
Four-Bedroom $59,608 $54,617 $48,600 $65,040 $58,640 $48,120 $62,560 $64,760 $79,800 $73,120 $61,280 $58,240 $61,520 $63,440 $49,760 $48,120 $53,200 $49,160 $48,760 $48,760 $48,120 $57,480 $48,760 $59,240 $48,760 $48,760 $49,320 $61,280 $54,840 $62,560 $48,600 $79,800 $58,640 $48,760 $61,280 $48,760 $49,480 $65,040 $65,040 $62,560 $48,120 $48,120 $48,760 $48,760 $73,120 $48,120 $48,760 $48,760 $49,560 $48,760 $67,000 $58,640 $55,400 $52,000 $51,360 $59,440 $48,120 $50,680 $56,480 $62,560 $49,680 $64,760 $53,880 $48,760 $56,240 $49,280 $50,200 $53,160 $62,120 $64,440 $58,640 $54,160 $56,000 $54,360 $61,280 $62,560 $52,880 $48,760 $61,280 $48,760 $58,240 $54,160 $61,280 $61,520 $48,120 $48,760 $63,440 $48,120 $48,760 $65,920 $58,520 $48,760 $50,360 $48,760 $48,120 $61,280 $49,760
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25
Rent Affordable for a Full-Time Worker at Minimum Wage $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377
Work Hours/Week at Minimum Wage
Zero-Bedroom 88 81 65 88 81 75 106 88 109 89 65 72 85 100 75 82 75 73 72 82 72 72 76 72 72 78 84 82 80 106 65 109 81 82 78 74 73 88 88 106 75 82 78 77 89 78 72 78 78 78 111 81 85 77 76 91 72 75 79 106 74 88 82 82 82 74 82 89 66 93 81 93 66 70 72 106 80 78 65 82 72 65 82 85 78 82 100 83 79 80 71 78 78 78 82 75 75
One-Bedroom 93 84 79 98 96 85 106 90 122 102 83 75 88 108 75 85 76 74 73 85 73 73 77 73 73 79 88 85 85 106 79 122 96 85 79 75 73 98 98 106 85 85 79 78 102 79 73 79 78 79 113 96 86 78 76 91 73 76 80 106 74 90 85 83 85 75 85 94 80 95 96 95 87 79 73 106 81 79 83 85 75 73 85 88 79 85 108 85 80 81 82 79 79 79 85 75 75
Two-Bedroom 111 100 96 122 117 96 123 111 138 114 96 98 107 126 99 96 96 97 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 98 96 96 123 96 138 117 96 96 96 96 122 122 123 96 96 96 96 114 96 96 96 99 96 133 117 101 102 99 111 96 100 96 123 96 111 96 96 96 98 96 106 97 108 117 108 98 96 96 123 96 96 96 96 98 96 96 107 96 96 126 96 97 103 96 96 96 96 96 96 99
Three-Bedroom 141 130 128 162 149 127 149 135 182 153 132 124 138 153 120 127 134 118 129 129 119 132 120 130 122 120 119 135 133 149 128 182 149 129 116 116 117 162 162 149 127 127 120 118 153 126 126 127 119 129 161 149 133 124 120 140 119 128 132 149 116 135 116 129 118 119 117 140 127 151 149 131 123 125 128 149 118 129 132 116 124 123 127 138 128 129 153 122 117 131 133 116 116 120 127 135 120
Four-Bedroom 158 145 129 173 156 128 166 172 212 194 163 154 163 168 132 128 141 130 129 129 128 152 129 157 129 129 131 163 145 166 129 212 156 129 163 129 131 173 173 166 128 128 129 129 194 128 129 129 131 129 178 156 147 138 136 158 128 134 150 166 132 172 143 129 149 131 133 141 165 171 156 144 149 144 163 166 140 129 163 129 154 144 163 163 128 129 168 128 129 175 155 129 134 129 128 163 132
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payment
SSI Monthly Payment $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943
Rent affordable to SSI recipient $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283
Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $21,587 $19,759 $16,530 $22,800 $21,960 $13,080 $25,050 $19,650 $25,560 $23,850 $19,680 $21,450 $21,810 $16,200 $17,130 $16,200 $19,230 $13,920 $16,380 $16,920 $15,720 $18,210 $21,120 $15,810 $19,260 $11,820 $19,140 $16,080 $13,890 $25,050 $16,530 $25,560 $21,960 $16,470 $20,100 $20,280 $20,040 $22,800 $22,800 $25,050 $13,080 $11,130 $20,100 $21,870 $23,850 $19,080 $11,820 $17,580 $22,230 $16,440 $25,110 $21,960 $21,900 $16,620 $17,850 $25,230 $12,930 $20,520 $23,880 $25,050 $15,660 $19,650 $20,670 $14,160 $17,910 $19,740 $14,310 $24,240 $19,410 $21,600 $21,960 $15,450 $22,320 $21,300 $14,670 $25,050 $17,640 $19,140 $19,680 $22,320 $21,450 $15,540 $14,520 $21,810 $17,940 $21,630 $16,200 $23,160 $19,290 $23,940 $15,780 $18,180 $22,740 $14,730 $17,280 $18,600 $17,130
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $35,978 $32,931 $27,550 $38,000 $36,600 $21,800 $41,750 $32,750 $42,600 $39,750 $32,800 $35,750 $36,350 $27,000 $28,550 $27,000 $32,050 $23,200 $27,300 $28,200 $26,200 $30,350 $35,200 $26,350 $32,100 $19,700 $31,900 $26,800 $23,150 $41,750 $27,550 $42,600 $36,600 $27,450 $33,500 $33,800 $33,400 $38,000 $38,000 $41,750 $21,800 $18,550 $33,500 $36,450 $39,750 $31,800 $19,700 $29,300 $37,050 $27,400 $41,850 $36,600 $36,500 $27,700 $29,750 $42,050 $21,550 $34,200 $39,800 $41,750 $26,100 $32,750 $34,450 $23,600 $29,850 $32,900 $23,850 $40,400 $32,350 $36,000 $36,600 $25,750 $37,200 $35,500 $24,450 $41,750 $29,400 $31,900 $32,800 $37,200 $35,750 $25,900 $24,200 $36,350 $29,900 $36,050 $27,000 $38,600 $32,150 $39,900 $26,300 $30,300 $37,900 $24,550 $28,800 $31,000 $28,550
