


State Facts

Minimum Wage $10.45
2-Bedroom Housing Wage $20.81
Number of Renter Households 1,589,094
Number of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Number of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI

Affordable Rent for Low Income Households

Minimum Wage Worker


Household at 30% of Area Median Income


Household at 50% of Area Median Income


Fair Market Rent

1-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


2-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


Working at minimum wage $10.45/hr

Each week you have to work 64 hours

To afford a modest 1 bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent

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Ohio Ohio Non-metropolitan areas Akron MSA Brown County HMFA Canton-Massillon MSA Cincinnati HMFA Cleveland-Elyria MSA Columbus HMFA Dayton MSA Hocking County HMFA Huntington-Ashland HMFA Lima MSA Mansfield MSA Ottawa County HMFA Perry County HMFA Springfield MSA Toledo HMFA Union County HMFA Weirton-Steubenville MSA Wheeling MSA Youngstown-Warren-Boardman HMFA Adams County Allen County Ashland County Ashtabula County Athens County Auglaize County Belmont County Brown County Butler County Carroll County Champaign County Clark County Clermont County Clinton County Columbiana County Coshocton County Crawford County Cuyahoga County Darke County Defiance County Delaware County Erie County Fairfield County Fayette County Franklin County Fulton County Gallia County Geauga County Greene County Guernsey County Hamilton County Hancock County Hardin County Harrison County Henry County Highland County Hocking County Holmes County Huron County Jackson County Jefferson County Knox County Lake County Lawrence County Licking County Logan County Lorain County Lucas County Madison County Mahoning County Marion County Medina County Meigs County Mercer County Miami County Monroe County Montgomery County Morgan County Morrow County Muskingum County Noble County Ottawa County Paulding County Perry County Pickaway County Pike County Portage County Preble County Putnam County Richland County Ross County Sandusky County Scioto County Seneca County Shelby County Stark County Summit County Trumbull County Tuscarawas County Union County Van Wert County Vinton County Warren County Washington County Wayne County Williams County Wood County Wyandot County
Number of Households
Total 4,789,408 909,373 292,223 16,958 166,045 664,474 883,673 796,344 339,070 11,279 22,455 40,735 49,673 17,995 13,371 55,429 252,023 22,644 26,973 25,974 182,697 10,175 40,735 20,478 38,549 22,582 18,858 25,974 16,958 144,536 11,355 15,612 55,429 82,712 16,390 41,251 14,739 18,168 552,421 21,026 15,262 78,456 32,103 58,723 11,620 542,366 16,869 11,303 35,321 66,856 16,165 348,491 31,343 11,640 5,799 11,179 16,688 11,279 13,314 23,096 12,453 26,973 23,117 99,324 22,455 67,239 19,168 124,510 181,383 15,264 97,655 24,306 72,097 8,833 16,022 44,152 5,574 228,062 5,657 13,222 34,599 4,545 17,995 7,590 13,371 21,074 10,495 63,588 16,606 13,191 49,673 29,565 24,038 28,030 21,910 18,599 154,690 228,635 85,042 37,774 22,644 11,666 5,104 88,735 24,622 44,206 15,381 53,771 8,982
