North Dakota


North Dakota

State Facts

Minimum Wage $7.25
2-Bedroom Housing Wage $18.38
Number of Renter Households 117,825
Number of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Number of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI

Affordable Rent for Low Income Households

Minimum Wage Worker


Household at 30% of Area Median Income


Household at 50% of Area Median Income


Fair Market Rent

1-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


2-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


Working at minimum wage $7.25/hr

Each week you have to work 84 hours

To afford a modest 1 bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent

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Compare Jurisdictions

North Dakota North Dakota Non-metropolitan areas Bismarck MSA Fargo MSA Grand Forks MSA Adams County Barnes County Benson County Billings County Bottineau County Bowman County Burke County Burleigh County Cass County Cavalier County Dickey County Divide County Dunn County Eddy County Emmons County Foster County † Golden Valley County Grand Forks County Grant County Griggs County Hettinger County Kidder County LaMoure County Logan County McHenry County McIntosh County McKenzie County McLean County Mercer County Morton County Mountrail County Nelson County Oliver County Pembina County Pierce County Ramsey County Ransom County Renville County Richland County Rolette County Sargent County Sheridan County Sioux County Slope County † Stark County Steele County Stutsman County Towner County Traill County Walsh County Ward County Wells County Williams County
Number of Households
Total 320,038 156,038 53,760 79,505 30,735 997 4,892 1,869 320 2,613 1,188 950 39,885 79,505 1,519 1,916 905 1,493 1,077 1,490 1,492 673 30,735 1,060 927 1,055 1,111 1,698 770 2,312 1,193 5,350 4,176 3,536 13,177 3,539 1,297 698 2,961 1,689 5,049 2,347 859 6,781 3,668 1,732 644 1,047 351 13,200 716 9,110 964 3,285 4,467 28,351 1,800 15,599
Renter 117,825 49,922 14,993 37,895 15,015 263 1,249 528 83 501 249 168 11,399 37,895 262 426 259 430 329 289 324 170 15,015 146 168 236 285 265 130 419 263 2,329 713 573 3,506 1,394 323 88 759 335 1,912 601 141 2,086 1,244 459 110 592 34 4,717 162 3,213 234 886 976 11,001 462 7,224
Percent Renters 37% 32% 28% 48% 49% 26% 26% 28% 26% 19% 21% 18% 29% 48% 17% 22% 29% 29% 31% 19% 22% 25% 49% 14% 18% 22% 26% 16% 17% 18% 22% 44% 17% 16% 27% 39% 25% 13% 26% 20% 38% 26% 16% 31% 34% 27% 17% 57% 10% 36% 23% 35% 24% 27% 22% 39% 26% 46%
Housing Wage
Zero-Bedroom $13.93 $14.67 $14.69 $12.62 $14.06 $13.23 $13.15 $14.33 $13.85 $12.50 $14.33 $12.48 $14.69 $12.62 $13.23 $12.48 $21.52 $16.08 $12.48 $12.48 $14.33 $13.44 $14.06 $13.23 $13.04 $13.83 $14.33 $12.77 $13.85 $13.31 $14.33 $20.96 $12.79 $14.17 $14.69 $14.12 $14.33 $14.69 $14.33 $14.33 $11.71 $11.19 $13.23 $12.48 $12.48 $12.56 $13.85 $12.48 $13.85 $16.69 $13.23 $12.48 $13.23 $13.29 $13.50 $13.10 $13.25 $18.94
One-Bedroom $15.14 $15.18 $16.31 $15.02 $14.15 $13.31 $13.25 $14.71 $13.94 $12.58 $14.71 $12.58 $16.31 $15.02 $13.31 $12.58 $21.65 $16.17 $12.58 $12.58 $14.71 $13.52 $14.15 $13.31 $13.12 $13.90 $14.62 $12.85 $13.94 $13.38 $14.71 $21.10 $12.88 $16.38 $16.31 $14.71 $14.71 $16.31 $14.71 $14.71 $13.17 $13.19 $13.33 $12.58 $12.58 $12.63 $13.94 $12.58 $13.94 $16.79 $13.31 $12.58 $13.31 $13.37 $13.60 $14.31 $13.35 $19.29
