


State Facts

Minimum Wage $10.30
2-Bedroom Housing Wage $20.73
Number of Renter Households 137,485
Number of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Number of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI

Affordable Rent for Low Income Households

Minimum Wage Worker


Household at 30% of Area Median Income


Household at 50% of Area Median Income


Fair Market Rent

1-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


2-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


Working at minimum wage $10.30/hr

Each week you have to work 64 hours

To afford a modest 1 bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent

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Montana Montana Non-metropolitan areas Billings HMFA Great Falls MSA Missoula MSA Stillwater County HMFA Beaverhead County Big Horn County Blaine County Broadwater County Carbon County Carter County Cascade County Chouteau County Custer County Daniels County Dawson County Deer Lodge County Fallon County Fergus County Flathead County Gallatin County Garfield County Glacier County Golden Valley County † Granite County Hill County Jefferson County Judith Basin County Lake County Lewis and Clark County Liberty County Lincoln County Madison County McCone County † Meagher County † Mineral County Missoula County Musselshell County Park County Petroleum County † Phillips County Pondera County Powder River County Powell County Prairie County Ravalli County Richland County Roosevelt County Rosebud County Sanders County Sheridan County Silver Bow County Stillwater County Sweet Grass County Teton County Toole County Treasure County Valley County Wheatland County Wibaux County Yellowstone County
Number of Households
Total 443,917 282,546 72,547 34,577 50,446 3,801 4,107 3,622 2,271 2,872 4,650 598 34,577 2,184 4,996 714 3,770 4,336 1,164 5,186 42,154 47,874 412 4,175 355 1,343 6,218 4,681 898 12,050 30,281 713 8,882 3,559 782 834 2,078 50,446 2,137 8,055 189 1,749 2,153 746 2,298 485 18,847 4,529 3,050 3,043 5,425 1,439 15,080 3,801 1,446 2,464 1,795 333 2,833 875 466 67,897
Renter 137,485 83,127 21,905 11,060 20,774 619 1,379 1,210 845 487 1,218 218 11,060 689 1,634 138 1,048 1,478 325 1,694 10,826 18,502 126 1,520 51 315 2,120 791 208 3,381 8,927 268 2,151 797 85 122 410 20,774 410 2,397 56 349 717 158 692 121 4,256 1,397 1,048 1,085 1,192 327 4,502 619 343 591 630 106 688 198 119 20,687
Percent Renters 31% 29% 30% 32% 41% 16% 34% 33% 37% 17% 26% 36% 32% 32% 33% 19% 28% 34% 28% 33% 26% 39% 31% 36% 14% 23% 34% 17% 23% 28% 29% 38% 24% 22% 11% 15% 20% 41% 19% 30% 30% 20% 33% 21% 30% 25% 23% 31% 34% 36% 22% 23% 30% 16% 24% 24% 35% 32% 24% 23% 26% 30%
Housing Wage
Zero-Bedroom $14.73 $14.15 $16.10 $13.62 $16.25 $14.13 $12.62 $12.65 $12.65 $15.94 $16.10 $12.65 $13.62 $12.65 $13.62 $12.65 $12.65 $12.65 $13.31 $13.31 $14.10 $17.33 $12.65 $13.73 $13.23 $12.65 $13.02 $12.27 $12.65 $12.17 $14.02 $12.65 $12.65 $14.94 $13.94 $12.65 $12.65 $16.25 $12.98 $13.88 $13.94 $12.65 $12.65 $12.65 $12.65 $13.94 $12.96 $12.65 $12.44 $12.65 $13.31 $12.65 $12.15 $14.13 $12.65 $12.65 $12.65 $13.94 $12.65 $12.65 $13.94 $16.10
One-Bedroom $16.36 $15.86 $16.81 $14.33 $19.00 $14.98 $15.50 $13.62 $13.33 $18.04 $16.81 $15.50 $14.33 $13.25 $15.29 $13.25 $13.90 $15.50 $13.94 $13.94 $15.83 $19.21 $13.25 $15.46 $13.87 $13.98 $13.38 $13.77 $13.25 $14.29 $16.10 $15.50 $15.50 $15.29 $14.62 $13.25 $13.40 $19.00 $13.60 $15.83 $14.62 $15.50 $15.50 $13.25 $13.25 $14.62 $13.81 $15.29 $13.25 $14.40 $13.96 $15.50 $13.90 $14.98 $13.87 $15.50 $15.50 $14.62 $13.25 $13.25 $14.62 $16.81