Renter 1,589,094 245,120 94,274 4,311 51,907 226,787 307,569 313,391 119,753 2,380 6,081 13,241 15,876 3,171 3,244 17,438 92,156 4,435 7,794 6,617 53,549 2,904 13,241 4,524 10,271 8,884 4,283 6,617 4,311 44,093 2,660 3,698 17,438 21,691 4,800 11,059 4,177 5,554 229,555 5,935 3,448 16,571 9,187 14,749 4,125 252,407 3,088 2,725 4,567 22,037 4,428 142,299 9,763 2,980 1,290 2,336 4,538 2,380 2,925 6,144 3,192 7,794 6,233 25,095 6,081 17,837 4,484 33,803 69,751 3,685 29,519 7,972 14,549 2,204 3,399 11,729 1,112 85,987 1,382 2,418 10,771 921 3,171 1,417 3,244 5,724 3,606 18,657 3,346 1,811 15,876 8,616 6,216 8,821 6,131 4,815 49,247 75,617 24,030 11,501 4,435 2,408 1,298 18,704 6,379 10,906 3,828 19,317 2,373
Percent Renters 33% 27% 32% 25% 31% 34% 35% 39% 35% 21% 27% 33% 32% 18% 24% 31% 37% 20% 29% 25% 29% 29% 33% 22% 27% 39% 23% 25% 25% 31% 23% 24% 31% 26% 29% 27% 28% 31% 42% 28% 23% 21% 29% 25% 35% 47% 18% 24% 13% 33% 27% 41% 31% 26% 22% 21% 27% 21% 22% 27% 26% 29% 27% 25% 27% 27% 23% 27% 38% 24% 30% 33% 20% 25% 21% 27% 20% 38% 24% 18% 31% 20% 18% 19% 24% 27% 34% 29% 20% 14% 32% 29% 26% 31% 28% 26% 32% 33% 28% 30% 20% 21% 25% 21% 26% 25% 25% 36% 26%
Housing Wage
Zero-Bedroom $15.02 $12.53 $14.00 $12.85 $11.79 $15.58 $15.60 $18.65 $14.29 $12.50 $15.25 $13.77 $11.71 $12.33 $12.46 $12.50 $13.29 $17.94 $12.69 $11.67 $12.17 $12.29 $13.77 $11.21 $11.21 $15.46 $13.15 $11.67 $12.85 $15.58 $11.79 $13.00 $12.50 $15.58 $12.42 $11.21 $12.29 $11.63 $15.60 $12.29 $12.35 $18.65 $14.75 $18.65 $11.75 $18.65 $13.29 $12.29 $15.60 $14.29 $12.29 $15.58 $12.50 $12.29 $12.29 $11.44 $12.29 $12.50 $12.29 $12.50 $12.29 $12.69 $13.88 $15.60 $15.25 $18.65 $12.29 $15.60 $13.29 $18.65 $12.17 $13.90 $15.60 $11.58 $12.29 $14.29 $12.29 $14.29 $12.29 $18.65 $13.04 $12.29 $12.33 $12.29 $12.46 $18.65 $12.29 $14.00 $12.50 $12.29 $11.71 $12.83 $11.29 $12.00 $13.06 $11.52 $11.79 $14.00 $12.17 $13.23 $17.94 $12.29 $12.29 $15.58 $12.58 $12.19 $11.21 $13.29 $12.29
One-Bedroom $16.61 $13.61 $15.69 $12.92 $13.27 $17.67 $17.56 $20.48 $15.38 $12.60 $15.67 $14.17 $13.25 $13.83 $12.71 $13.87 $14.48 $18.29 $13.04 $13.73 $13.13 $12.60 $14.17 $12.60 $13.31 $15.56 $13.25 $13.73 $12.92 $17.67 $13.27 $13.35 $13.87 $17.67 $13.73 $13.54 $13.60 $13.62 $17.56 $14.25 $12.83 $20.48 $14.85 $20.48 $13.88 $20.48 $14.48 $14.52 $17.56 $15.38 $12.60 $17.67 $14.23 $13.48 $12.60 $14.17 $13.58 $12.60 $12.60 $12.79 $12.81 $13.04 $13.98 $17.56 $15.67 $20.48 $12.60 $17.56 $14.48 $20.48 $13.13 $14.00 $17.56 $13.60 $13.00 $15.38 $12.60 $15.38 $14.73 $20.48 $13.12 $14.73 $13.83 $14.33 $12.71 $20.48 $12.60 $15.69 $12.60 $13.65 $13.25 $14.77 $13.52 $14.50 $13.13 $13.29 $13.27 $15.69 $13.13 $13.33 $18.29 $12.79 $12.67 $17.67 $12.67 $13.52 $14.04 $14.48 $13.69
Two-Bedroom $20.81 $17.06 $19.98 $16.98 $17.40 $22.98 $21.31 $25.04 $19.67 $16.54 $18.04 $18.21 $16.54 $18.17 $16.69 $18.23 $18.96 $24.04 $16.54 $17.21 $16.54 $16.54 $18.21 $16.54 $16.54 $18.90 $16.54 $17.21 $16.98 $22.98 $17.40 $16.90 $18.23 $22.98 $16.73 $16.54 $16.54 $16.54 $21.31 $16.54 $16.85 $25.04 $18.50 $25.04 $16.73 $25.04 $18.96 $16.54 $21.31 $19.67 $16.54 $22.98 $18.44 $16.54 $16.54 $16.54 $16.54 $16.54 $16.54 $16.81 $16.54 $16.54 $17.75 $21.31 $18.04 $25.04 $16.54 $21.31 $18.96 $25.04 $16.54 $18.38 $21.31 $16.54 $16.54 $19.67 $16.54 $19.67 $16.54 $25.04 $16.79 $16.54 $18.17 $16.54 $16.69 $25.04 $16.54 $19.98 $16.54 $16.54 $16.54 $17.96 $16.65 $16.54 $17.02 $17.00 $17.40 $19.98 $16.54 $17.50 $24.04 $16.54 $16.54 $22.98 $16.54 $17.52 $16.54 $18.96 $16.54