Two-Bedroom $18.38 $18.71 $18.37 $18.15 $17.87 $16.52 $17.40 $16.52 $17.29 $16.52 $16.52 $16.52 $18.37 $18.15 $16.52 $16.52 $26.87 $20.33 $16.52 $16.52 $16.52 $16.77 $17.87 $16.52 $16.52 $17.25 $16.52 $16.52 $17.29 $16.52 $16.52 $26.00 $16.52 $20.90 $18.37 $16.52 $16.52 $18.37 $16.52 $16.52 $16.52 $16.52 $17.50 $16.52 $16.52 $16.52 $17.29 $16.52 $17.29 $19.71 $16.52 $16.52 $16.52 $16.52 $16.52 $18.81 $16.52 $21.85
Three-Bedroom $25.58 $25.61 $25.88 $25.58 $25.17 $23.29 $21.04 $22.54 $24.37 $21.52 $23.29 $19.98 $25.88 $25.58 $23.29 $19.98 $32.48 $24.75 $22.29 $20.48 $23.12 $20.27 $25.17 $23.29 $23.29 $21.17 $23.29 $23.29 $24.37 $19.98 $23.29 $31.44 $23.29 $25.27 $25.88 $23.29 $23.29 $25.88 $23.29 $19.98 $23.29 $22.69 $21.15 $23.29 $21.19 $21.92 $24.37 $19.98 $24.37 $27.77 $23.29 $23.29 $23.29 $22.54 $22.06 $26.50 $23.29 $30.79
Four-Bedroom $30.90 $31.05 $31.17 $30.81 $30.33 $28.04 $26.13 $28.04 $29.35 $28.04 $24.25 $28.04 $31.17 $30.81 $28.04 $28.04 $45.60 $34.04 $28.04 $28.04 $25.12 $28.46 $30.33 $28.04 $28.04 $29.27 $28.04 $28.04 $29.35 $28.04 $25.73 $42.92 $28.04 $28.87 $31.17 $27.56 $28.04 $31.17 $28.04 $23.00 $25.73 $28.04 $24.50 $26.58 $28.04 $22.00 $29.35 $22.48 $29.35 $33.44 $28.04 $28.04 $28.04 $22.63 $28.04 $31.92 $28.04 $37.08
Fair Market Rent
Zero-Bedroom $725 $763 $764 $656 $731 $688 $684 $745 $720 $650 $745 $649 $764 $656 $688 $649 $1,119 $836 $649 $649 $745 $699 $731 $688 $678 $719 $745 $664 $720 $692 $745 $1,090 $665 $737 $764 $734 $745 $764 $745 $745 $609 $582 $688 $649 $649 $653 $720 $649 $720 $868 $688 $649 $688 $691 $702 $681 $689 $985
One-Bedroom $787 $789 $848 $781 $736 $692 $689 $765 $725 $654 $765 $654 $848 $781 $692 $654 $1,126 $841 $654 $654 $765 $703 $736 $692 $682 $723 $760 $668 $725 $696 $765 $1,097 $670 $852 $848 $765 $765 $848 $765 $765 $685 $686 $693 $654 $654 $657 $725 $654 $725 $873 $692 $654 $692 $695 $707 $744 $694 $1,003
Two-Bedroom $956 $973 $955 $944 $929 $859 $905 $859 $899 $859 $859 $859 $955 $944 $859 $859 $1,397 $1,057 $859 $859 $859 $872 $929 $859 $859 $897 $859 $859 $899 $859 $859 $1,352 $859 $1,087 $955 $859 $859 $955 $859 $859 $859 $859 $910 $859 $859 $859 $899 $859 $899 $1,025 $859 $859 $859 $859 $859 $978 $859 $1,136
Three-Bedroom $1,330 $1,332 $1,346 $1,330 $1,309 $1,211 $1,094 $1,172 $1,267 $1,119 $1,211 $1,039 $1,346 $1,330 $1,211 $1,039 $1,689 $1,287 $1,159 $1,065 $1,202 $1,054 $1,309 $1,211 $1,211 $1,101 $1,211 $1,211 $1,267 $1,039 $1,211 $1,635 $1,211 $1,314 $1,346 $1,211 $1,211 $1,346 $1,211 $1,039 $1,211 $1,180 $1,100 $1,211 $1,102 $1,140 $1,267 $1,039 $1,267 $1,444 $1,211 $1,211 $1,211 $1,172 $1,147 $1,378 $1,211 $1,601
Four-Bedroom $1,607 $1,615 $1,621 $1,602 $1,577 $1,458 $1,359 $1,458 $1,526 $1,458 $1,261 $1,458 $1,621 $1,602 $1,458 $1,458 $2,371 $1,770 $1,458 $1,458 $1,306 $1,480 $1,577 $1,458 $1,458 $1,522 $1,458 $1,458 $1,526 $1,458 $1,338 $2,232 $1,458 $1,501 $1,621 $1,433 $1,458 $1,621 $1,458 $1,196 $1,338 $1,458 $1,274 $1,382 $1,458 $1,144 $1,526 $1,169 $1,526 $1,739 $1,458 $1,458 $1,458 $1,177 $1,458 $1,660 $1,458 $1,928
Annual Income Needed to Afford
