State Facts
Minimum Wage | $7.25 |
2-Bedroom Housing Wage | $24.08 |
Number of Renter Households | 588,423 |
Number of Renter Households Below 30% AMI |
153,183 |
Percent of Renter Households Below 30% AMI |
26% |
Number of Renter Households Below 50% AMI |
245,073 |
Percent of Renter Households Below 50% AMI |
41% |
Working at minimum wage $7.25/hr
Each week you have to work 115 hours
To afford a modest 1 bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent
Connect to NetworkSouth Carolina
South Carolina | South Carolina Non-metropolitan areas | Anderson HMFA | Augusta-Richmond County HMFA | Beaufort County HMFA | Charleston-North Charleston MSA | Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia HMFA | Chester County HMFA | Clarendon County HMFA | Columbia HMFA | Darlington County HMFA | Florence HMFA | Greenville-Mauldin-Easley HMFA | Jasper County HMFA | Kershaw County HMFA | Lancaster County HMFA | Laurens County HMFA | Myrtle Beach-North Myrtle Beach-Conway HMFA | Spartanburg MSA | Sumter HMFA | Abbeville County | Aiken County | Allendale County | Anderson County | Bamberg County | Barnwell County | Beaufort County | Berkeley County | Calhoun County | Charleston County | Cherokee County | Chester County | Chesterfield County | Clarendon County | Colleton County | Darlington County | Dillon County | Dorchester County | Edgefield County | Fairfield County | Florence County | Georgetown County | Greenville County | Greenwood County | Hampton County | Horry County | Jasper County | Kershaw County | Lancaster County | Laurens County | Lee County | Lexington County | Marion County | Marlboro County | McCormick County | Newberry County | Oconee County | Orangeburg County | Pickens County | Richland County | Saluda County | Spartanburg County | Sumter County | Union County | Williamsburg County | York County | |
Number of Households |
Total | 2,023,085 | 286,449 | 80,301 | 77,307 | 76,113 | 318,484 | 109,013 | 12,890 | 11,684 | 303,510 | 25,022 | 52,244 | 260,690 | 11,795 | 25,239 | 37,893 | 25,757 | 142,383 | 125,394 | 40,917 | 9,620 | 67,904 | 3,220 | 80,301 | 4,610 | 8,342 | 76,113 | 86,958 | 5,951 | 171,795 | 21,288 | 12,890 | 17,116 | 11,684 | 15,656 | 25,022 | 10,433 | 59,731 | 9,403 | 8,795 | 52,244 | 26,029 | 210,349 | 27,640 | 7,084 | 142,383 | 11,795 | 25,239 | 37,893 | 25,757 | 6,212 | 118,673 | 11,256 | 9,463 | 3,947 | 15,027 | 33,240 | 32,687 | 50,341 | 162,726 | 7,365 | 125,394 | 40,917 | 11,580 | 11,999 | 109,013 |
Renter | 588,423 | 83,309 | 20,281 | 19,090 | 18,612 | 100,827 | 29,807 | 2,918 | 2,997 | 98,286 | 7,742 | 18,453 | 80,686 | 3,128 | 4,593 | 6,987 | 7,391 | 35,313 | 34,114 | 13,889 | 2,307 | 16,770 | 1,067 | 20,281 | 1,210 | 2,407 | 18,612 | 22,648 | 1,026 | 63,145 | 6,209 | 2,918 | 4,774 | 2,997 | 4,274 | 7,742 | 4,528 | 15,034 | 2,320 | 2,186 | 18,453 | 4,748 | 65,349 | 9,657 | 1,780 | 35,313 | 3,128 | 4,593 | 6,987 | 7,391 | 1,635 | 27,984 | 4,517 | 3,478 | 637 | 3,860 | 8,238 | 11,323 | 15,337 | 65,439 | 1,651 | 34,114 | 13,889 | 3,535 | 3,125 | 29,807 |