Three-Bedroom $26.58 $21.92 $25.02 $21.71 $21.81 $30.54 $27.58 $30.27 $25.58 $23.15 $23.77 $22.63 $22.73 $21.98 $20.54 $22.10 $25.13 $29.06 $22.63 $22.37 $21.79 $20.69 $22.63 $21.35 $20.87 $22.87 $23.31 $22.37 $21.71 $30.54 $21.81 $22.50 $22.10 $30.54 $21.77 $21.02 $23.19 $21.98 $27.58 $22.60 $22.52 $30.27 $22.37 $30.27 $21.69 $30.27 $25.13 $20.02 $27.58 $25.58 $20.96 $30.54 $23.88 $20.75 $21.94 $21.73 $20.23 $23.15 $20.00 $21.44 $22.88 $22.63 $23.62 $27.58 $23.77 $30.27 $21.15 $27.58 $25.13 $30.27 $21.79 $22.23 $27.58 $20.00 $21.94 $25.58 $22.90 $25.58 $20.54 $30.27 $22.38 $20.00 $21.98 $22.65 $20.54 $30.27 $20.37 $25.02 $21.67 $20.00 $22.73 $22.21 $23.15 $22.54 $21.19 $22.96 $21.81 $25.02 $21.79 $22.27 $29.06 $20.71 $20.00 $30.54 $21.42 $22.10 $20.88 $25.13 $20.00
Four-Bedroom $29.09 $24.70 $26.71 $25.98 $23.17 $33.96 $29.37 $33.56 $28.06 $23.23 $27.52 $25.54 $26.06 $25.15 $22.23 $24.38 $26.50 $32.02 $24.60 $25.56 $23.04 $22.02 $25.54 $26.87 $23.31 $28.67 $28.06 $25.56 $25.98 $33.96 $23.17 $24.27 $24.38 $33.96 $25.79 $22.38 $26.52 $22.02 $29.37 $23.35 $23.67 $33.56 $27.19 $33.56 $23.65 $33.56 $26.50 $25.04 $29.37 $28.06 $25.29 $33.96 $29.50 $23.37 $22.02 $26.29 $25.35 $23.23 $22.02 $24.69 $26.50 $24.60 $23.63 $29.37 $27.52 $33.56 $22.46 $29.37 $26.50 $33.56 $23.04 $24.48 $29.37 $28.06 $22.02 $28.06 $23.00 $28.06 $25.17 $33.56 $23.56 $23.42 $25.15 $24.56 $22.23 $33.56 $24.27 $26.71 $25.40 $22.02 $26.06 $23.92 $24.21 $24.77 $24.75 $24.85 $23.17 $26.71 $23.04 $25.37 $32.02 $22.02 $22.02 $33.96 $23.54 $24.85 $22.02 $26.50 $26.06
Fair Market Rent
Zero-Bedroom $781 $652 $728 $668 $613 $810 $811 $970 $743 $650 $793 $716 $609 $641 $648 $650 $691 $933 $660 $607 $633 $639 $716 $583 $583 $804 $684 $607 $668 $810 $613 $676 $650 $810 $646 $583 $639 $605 $811 $639 $642 $970 $767 $970 $611 $970 $691 $639 $811 $743 $639 $810 $650 $639 $639 $595 $639 $650 $639 $650 $639 $660 $722 $811 $793 $970 $639 $811 $691 $970 $633 $723 $811 $602 $639 $743 $639 $743 $639 $970 $678 $639 $641 $639 $648 $970 $639 $728 $650 $639 $609 $667 $587 $624 $679 $599 $613 $728 $633 $688 $933 $639 $639 $810 $654 $634 $583 $691 $639
One-Bedroom $864 $708 $816 $672 $690 $919 $913 $1,065 $800 $655 $815 $737 $689 $719 $661 $721 $753 $951 $678 $714 $683 $655 $737 $655 $692 $809 $689 $714 $672 $919 $690 $694 $721 $919 $714 $704 $707 $708 $913 $741 $667 $1,065 $772 $1,065 $722 $1,065 $753 $755 $913 $800 $655 $919 $740 $701 $655 $737 $706 $655 $655 $665 $666 $678 $727 $913 $815 $1,065 $655 $913 $753 $1,065 $683 $728 $913 $707 $676 $800 $655 $800 $766 $1,065 $682 $766 $719 $745 $661 $1,065 $655 $816 $655 $710 $689 $768 $703 $754 $683 $691 $690 $816 $683 $693 $951 $665 $659 $919 $659 $703 $730 $753 $712
Two-Bedroom $1,082 $887 $1,039 $883 $905 $1,195 $1,108 $1,302 $1,023 $860 $938 $947 $860 $945 $868 $948 $986 $1,250 $860 $895 $860 $860 $947 $860 $860 $983 $860 $895 $883 $1,195 $905 $879 $948 $1,195 $870 $860 $860 $860 $1,108 $860 $876 $1,302 $962 $1,302 $870 $1,302 $986 $860 $1,108 $1,023 $860 $1,195 $959 $860 $860 $860 $860 $860 $860 $874 $860 $860 $923 $1,108 $938 $1,302 $860 $1,108 $986 $1,302 $860 $956 $1,108 $860 $860 $1,023 $860 $1,023 $860 $1,302 $873 $860 $945 $860 $868 $1,302 $860 $1,039 $860 $860 $860 $934 $866 $860 $885 $884 $905 $1,039 $860 $910 $1,250 $860 $860 $1,195 $860 $911 $860 $986 $860