Zero-Bedroom $28,981 $30,509 $30,560 $26,240 $29,240 $27,520 $27,360 $29,800 $28,800 $26,000 $29,800 $25,960 $30,560 $26,240 $27,520 $25,960 $44,760 $33,440 $25,960 $25,960 $29,800 $27,960 $29,240 $27,520 $27,120 $28,760 $29,800 $26,560 $28,800 $27,680 $29,800 $43,600 $26,600 $29,480 $30,560 $29,360 $29,800 $30,560 $29,800 $29,800 $24,360 $23,280 $27,520 $25,960 $25,960 $26,120 $28,800 $25,960 $28,800 $34,720 $27,520 $25,960 $27,520 $27,640 $28,080 $27,240 $27,560 $39,400
One-Bedroom $31,491 $31,568 $33,920 $31,240 $29,440 $27,680 $27,560 $30,600 $29,000 $26,160 $30,600 $26,160 $33,920 $31,240 $27,680 $26,160 $45,040 $33,640 $26,160 $26,160 $30,600 $28,120 $29,440 $27,680 $27,280 $28,920 $30,400 $26,720 $29,000 $27,840 $30,600 $43,880 $26,800 $34,080 $33,920 $30,600 $30,600 $33,920 $30,600 $30,600 $27,400 $27,440 $27,720 $26,160 $26,160 $26,280 $29,000 $26,160 $29,000 $34,920 $27,680 $26,160 $27,680 $27,800 $28,280 $29,760 $27,760 $40,120
Two-Bedroom $38,229 $38,916 $38,200 $37,760 $37,160 $34,360 $36,200 $34,360 $35,960 $34,360 $34,360 $34,360 $38,200 $37,760 $34,360 $34,360 $55,880 $42,280 $34,360 $34,360 $34,360 $34,880 $37,160 $34,360 $34,360 $35,880 $34,360 $34,360 $35,960 $34,360 $34,360 $54,080 $34,360 $43,480 $38,200 $34,360 $34,360 $38,200 $34,360 $34,360 $34,360 $34,360 $36,400 $34,360 $34,360 $34,360 $35,960 $34,360 $35,960 $41,000 $34,360 $34,360 $34,360 $34,360 $34,360 $39,120 $34,360 $45,440
Three-Bedroom $53,200 $53,260 $53,840 $53,200 $52,360 $48,440 $43,760 $46,880 $50,680 $44,760 $48,440 $41,560 $53,840 $53,200 $48,440 $41,560 $67,560 $51,480 $46,360 $42,600 $48,080 $42,160 $52,360 $48,440 $48,440 $44,040 $48,440 $48,440 $50,680 $41,560 $48,440 $65,400 $48,440 $52,560 $53,840 $48,440 $48,440 $53,840 $48,440 $41,560 $48,440 $47,200 $44,000 $48,440 $44,080 $45,600 $50,680 $41,560 $50,680 $57,760 $48,440 $48,440 $48,440 $46,880 $45,880 $55,120 $48,440 $64,040
Four-Bedroom $64,267 $64,594 $64,840 $64,080 $63,080 $58,320 $54,360 $58,320 $61,040 $58,320 $50,440 $58,320 $64,840 $64,080 $58,320 $58,320 $94,840 $70,800 $58,320 $58,320 $52,240 $59,200 $63,080 $58,320 $58,320 $60,880 $58,320 $58,320 $61,040 $58,320 $53,520 $89,280 $58,320 $60,040 $64,840 $57,320 $58,320 $64,840 $58,320 $47,840 $53,520 $58,320 $50,960 $55,280 $58,320 $45,760 $61,040 $46,760 $61,040 $69,560 $58,320 $58,320 $58,320 $47,080 $58,320 $66,400 $58,320 $77,120
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25
Rent Affordable for a Full-Time Worker at Minimum Wage $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377
Work Hours/Week at Minimum Wage
Zero-Bedroom 77 81 81 70 78 73 73 79 76 69 79 69 81 70 73 69 119 89 69 69 79 74 78 73 72 76 79 70 76 73 79 116 71 78 81 78 79 81 79 79 65 62 73 69 69 69 76 69 76 92 73 69 73 73 74 72 73 105
One-Bedroom 84 84 90 83 78 73 73 81 77 69 81 69 90 83 73 69 119 89 69 69 81 75 78 73 72 77 81 71 77 74 81 116 71 90 90 81 81 90 81 81 73 73 74 69 69 70 77 69 77 93 73 69 73 74 75 79 74 106
Two-Bedroom 101 103 101 100 99 91 96 91 95 91 91 91 101 100 91 91 148 112 91 91 91 93 99 91 91 95 91 91 95 91 91 143 91 115 101 91 91 101 91 91 91 91 97 91 91 91 95 91 95 109 91 91 91 91 91 104 91 121
Three-Bedroom 141 141 143 141 139 128 116 124 134 119 128 110 143 141 128 110 179 137 123 113 128 112 139 128 128 117 128 128 134 110 128 173 128 139 143 128 128 143 128 110 128 125 117 128 117 121 134 110 134 153 128 128 128 124 122 146 128 170