Median Renter Household Income $34,656 $29,717 $22,546 $40,298 $36,930 $17,370 $38,381 $37,893 $56,216 $40,221 $28,390 $32,017 $34,861 $33,194 $29,595 $23,147 $28,648 $23,052 $22,438 $34,893 $23,627 $35,823 $22,509 $32,201 $29,881 $21,494 $19,770 $27,976 $21,390 $31,353 $22,546 $56,216 $30,929 $28,095 $36,277 $29,042 $35,423 $41,027 $40,214 $32,877 $17,370 $22,297 $17,502 $51,299 $40,221 $25,963 $23,801 $20,240 $29,009 $30,526 $37,332 $46,261 $25,794 $29,502 $30,526 $36,597 $23,149 $26,848 $34,697 $43,555 $27,606 $37,893 $30,837 $27,871 $28,096 $26,954 $22,231 $23,685 $30,107 $35,348 $38,476 $29,084 $37,782 $29,454 $19,891 $50,474 $30,774 $25,626 $28,390 $28,192 $32,017 $21,729 $31,498 $34,861 $37,556 $25,738 $33,194 $46,900 $29,548 $36,618 $29,209 $26,839 $25,587 $42,470 $25,136 $32,668 $29,595
Rent Affordable at Different Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $540 $494 $413 $570 $549 $327 $626 $491 $639 $596 $492 $536 $545 $405 $428 $405 $481 $348 $410 $423 $393 $455 $528 $395 $482 $296 $479 $402 $347 $626 $413 $639 $549 $412 $503 $507 $501 $570 $570 $626 $327 $278 $503 $547 $596 $477 $296 $440 $556 $411 $628 $549 $548 $416 $446 $631 $323 $513 $597 $626 $392 $491 $517 $354 $448 $494 $358 $606 $485 $540 $549 $386 $558 $533 $367 $626 $441 $479 $492 $558 $536 $389 $363 $545 $449 $541 $405 $579 $482 $599 $395 $455 $569 $368 $432 $465 $428
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $899 $823 $689 $950 $915 $545 $1,044 $819 $1,065 $994 $820 $894 $909 $675 $714 $675 $801 $580 $683 $705 $655 $759 $880 $659 $803 $493 $798 $670 $579 $1,044 $689 $1,065 $915 $686 $838 $845 $835 $950 $950 $1,044 $545 $464 $838 $911 $994 $795 $493 $733 $926 $685 $1,046 $915 $913 $693 $744 $1,051 $539 $855 $995 $1,044 $653 $819 $861 $590 $746 $823 $596 $1,010 $809 $900 $915 $644 $930 $888 $611 $1,044 $735 $798 $820 $930 $894 $648 $605 $909 $748 $901 $675 $965 $804 $998 $658 $758 $948 $614 $720 $775 $714
Median Renter Household Income $866 $743 $564 $1,007 $923 $434 $960 $947 $1,405 $1,006 $710 $800 $872 $830 $740 $579 $716 $576 $561 $872 $591 $896 $563 $805 $747 $537 $494 $699 $535 $784 $564 $1,405 $773 $702 $907 $726 $886 $1,026 $1,005 $822 $434 $557 $438 $1,282 $1,006 $649 $595 $506 $725 $763 $933 $1,157 $645 $738 $763 $915 $579 $671 $867 $1,089 $690 $947 $771 $697 $702 $674 $556 $592 $753 $884 $962 $727 $945 $736 $497 $1,262 $769 $641 $710 $705 $800 $543 $787 $872 $939 $643 $830 $1,172 $739 $915 $730 $671 $640 $1,062 $628 $817 $740

Median Wages for State’s Most Common Occupations

Occupation Total Employment Median Hourly Wage
Waiters and Waitresses 14,560 $10.01
Fast Food and Counter Workers 34,110 $10.64
Cashiers 35,510 $10.80
Home Health and Personal Care Aides 17,310 $11.24
Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 8,120 $11.24
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 16,120 $12.64
Retail Salespersons 32,990 $13.61
Security Guards 10,300 $14.03
Cooks, Restaurant 9,740 $14.26
Nursing Assistants 11,610 $14.43
Office Clerks, General 19,210 $15.51
First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers 11,930 $16.06
Stockers and Order Fillers 28,170 $16.53
Customer Service Representatives 21,940 $16.59
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 14,520 $16.65
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 29,690 $16.72
One-Bedroom Housing Wage $16.81
Construction Laborers 7,500 $17.56
Shipping, Receiving, and Inventory Clerks 7,420 $17.88
Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators 17,950 $18.46
All Occupations 1,149,950 $18.47
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 13,090 $18.58
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 11,050 $18.85
Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators 8,580 $18.89
First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers 13,320 $19.27
Two-bedrooom Housing Wage $20.03
Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses 9,380 $23.77
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 25,830 $23.86
First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers 11,770 $24.16
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products 7,600 $26.02
First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers 9,240 $31.19
Registered Nurses 28,910 $34.16
General and Operations Managers 18,790 $37.98