Three-Bedroom $1,382 $1,140 $1,301 $1,129 $1,134 $1,588 $1,434 $1,574 $1,330 $1,204 $1,236 $1,177 $1,182 $1,143 $1,068 $1,149 $1,307 $1,511 $1,177 $1,163 $1,133 $1,076 $1,177 $1,110 $1,085 $1,189 $1,212 $1,163 $1,129 $1,588 $1,134 $1,170 $1,149 $1,588 $1,132 $1,093 $1,206 $1,143 $1,434 $1,175 $1,171 $1,574 $1,163 $1,574 $1,128 $1,574 $1,307 $1,041 $1,434 $1,330 $1,090 $1,588 $1,242 $1,079 $1,141 $1,130 $1,052 $1,204 $1,040 $1,115 $1,190 $1,177 $1,228 $1,434 $1,236 $1,574 $1,100 $1,434 $1,307 $1,574 $1,133 $1,156 $1,434 $1,040 $1,141 $1,330 $1,191 $1,330 $1,068 $1,574 $1,164 $1,040 $1,143 $1,178 $1,068 $1,574 $1,059 $1,301 $1,127 $1,040 $1,182 $1,155 $1,204 $1,172 $1,102 $1,194 $1,134 $1,301 $1,133 $1,158 $1,511 $1,077 $1,040 $1,588 $1,114 $1,149 $1,086 $1,307 $1,040
Four-Bedroom $1,513 $1,284 $1,389 $1,351 $1,205 $1,766 $1,527 $1,745 $1,459 $1,208 $1,431 $1,328 $1,355 $1,308 $1,156 $1,268 $1,378 $1,665 $1,279 $1,329 $1,198 $1,145 $1,328 $1,397 $1,212 $1,491 $1,459 $1,329 $1,351 $1,766 $1,205 $1,262 $1,268 $1,766 $1,341 $1,164 $1,379 $1,145 $1,527 $1,214 $1,231 $1,745 $1,414 $1,745 $1,230 $1,745 $1,378 $1,302 $1,527 $1,459 $1,315 $1,766 $1,534 $1,215 $1,145 $1,367 $1,318 $1,208 $1,145 $1,284 $1,378 $1,279 $1,229 $1,527 $1,431 $1,745 $1,168 $1,527 $1,378 $1,745 $1,198 $1,273 $1,527 $1,459 $1,145 $1,459 $1,196 $1,459 $1,309 $1,745 $1,225 $1,218 $1,308 $1,277 $1,156 $1,745 $1,262 $1,389 $1,321 $1,145 $1,355 $1,244 $1,259 $1,288 $1,287 $1,292 $1,205 $1,389 $1,198 $1,319 $1,665 $1,145 $1,145 $1,766 $1,224 $1,292 $1,145 $1,378 $1,355
Annual Income Needed to Afford
Zero-Bedroom $31,239 $26,070 $29,120 $26,720 $24,520 $32,400 $32,440 $38,800 $29,720 $26,000 $31,720 $28,640 $24,360 $25,640 $25,920 $26,000 $27,640 $37,320 $26,400 $24,280 $25,320 $25,560 $28,640 $23,320 $23,320 $32,160 $27,360 $24,280 $26,720 $32,400 $24,520 $27,040 $26,000 $32,400 $25,840 $23,320 $25,560 $24,200 $32,440 $25,560 $25,680 $38,800 $30,680 $38,800 $24,440 $38,800 $27,640 $25,560 $32,440 $29,720 $25,560 $32,400 $26,000 $25,560 $25,560 $23,800 $25,560 $26,000 $25,560 $26,000 $25,560 $26,400 $28,880 $32,440 $31,720 $38,800 $25,560 $32,440 $27,640 $38,800 $25,320 $28,920 $32,440 $24,080 $25,560 $29,720 $25,560 $29,720 $25,560 $38,800 $27,120 $25,560 $25,640 $25,560 $25,920 $38,800 $25,560 $29,120 $26,000 $25,560 $24,360 $26,680 $23,480 $24,960 $27,160 $23,960 $24,520 $29,120 $25,320 $27,520 $37,320 $25,560 $25,560 $32,400 $26,160 $25,360 $23,320 $27,640 $25,560
One-Bedroom $34,544 $28,314 $32,640 $26,880 $27,600 $36,760 $36,520 $42,600 $32,000 $26,200 $32,600 $29,480 $27,560 $28,760 $26,440 $28,840 $30,120 $38,040 $27,120 $28,560 $27,320 $26,200 $29,480 $26,200 $27,680 $32,360 $27,560 $28,560 $26,880 $36,760 $27,600 $27,760 $28,840 $36,760 $28,560 $28,160 $28,280 $28,320 $36,520 $29,640 $26,680 $42,600 $30,880 $42,600 $28,880 $42,600 $30,120 $30,200 $36,520 $32,000 $26,200 $36,760 $29,600 $28,040 $26,200 $29,480 $28,240 $26,200 $26,200 $26,600 $26,640 $27,120 $29,080 $36,520 $32,600 $42,600 $26,200 $36,520 $30,120 $42,600 $27,320 $29,120 $36,520 $28,280 $27,040 $32,000 $26,200 $32,000 $30,640 $42,600 $27,280 $30,640 $28,760 $29,800 $26,440 $42,600 $26,200 $32,640 $26,200 $28,400 $27,560 $30,720 $28,120 $30,160 $27,320 $27,640 $27,600 $32,640 $27,320 $27,720 $38,040 $26,600 $26,360 $36,760 $26,360 $28,120 $29,200 $30,120 $28,480