Four-Bedroom 170 171 172 170 167 155 144 155 162 155 134 155 172 170 155 155 252 188 155 155 139 157 167 155 155 161 155 155 162 155 142 237 155 159 172 152 155 172 155 127 142 155 135 147 155 121 162 124 162 185 155 155 155 125 155 176 155 205
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payment
SSI Monthly Payment $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943
Rent affordable to SSI recipient $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283
Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $31,372 $30,779 $32,550 $31,770 $31,290 $31,560 $28,920 $21,840 $34,110 $32,310 $30,360 $35,520 $32,550 $31,770 $30,120 $28,320 $32,940 $39,720 $24,510 $29,700 $33,450 $31,470 $31,290 $25,110 $27,930 $27,060 $24,450 $30,030 $23,460 $30,360 $27,330 $32,490 $30,090 $33,750 $32,550 $30,840 $29,970 $32,550 $28,380 $31,110 $28,590 $28,560 $30,000 $31,320 $19,050 $29,730 $28,710 $14,880 $27,900 $32,490 $33,570 $30,240 $26,790 $34,710 $25,980 $33,090 $28,290 $33,420
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $52,286 $51,298 $54,250 $52,950 $52,150 $52,600 $48,200 $36,400 $56,850 $53,850 $50,600 $59,200 $54,250 $52,950 $50,200 $47,200 $54,900 $66,200 $40,850 $49,500 $55,750 $52,450 $52,150 $41,850 $46,550 $45,100 $40,750 $50,050 $39,100 $50,600 $45,550 $54,150 $50,150 $56,250 $54,250 $51,400 $49,950 $54,250 $47,300 $51,850 $47,650 $47,600 $50,000 $52,200 $31,750 $49,550 $47,850 $24,800 $46,500 $54,150 $55,950 $50,400 $44,650 $57,850 $43,300 $55,150 $47,150 $55,700
Median Renter Household Income $49,983 $52,651 $50,066 $48,597 $44,532 $31,936 $39,971 $30,968 $75,540 $45,644 $59,226 $63,705 $49,891 $48,597 $36,403 $39,993 $70,466 $81,603 $37,051 $26,354 $39,247 $44,532 $22,562 $42,803 $41,782 $44,177 $41,309 $58,397 $72,001 $44,826 $72,686 $42,736 $48,765 $50,410 $65,696 $43,134 $59,060 $40,444 $27,513 $28,235 $39,601 $47,912 $32,678 $49,106 $58,981 $31,649 $30,821 $61,051 $60,764 $28,783 $38,386 $41,674 $46,452 $47,814 $55,511 $34,819 $72,340
Rent Affordable at Different Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $784 $769 $814 $794 $782 $789 $723 $546 $853 $808 $759 $888 $814 $794 $753 $708 $824 $993 $613 $743 $836 $787 $782 $628 $698 $677 $611 $751 $587 $759 $683 $812 $752 $844 $814 $771 $749 $814 $710 $778 $715 $714 $750 $783 $476 $743 $718 $372 $698 $812 $839 $756 $670 $868 $650 $827 $707 $836
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $1,307 $1,282 $1,356 $1,324 $1,304 $1,315 $1,205 $910 $1,421 $1,346 $1,265 $1,480 $1,356 $1,324 $1,255 $1,180 $1,373 $1,655 $1,021 $1,238 $1,394 $1,311 $1,304 $1,046 $1,164 $1,128 $1,019 $1,251 $978 $1,265 $1,139 $1,354 $1,254 $1,406 $1,356 $1,285 $1,249 $1,356 $1,183 $1,296 $1,191 $1,190 $1,250 $1,305 $794 $1,239 $1,196 $620 $1,163 $1,354 $1,399 $1,260 $1,116 $1,446 $1,083 $1,379 $1,179 $1,393
Median Renter Household Income $1,250 $1,316 $1,252 $1,215 $1,113 $798 $999 $774 $1,888 $1,141 $1,481 $1,593 $1,247 $1,215 $910 $1,000 $1,762 $2,040 $926 $659 $981 $1,113 $564 $1,070 $1,045 $1,104 $1,033 $1,460 $1,800 $1,121 $1,817 $1,068 $1,219 $1,260 $1,642 $1,078 $1,477 $1,011 $688 $706 $990 $1,198 $817 $1,228 $1,475 $791 $771 $1,526 $1,519 $720 $960 $1,042 $1,161 $1,195 $1,388 $870 $1,808