Two-Bedroom $20.73 $20.04 $22.08 $18.83 $23.13 $19.67 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $21.94 $22.08 $17.40 $18.83 $17.40 $20.08 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $18.31 $18.31 $20.79 $24.52 $17.40 $17.40 $18.21 $17.40 $17.40 $18.10 $17.40 $17.96 $20.33 $17.40 $17.40 $19.67 $19.19 $17.40 $17.40 $23.13 $17.87 $20.31 $19.19 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $19.19 $17.85 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $17.92 $19.67 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $19.19 $17.40 $17.40 $19.19 $22.08
Three-Bedroom $28.45 $27.16 $30.44 $26.54 $32.60 $27.38 $24.52 $22.92 $21.69 $26.54 $30.44 $24.52 $26.54 $21.04 $27.94 $23.65 $21.04 $24.52 $22.13 $23.10 $28.58 $34.56 $21.04 $22.77 $23.94 $24.52 $23.10 $25.50 $21.04 $22.60 $26.35 $24.52 $24.52 $23.79 $26.08 $23.65 $21.04 $32.60 $25.17 $28.38 $26.08 $24.52 $23.04 $24.52 $24.52 $26.08 $25.08 $21.17 $21.04 $24.10 $22.87 $23.10 $23.85 $27.38 $24.52 $23.48 $24.52 $26.08 $22.50 $22.63 $26.08 $30.44
Four-Bedroom $33.45 $32.26 $34.19 $30.00 $39.25 $33.38 $29.54 $26.08 $24.33 $34.54 $34.19 $27.40 $30.00 $24.67 $28.04 $27.40 $24.50 $28.31 $28.83 $28.83 $35.27 $41.62 $27.40 $26.63 $28.67 $27.40 $23.17 $27.31 $27.40 $23.92 $30.29 $27.40 $27.71 $30.98 $30.21 $27.40 $26.25 $39.25 $28.56 $33.35 $30.21 $27.40 $29.54 $27.40 $29.54 $30.21 $30.29 $29.54 $27.40 $29.54 $29.54 $23.17 $29.58 $33.38 $27.40 $26.29 $27.40 $30.21 $26.40 $27.40 $30.21 $34.19
Fair Market Rent
Zero-Bedroom $766 $736 $837 $708 $845 $735 $656 $658 $658 $829 $837 $658 $708 $658 $708 $658 $658 $658 $692 $692 $733 $901 $658 $714 $688 $658 $677 $638 $658 $633 $729 $658 $658 $777 $725 $658 $658 $845 $675 $722 $725 $658 $658 $658 $658 $725 $674 $658 $647 $658 $692 $658 $632 $735 $658 $658 $658 $725 $658 $658 $725 $837
One-Bedroom $851 $825 $874 $745 $988 $779 $806 $708 $693 $938 $874 $806 $745 $689 $795 $689 $723 $806 $725 $725 $823 $999 $689 $804 $721 $727 $696 $716 $689 $743 $837 $806 $806 $795 $760 $689 $697 $988 $707 $823 $760 $806 $806 $689 $689 $760 $718 $795 $689 $749 $726 $806 $723 $779 $721 $806 $806 $760 $689 $689 $760 $874
Two-Bedroom $1,078 $1,042 $1,148 $979 $1,203 $1,023 $905 $905 $905 $1,141 $1,148 $905 $979 $905 $1,044 $905 $905 $905 $952 $952 $1,081 $1,275 $905 $905 $947 $905 $905 $941 $905 $934 $1,057 $905 $905 $1,023 $998 $905 $905 $1,203 $929 $1,056 $998 $905 $905 $905 $905 $998 $928 $905 $905 $905 $905 $905 $932 $1,023 $905 $905 $905 $998 $905 $905 $998 $1,148
Three-Bedroom $1,480 $1,412 $1,583 $1,380 $1,695 $1,424 $1,275 $1,192 $1,128 $1,380 $1,583 $1,275 $1,380 $1,094 $1,453 $1,230 $1,094 $1,275 $1,151 $1,201 $1,486 $1,797 $1,094 $1,184 $1,245 $1,275 $1,201 $1,326 $1,094 $1,175 $1,370 $1,275 $1,275 $1,237 $1,356 $1,230 $1,094 $1,695 $1,309 $1,476 $1,356 $1,275 $1,198 $1,275 $1,275 $1,356 $1,304 $1,101 $1,094 $1,253 $1,189 $1,201 $1,240 $1,424 $1,275 $1,221 $1,275 $1,356 $1,170 $1,177 $1,356 $1,583
Four-Bedroom $1,739 $1,678 $1,778 $1,560 $2,041 $1,736 $1,536 $1,356 $1,265 $1,796 $1,778 $1,425 $1,560 $1,283 $1,458 $1,425 $1,274 $1,472 $1,499 $1,499 $1,834 $2,164 $1,425 $1,385 $1,491 $1,425 $1,205 $1,420 $1,425 $1,244 $1,575 $1,425 $1,441 $1,611 $1,571 $1,425 $1,365 $2,041 $1,485 $1,734 $1,571 $1,425 $1,536 $1,425 $1,536 $1,571 $1,575 $1,536 $1,425 $1,536 $1,536 $1,205 $1,538 $1,736 $1,425 $1,367 $1,425 $1,571 $1,373 $1,425 $1,571 $1,778
Annual Income Needed to Afford