Two-Bedroom $43,293 $35,488 $41,560 $35,320 $36,200 $47,800 $44,320 $52,080 $40,920 $34,400 $37,520 $37,880 $34,400 $37,800 $34,720 $37,920 $39,440 $50,000 $34,400 $35,800 $34,400 $34,400 $37,880 $34,400 $34,400 $39,320 $34,400 $35,800 $35,320 $47,800 $36,200 $35,160 $37,920 $47,800 $34,800 $34,400 $34,400 $34,400 $44,320 $34,400 $35,040 $52,080 $38,480 $52,080 $34,800 $52,080 $39,440 $34,400 $44,320 $40,920 $34,400 $47,800 $38,360 $34,400 $34,400 $34,400 $34,400 $34,400 $34,400 $34,960 $34,400 $34,400 $36,920 $44,320 $37,520 $52,080 $34,400 $44,320 $39,440 $52,080 $34,400 $38,240 $44,320 $34,400 $34,400 $40,920 $34,400 $40,920 $34,400 $52,080 $34,920 $34,400 $37,800 $34,400 $34,720 $52,080 $34,400 $41,560 $34,400 $34,400 $34,400 $37,360 $34,640 $34,400 $35,400 $35,360 $36,200 $41,560 $34,400 $36,400 $50,000 $34,400 $34,400 $47,800 $34,400 $36,440 $34,400 $39,440 $34,400
Three-Bedroom $55,279 $45,597 $52,040 $45,160 $45,360 $63,520 $57,360 $62,960 $53,200 $48,160 $49,440 $47,080 $47,280 $45,720 $42,720 $45,960 $52,280 $60,440 $47,080 $46,520 $45,320 $43,040 $47,080 $44,400 $43,400 $47,560 $48,480 $46,520 $45,160 $63,520 $45,360 $46,800 $45,960 $63,520 $45,280 $43,720 $48,240 $45,720 $57,360 $47,000 $46,840 $62,960 $46,520 $62,960 $45,120 $62,960 $52,280 $41,640 $57,360 $53,200 $43,600 $63,520 $49,680 $43,160 $45,640 $45,200 $42,080 $48,160 $41,600 $44,600 $47,600 $47,080 $49,120 $57,360 $49,440 $62,960 $44,000 $57,360 $52,280 $62,960 $45,320 $46,240 $57,360 $41,600 $45,640 $53,200 $47,640 $53,200 $42,720 $62,960 $46,560 $41,600 $45,720 $47,120 $42,720 $62,960 $42,360 $52,040 $45,080 $41,600 $47,280 $46,200 $48,160 $46,880 $44,080 $47,760 $45,360 $52,040 $45,320 $46,320 $60,440 $43,080 $41,600 $63,520 $44,560 $45,960 $43,440 $52,280 $41,600
Four-Bedroom $60,510 $51,378 $55,560 $54,040 $48,200 $70,640 $61,080 $69,800 $58,360 $48,320 $57,240 $53,120 $54,200 $52,320 $46,240 $50,720 $55,120 $66,600 $51,160 $53,160 $47,920 $45,800 $53,120 $55,880 $48,480 $59,640 $58,360 $53,160 $54,040 $70,640 $48,200 $50,480 $50,720 $70,640 $53,640 $46,560 $55,160 $45,800 $61,080 $48,560 $49,240 $69,800 $56,560 $69,800 $49,200 $69,800 $55,120 $52,080 $61,080 $58,360 $52,600 $70,640 $61,360 $48,600 $45,800 $54,680 $52,720 $48,320 $45,800 $51,360 $55,120 $51,160 $49,160 $61,080 $57,240 $69,800 $46,720 $61,080 $55,120 $69,800 $47,920 $50,920 $61,080 $58,360 $45,800 $58,360 $47,840 $58,360 $52,360 $69,800 $49,000 $48,720 $52,320 $51,080 $46,240 $69,800 $50,480 $55,560 $52,840 $45,800 $54,200 $49,760 $50,360 $51,520 $51,480 $51,680 $48,200 $55,560 $47,920 $52,760 $66,600 $45,800 $45,800 $70,640 $48,960 $51,680 $45,800 $55,120 $54,200
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45
Rent Affordable for a Full-Time Worker at Minimum Wage $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543 $543
Work Hours/Week at Minimum Wage
Zero-Bedroom 57 48 54 49 45 60 60 71 55 48 58 53 45 47 48 48 51 69 49 45 47 47 53 43 43 59 50 45 49 60 45 50 48 60 48 43 47 45 60 47 47 71 56 71 45 71 51 47 60 55 47 60 48 47 47 44 47 48 47 48 47 49 53 60 58 71 47 60 51 71 47 53 60 44 47 55 47 55 47 71 50 47 47 47 48 71 47 54 48 47 45 49 43 46 50 44 45 54 47 51 69 47 47 60 48 47 43 51 47