Median Wages for State’s Most Common Occupations

Occupation Total Employment Median Hourly Wage
Bartenders 4,370 $13.78
Childcare Workers 3,880 $14.39
Cashiers 9,660 $14.50
Fast Food and Counter Workers 10,220 $14.54
Waiters and Waitresses 5,090 $14.55
Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 2,940 $14.74
One-Bedroom Housing Wage $15.14
Retail Salespersons 11,560 $17.14
Cooks, Restaurant 4,130 $17.40
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 7,160 $17.56
Home Health and Personal Care Aides 6,720 $18.33
Stockers and Order Fillers 4,770 $18.37
Two-bedrooom Housing Wage $18.38
Cooks, Institution and Cafeteria 2,660 $18.39
Customer Service Representatives 6,240 $19.43
Nursing Assistants 8,630 $20.02
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 10,390 $20.60
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 5,510 $21.72
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 3,920 $22.77
Office Clerks, General 9,450 $22.89
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 3,900 $23.05
Construction Laborers 3,420 $23.15
Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators 4,830 $23.33
All Occupations 417,500 $24.04
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 11,170 $29.15
Operating Engineers and Other Construction Equipment Operators 3,880 $30.55
Service Unit Operators, Oil and Gas 3,000 $31.73
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products 4,100 $32.10
Accountants and Auditors 4,290 $32.19
Registered Nurses 10,350 $36.91
Electricians 3,180 $37.49
First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers 4,060 $38.48
General and Operations Managers 10,780 $43.14