Zero-Bedroom $30,647 $29,432 $33,480 $28,320 $33,800 $29,400 $26,240 $26,320 $26,320 $33,160 $33,480 $26,320 $28,320 $26,320 $28,320 $26,320 $26,320 $26,320 $27,680 $27,680 $29,320 $36,040 $26,320 $28,560 $27,520 $26,320 $27,080 $25,520 $26,320 $25,320 $29,160 $26,320 $26,320 $31,080 $29,000 $26,320 $26,320 $33,800 $27,000 $28,880 $29,000 $26,320 $26,320 $26,320 $26,320 $29,000 $26,960 $26,320 $25,880 $26,320 $27,680 $26,320 $25,280 $29,400 $26,320 $26,320 $26,320 $29,000 $26,320 $26,320 $29,000 $33,480
One-Bedroom $34,027 $32,992 $34,960 $29,800 $39,520 $31,160 $32,240 $28,320 $27,720 $37,520 $34,960 $32,240 $29,800 $27,560 $31,800 $27,560 $28,920 $32,240 $29,000 $29,000 $32,920 $39,960 $27,560 $32,160 $28,840 $29,080 $27,840 $28,640 $27,560 $29,720 $33,480 $32,240 $32,240 $31,800 $30,400 $27,560 $27,880 $39,520 $28,280 $32,920 $30,400 $32,240 $32,240 $27,560 $27,560 $30,400 $28,720 $31,800 $27,560 $29,960 $29,040 $32,240 $28,920 $31,160 $28,840 $32,240 $32,240 $30,400 $27,560 $27,560 $30,400 $34,960
Two-Bedroom $43,127 $41,688 $45,920 $39,160 $48,120 $40,920 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $45,640 $45,920 $36,200 $39,160 $36,200 $41,760 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $38,080 $38,080 $43,240 $51,000 $36,200 $36,200 $37,880 $36,200 $36,200 $37,640 $36,200 $37,360 $42,280 $36,200 $36,200 $40,920 $39,920 $36,200 $36,200 $48,120 $37,160 $42,240 $39,920 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $39,920 $37,120 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $37,280 $40,920 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $39,920 $36,200 $36,200 $39,920 $45,920
Three-Bedroom $59,181 $56,483 $63,320 $55,200 $67,800 $56,960 $51,000 $47,680 $45,120 $55,200 $63,320 $51,000 $55,200 $43,760 $58,120 $49,200 $43,760 $51,000 $46,040 $48,040 $59,440 $71,880 $43,760 $47,360 $49,800 $51,000 $48,040 $53,040 $43,760 $47,000 $54,800 $51,000 $51,000 $49,480 $54,240 $49,200 $43,760 $67,800 $52,360 $59,040 $54,240 $51,000 $47,920 $51,000 $51,000 $54,240 $52,160 $44,040 $43,760 $50,120 $47,560 $48,040 $49,600 $56,960 $51,000 $48,840 $51,000 $54,240 $46,800 $47,080 $54,240 $63,320
Four-Bedroom $69,572 $67,103 $71,120 $62,400 $81,640 $69,440 $61,440 $54,240 $50,600 $71,840 $71,120 $57,000 $62,400 $51,320 $58,320 $57,000 $50,960 $58,880 $59,960 $59,960 $73,360 $86,560 $57,000 $55,400 $59,640 $57,000 $48,200 $56,800 $57,000 $49,760 $63,000 $57,000 $57,640 $64,440 $62,840 $57,000 $54,600 $81,640 $59,400 $69,360 $62,840 $57,000 $61,440 $57,000 $61,440 $62,840 $63,000 $61,440 $57,000 $61,440 $61,440 $48,200 $61,520 $69,440 $57,000 $54,680 $57,000 $62,840 $54,920 $57,000 $62,840 $71,120
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30
Rent Affordable for a Full-Time Worker at Minimum Wage $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535 $535
Work Hours/Week at Minimum Wage
Zero-Bedroom 57 55 63 53 63 55 49 49 49 62 63 49 53 49 53 49 49 49 52 52 55 67 49 53 51 49 51 48 49 47 54 49 49 58 54 49 49 63 50 54 54 49 49 49 49 54 50 49 48 49 52 49 47 55 49 49 49 54 49 49 54 63
One-Bedroom 64 62 65 56 74 58 60 53 52 70 65 60 56 51 59 51 54 60 54 54 61 75 51 60 54 54 52 53 51 55 63 60 60 59 57 51 52 74 53 61 57 60 60 51 51 57 54 59 51 56 54 60 54 58 54 60 60 57 51 51 57 65
Two-Bedroom 81 78 86 73 90 76 68 68 68 85 86 68 73 68 78 68 68 68 71 71 81 95 68 68 71 68 68 70 68 70 79 68 68 76 75 68 68 90 69 79 75 68 68 68 68 75 69 68 68 68 68 68 70 76 68 68 68 75 68 68 75 86