One-Bedroom 64 52 60 49 51 68 67 78 59 48 60 54 51 53 49 53 55 70 50 53 50 48 54 48 51 60 51 53 49 68 51 51 53 68 53 52 52 52 67 55 49 78 57 78 53 78 55 56 67 59 48 68 54 52 48 54 52 48 48 49 49 50 54 67 60 78 48 67 55 78 50 54 67 52 50 59 48 59 56 78 50 56 53 55 49 78 48 60 48 52 51 57 52 56 50 51 51 60 50 51 70 49 49 68 49 52 54 55 52
Two-Bedroom 80 65 76 65 67 88 82 96 75 63 69 70 63 70 64 70 73 92 63 66 63 63 70 63 63 72 63 66 65 88 67 65 70 88 64 63 63 63 82 63 64 96 71 96 64 96 73 63 82 75 63 88 71 63 63 63 63 63 63 64 63 63 68 82 69 96 63 82 73 96 63 70 82 63 63 75 63 75 63 96 64 63 70 63 64 96 63 76 63 63 63 69 64 63 65 65 67 76 63 67 92 63 63 88 63 67 63 73 63
Three-Bedroom 102 84 96 83 83 117 106 116 98 89 91 87 87 84 79 85 96 111 87 86 83 79 87 82 80 88 89 86 83 117 83 86 85 117 83 80 89 84 106 86 86 116 86 116 83 116 96 77 106 98 80 117 91 79 84 83 77 89 77 82 88 87 90 106 91 116 81 106 96 116 83 85 106 77 84 98 88 98 79 116 86 77 84 87 79 116 78 96 83 77 87 85 89 86 81 88 83 96 83 85 111 79 77 117 82 85 80 96 77
Four-Bedroom 111 95 102 99 89 130 112 128 107 89 105 98 100 96 85 93 101 123 94 98 88 84 98 103 89 110 107 98 99 130 89 93 93 130 99 86 102 84 112 89 91 128 104 128 91 128 101 96 112 107 97 130 113 89 84 101 97 89 84 95 101 94 90 112 105 128 86 112 101 128 88 94 112 107 84 107 88 107 96 128 90 90 96 94 85 128 93 102 97 84 100 92 93 95 95 95 89 102 88 97 123 84 84 130 90 95 84 101 100
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payment
SSI Monthly Payment $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943
Rent affordable to SSI recipient $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283
Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $27,908 $24,403 $28,740 $25,080 $25,650 $31,440 $29,160 $30,990 $27,870 $23,250 $21,390 $25,410 $22,800 $29,310 $23,370 $21,210 $26,040 $38,400 $21,630 $24,180 $22,080 $18,780 $25,410 $24,450 $20,970 $24,690 $29,790 $24,180 $25,080 $31,440 $25,650 $26,610 $21,210 $31,440 $25,920 $21,900 $21,570 $20,790 $29,160 $24,900 $26,100 $30,990 $28,320 $30,990 $22,830 $30,990 $26,040 $22,140 $29,160 $27,870 $21,480 $31,440 $28,620 $22,170 $22,320 $27,150 $22,500 $23,250 $27,660 $24,450 $22,020 $21,630 $26,280 $29,160 $21,390 $30,990 $26,520 $29,160 $26,040 $30,990 $22,080 $22,560 $29,160 $19,170 $30,360 $27,870 $22,560 $27,870 $19,440 $30,990 $22,980 $21,210 $29,310 $25,380 $23,370 $30,990 $19,140 $28,740 $25,470 $30,960 $22,800 $24,660 $25,710 $20,460 $23,850 $28,500 $25,650 $28,740 $22,080 $23,190 $38,400 $25,050 $21,090 $31,440 $24,060 $26,190 $23,640 $26,040 $25,950
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $46,514 $40,671 $47,900 $41,800 $42,750 $52,400 $48,600 $51,650 $46,450 $38,750 $35,650 $42,350 $38,000 $48,850 $38,950 $35,350 $43,400 $64,000 $36,050 $40,300 $36,800 $31,300 $42,350 $40,750 $34,950 $41,150 $49,650 $40,300 $41,800 $52,400 $42,750 $44,350 $35,350 $52,400 $43,200 $36,500 $35,950 $34,650 $48,600 $41,500 $43,500 $51,650 $47,200 $51,650 $38,050 $51,650 $43,400 $36,900 $48,600 $46,450 $35,800 $52,400 $47,700 $36,950 $37,200 $45,250 $37,500 $38,750 $46,100 $40,750 $36,700 $36,050 $43,800 $48,600 $35,650 $51,650 $44,200 $48,600 $43,400 $51,650 $36,800 $37,600 $48,600 $31,950 $50,600 $46,450 $37,600 $46,450 $32,400 $51,650 $38,300 $35,350 $48,850 $42,300 $38,950 $51,650 $31,900 $47,900 $42,450 $51,600 $38,000 $41,100 $42,850 $34,100 $39,750 $47,500 $42,750 $47,900 $36,800 $38,650 $64,000 $41,750 $35,150 $52,400 $40,100 $43,650 $39,400 $43,400 $43,250
Median Renter Household Income $42,729 $37,564 $40,184 $31,164 $37,467 $44,925 $40,940 $52,811 $43,245 $30,329 $36,934 $42,386 $35,112 $34,193 $30,399 $38,137 $39,032 $63,777 $29,022 $32,725 $31,846 $26,499 $42,386 $39,157 $30,361 $24,837 $50,445 $32,725 $31,164 $46,821 $31,796 $49,428 $38,137 $49,362 $38,131 $34,125 $29,911 $36,160 $39,141 $40,108 $43,555 $73,571 $42,462 $46,835 $38,635 $52,763 $49,928 $36,283 $55,500 $48,597 $31,965 $40,644 $42,160 $37,269 $34,905 $46,704 $35,552 $30,329 $49,354 $42,536 $31,077 $29,022 $40,695 $49,773 $36,934 $45,532 $42,470 $39,151 $37,062 $47,529 $32,176 $34,324 $53,682 $28,314 $38,346 $45,735 $29,655 $41,534 $27,234 $43,547 $34,259 $32,944 $34,193 $36,430 $30,399 $40,198 $35,438 $36,019 $47,524 $46,745 $35,112 $33,294 $37,654 $24,962 $37,601 $48,248 $37,773 $41,212 $31,442 $39,321 $63,777 $47,323 $34,638 $67,878 $31,996 $46,159 $42,507 $44,406 $53,126
Rent Affordable at Different Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $698 $610 $719 $627 $641 $786 $729 $775 $697 $581 $535 $635 $570 $733 $584 $530 $651 $960 $541 $605 $552 $470 $635 $611 $524 $617 $745 $605 $627 $786 $641 $665 $530 $786 $648 $548 $539 $520 $729 $623 $653 $775 $708 $775 $571 $775 $651 $554 $729 $697 $537 $786 $716 $554 $558 $679 $563 $581 $692 $611 $551 $541 $657 $729 $535 $775 $663 $729 $651 $775 $552 $564 $729 $479 $759 $697 $564 $697 $486 $775 $575 $530 $733 $635 $584 $775 $479 $719 $637 $774 $570 $617 $643 $512 $596 $713 $641 $719 $552 $580 $960 $626 $527 $786 $602 $655 $591 $651 $649
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $1,163 $1,017 $1,198 $1,045 $1,069 $1,310 $1,215 $1,291 $1,161 $969 $891 $1,059 $950 $1,221 $974 $884 $1,085 $1,600 $901 $1,008 $920 $783 $1,059 $1,019 $874 $1,029 $1,241 $1,008 $1,045 $1,310 $1,069 $1,109 $884 $1,310 $1,080 $913 $899 $866 $1,215 $1,038 $1,088 $1,291 $1,180 $1,291 $951 $1,291 $1,085 $923 $1,215 $1,161 $895 $1,310 $1,193 $924 $930 $1,131 $938 $969 $1,153 $1,019 $918 $901 $1,095 $1,215 $891 $1,291 $1,105 $1,215 $1,085 $1,291 $920 $940 $1,215 $799 $1,265 $1,161 $940 $1,161 $810 $1,291 $958 $884 $1,221 $1,058 $974 $1,291 $798 $1,198 $1,061 $1,290 $950 $1,028 $1,071 $853 $994 $1,188 $1,069 $1,198 $920 $966 $1,600 $1,044 $879 $1,310 $1,003 $1,091 $985 $1,085 $1,081
Median Renter Household Income $1,068 $939 $1,005 $779 $937 $1,123 $1,024 $1,320 $1,081 $758 $923 $1,060 $878 $855 $760 $953 $976 $1,594 $726 $818 $796 $662 $1,060 $979 $759 $621 $1,261 $818 $779 $1,171 $795 $1,236 $953 $1,234 $953 $853 $748 $904 $979 $1,003 $1,089 $1,839 $1,062 $1,171 $966 $1,319 $1,248 $907 $1,388 $1,215 $799 $1,016 $1,054 $932 $873 $1,168 $889 $758 $1,234 $1,063 $777 $726 $1,017 $1,244 $923 $1,138 $1,062 $979 $927 $1,188 $804 $858 $1,342 $708 $959 $1,143 $741 $1,038 $681 $1,089 $856 $824 $855 $911 $760 $1,005 $886 $900 $1,188 $1,169 $878 $832 $941 $624 $940 $1,206 $944 $1,030 $786 $983 $1,594 $1,183 $866 $1,697 $800 $1,154 $1,063 $1,110 $1,328