Three-Bedroom 110 105 118 103 127 106 95 89 84 103 118 95 103 82 109 92 82 95 86 90 111 134 82 88 93 95 90 99 82 88 102 95 95 92 101 92 82 127 98 110 101 95 89 95 95 101 97 82 82 94 89 90 93 106 95 91 95 101 87 88 101 118
Four-Bedroom 130 125 133 117 152 130 115 101 94 134 133 106 117 96 109 106 95 110 112 112 137 162 106 103 111 106 90 106 106 93 118 106 108 120 117 106 102 152 111 129 117 106 115 106 115 117 118 115 106 115 115 90 115 130 106 102 106 117 103 106 117 133
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payment
SSI Monthly Payment $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943
Rent affordable to SSI recipient $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283
Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $26,790 $25,979 $30,150 $25,590 $27,060 $30,330 $23,760 $18,840 $22,290 $24,600 $30,150 $19,650 $25,590 $24,240 $25,980 $26,640 $27,960 $19,920 $36,150 $26,520 $26,520 $32,700 $25,350 $16,440 $20,100 $21,000 $23,790 $28,650 $24,330 $22,980 $27,000 $18,090 $17,910 $23,130 $26,850 $22,830 $19,080 $27,060 $19,110 $28,830 $25,290 $23,460 $23,820 $25,170 $21,240 $21,900 $25,680 $27,390 $19,260 $21,330 $19,590 $28,200 $23,730 $30,330 $26,700 $24,540 $23,760 $23,040 $26,490 $17,490 $29,160 $30,150
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $44,651 $43,298 $50,250 $42,650 $45,100 $50,550 $39,600 $31,400 $37,150 $41,000 $50,250 $32,750 $42,650 $40,400 $43,300 $44,400 $46,600 $33,200 $60,250 $44,200 $44,200 $54,500 $42,250 $27,400 $33,500 $35,000 $39,650 $47,750 $40,550 $38,300 $45,000 $30,150 $29,850 $38,550 $44,750 $38,050 $31,800 $45,100 $31,850 $48,050 $42,150 $39,100 $39,700 $41,950 $35,400 $36,500 $42,800 $45,650 $32,100 $35,550 $32,650 $47,000 $39,550 $50,550 $44,500 $40,900 $39,600 $38,400 $44,150 $29,150 $48,600 $50,250
Median Renter Household Income $46,399 $46,969 $45,805 $42,047 $46,937 $50,654 $34,707 $44,216 $41,733 $46,983 $41,449 $30,209 $42,047 $47,084 $42,731 $37,248 $49,549 $30,260 $55,453 $51,673 $43,185 $63,246 $43,355 $34,154 $28,517 $39,847 $61,320 $41,449 $37,958 $49,422 $28,314 $35,503 $63,584 $44,793 $46,937 $51,540 $48,324 $53,088 $58,604 $47,381 $47,021 $42,229 $43,797 $37,287 $48,881 $36,467 $47,960 $25,382 $60,103 $31,805 $50,654 $49,589 $38,848 $45,788 $40,347 $37,414 $50,654 $41,807 $46,061
Rent Affordable at Different Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $670 $649 $754 $640 $677 $758 $594 $471 $557 $615 $754 $491 $640 $606 $650 $666 $699 $498 $904 $663 $663 $818 $634 $411 $503 $525 $595 $716 $608 $575 $675 $452 $448 $578 $671 $571 $477 $677 $478 $721 $632 $587 $596 $629 $531 $548 $642 $685 $482 $533 $490 $705 $593 $758 $668 $614 $594 $576 $662 $437 $729 $754
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $1,116 $1,082 $1,256 $1,066 $1,128 $1,264 $990 $785 $929 $1,025 $1,256 $819 $1,066 $1,010 $1,083 $1,110 $1,165 $830 $1,506 $1,105 $1,105 $1,363 $1,056 $685 $838 $875 $991 $1,194 $1,014 $958 $1,125 $754 $746 $964 $1,119 $951 $795 $1,128 $796 $1,201 $1,054 $978 $993 $1,049 $885 $913 $1,070 $1,141 $803 $889 $816 $1,175 $989 $1,264 $1,113 $1,023 $990 $960 $1,104 $729 $1,215 $1,256
Median Renter Household Income $1,160 $1,174 $1,145 $1,051 $1,173 $1,266 $868 $1,105 $1,043 $1,175 $1,036 $755 $1,051 $1,177 $1,068 $931 $1,239 $757 $1,386 $1,292 $1,080 $1,581 $1,084 $854 $713 $996 $1,533 $1,036 $949 $1,236 $708 $888 $1,590 $1,120 $1,173 $1,288 $1,208 $1,327 $1,465 $1,185 $1,176 $1,056 $1,095 $932 $1,222 $912 $1,199 $635 $1,503 $795 $1,266 $1,240 $971 $1,145 $1,009 $935 $1,266 $1,045 $1,152

Median Wages for State’s Most Common Occupations

Occupation Total Employment Median Hourly Wage
Waiters and Waitresses 7,630 $10.34
Bartenders 5,430 $10.78
Fast Food and Counter Workers 15,380 $13.91
Cashiers 12,570 $14.46
Home Health and Personal Care Aides 8,070 $15.14
Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 5,700 $16.03
One-Bedroom Housing Wage $16.36
Retail Salespersons 13,600 $16.57
Cooks, Restaurant 6,810 $17.18
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 8,660 $17.98
Stockers and Order Fillers 9,100 $18.34
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 4,350 $18.46
Medical Secretaries and Administrative Assistants 4,260 $18.48
Nursing Assistants 4,500 $18.69
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 4,320 $19.02
First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers 5,120 $19.09
Customer Service Representatives 5,000 $19.45
Office Clerks, General 12,530 $19.93
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 5,230 $20.68
Two-bedrooom Housing Wage $20.73
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 7,420 $21.04
All Occupations 501,730 $22.51
First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers 5,400 $23.39
Construction Laborers 4,330 $23.44
Carpenters 4,330 $24.79
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 6,740 $27.88
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products 4,310 $28.30
First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers 3,840 $29.17
Business Operations Specialists, All Other 4,210 $31.50
Accountants and Auditors 4,390 $33.10
First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers 4,830 $37.49
Registered Nurses 9,740 $38.99
General and Operations Managers 11,120 $41.86