Median Wages for State’s Most Common Occupations

Occupation Total Employment Median Hourly Wage
Fast Food and Counter Workers 140,760 $13.48
Cashiers 122,370 $13.59
Waiters and Waitresses 76,110 $14.26
Home Health and Personal Care Aides 91,890 $14.42
Retail Salespersons 120,500 $14.81
Cooks, Restaurant 51,180 $15.25
One-Bedroom Housing Wage $16.61
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 72,410 $16.67
Stockers and Order Fillers 135,260 $18.00
First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers 46,900 $18.01
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 114,010 $18.52
Nursing Assistants 61,410 $18.73
Light Truck Drivers 36,370 $19.19
Shipping, Receiving, and Inventory Clerks 35,420 $19.60
Office Clerks, General 88,140 $19.62
Customer Service Representatives 99,090 $19.64
Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators 99,020 $19.78
First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers 39,100 $20.76
Two-bedrooom Housing Wage $20.81
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 60,700 $20.86
Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators 38,350 $21.56
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 50,240 $22.69
All Occupations 5,469,160 $23.00
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 63,240 $23.55
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 89,560 $26.45
Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses 36,430 $28.63
Sales Representatives of Services, Except Advertising, Insurance, Financial Services, and Travel 36,740 $29.66
First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers 46,510 $30.11
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products 59,850 $33.80
Accountants and Auditors 50,670 $37.20
Registered Nurses 133,300 $39.38
General and Operations Managers 143,080 $46.24
Software Developers 42,250 $52.97