Percent Renters | 29% | 29% | 25% | 25% | 24% | 32% | 27% | 23% | 26% | 32% | 31% | 35% | 31% | 27% | 18% | 18% | 29% | 25% | 27% | 34% | 24% | 25% | 33% | 25% | 26% | 29% | 24% | 26% | 17% | 37% | 29% | 23% | 28% | 26% | 27% | 31% | 43% | 25% | 25% | 25% | 35% | 18% | 31% | 35% | 25% | 25% | 27% | 18% | 18% | 29% | 26% | 24% | 40% | 37% | 16% | 26% | 25% | 35% | 30% | 40% | 22% | 27% | 34% | 31% | 26% | 27% |
Housing Wage |
Zero-Bedroom | $19.97 | $14.00 | $16.12 | $15.48 | $27.54 | $26.65 | $25.90 | $14.10 | $13.15 | $19.92 | $14.44 | $15.13 | $19.85 | $19.77 | $15.38 | $15.10 | $14.46 | $21.56 | $18.77 | $15.19 | $13.56 | $15.48 | $13.85 | $16.12 | $13.15 | $13.15 | $27.54 | $26.65 | $19.92 | $26.65 | $13.58 | $14.10 | $13.73 | $13.15 | $13.85 | $14.44 | $13.19 | $26.65 | $15.48 | $19.92 | $15.13 | $16.19 | $19.85 | $15.02 | $13.85 | $21.56 | $19.77 | $15.38 | $15.10 | $14.46 | $13.15 | $19.92 | $14.19 | $11.79 | $14.46 | $14.75 | $12.88 | $15.52 | $19.85 | $19.92 | $19.92 | $18.77 | $15.19 | $11.79 | $13.15 | $25.90 |
One-Bedroom | $20.87 | $14.52 | $16.17 | $18.48 | $28.31 | $27.38 | $26.62 | $14.17 | $13.25 | $21.35 | $14.54 | $15.23 | $20.65 | $20.31 | $15.48 | $15.19 | $14.56 | $22.83 | $19.54 | $17.94 | $13.63 | $18.48 | $15.50 | $16.17 | $13.25 | $13.25 | $28.31 | $27.38 | $21.35 | $27.38 | $13.67 | $14.17 | $13.81 | $13.25 | $14.54 | $14.54 | $13.29 | $27.38 | $18.48 | $21.35 | $15.23 | $16.31 | $20.65 | $15.12 | $14.62 | $22.83 | $20.31 | $15.48 | $15.19 | $14.56 | $13.25 | $21.35 | $15.50 | $13.25 | $14.56 | $14.85 | $14.46 | $15.87 | $20.65 | $21.35 | $21.35 | $19.54 | $17.94 | $13.25 | $13.25 | $26.62 |
Two-Bedroom | $24.08 | $18.27 | $20.08 | $21.15 | $31.77 | $30.75 | $29.88 | $17.50 | $17.40 | $23.96 | $18.44 | $19.46 | $23.19 | $22.81 | $18.94 | $19.73 | $19.12 | $26.17 | $21.94 | $22.40 | $17.40 | $21.15 | $17.40 | $20.08 | $17.40 | $17.40 | $31.77 | $30.75 | $23.96 | $30.75 | $17.96 | $17.50 | $17.40 | $17.40 | $17.40 | $18.44 | $17.40 | $30.75 | $21.15 | $23.96 | $19.46 | $21.42 | $23.19 | $19.08 | $17.40 | $26.17 | $22.81 | $18.94 | $19.73 | $19.12 | $17.40 | $23.96 | $17.40 | $17.40 | $19.12 | $19.52 | $19.00 | $18.40 | $23.19 | $23.96 | $23.96 | $21.94 | $22.40 | $17.40 | $17.40 | $29.88 |
Three-Bedroom | $30.28 | $23.02 | $25.35 | $28.13 | $39.42 | $38.06 | $37.23 | $24.65 | $22.79 | $30.67 | $22.50 | $24.60 | $28.85 | $32.13 | $23.29 | $26.15 | $23.12 | $33.15 | $27.88 | $27.10 | $24.52 | $28.13 | $24.38 | $25.35 | $24.52 | $22.44 | $39.42 | $38.06 | $30.67 | $38.06 | $22.83 | $24.65 | $22.38 | $22.79 | $21.04 | $22.50 | $21.63 | $38.06 | $28.13 | $30.67 | $24.60 | $28.42 | $28.85 | $23.06 | $24.19 | $33.15 | $32.13 | $23.29 | $26.15 | $23.12 | $23.71 | $30.67 | $22.60 | $21.23 | $24.67 | $23.60 | $23.37 | $22.54 | $28.85 | $30.67 | $30.67 | $27.88 | $27.10 | $22.23 | $21.25 | $37.23 |
Four-Bedroom | $36.07 | $26.30 | $33.77 | $34.21 | $50.65 | $46.19 | $47.71 | $27.71 | $26.46 | $36.87 | $25.94 | $26.42 | $34.56 | $36.37 | $27.21 | $29.19 | $25.58 | $38.56 | $29.54 | $29.85 | $27.10 | $34.21 | $24.48 | $33.77 | $26.48 | $23.90 | $50.65 | $46.19 | $36.87 | $46.19 | $26.06 | $27.71 | $24.83 | $26.46 | $28.02 | $25.94 | $27.81 | $46.19 | $34.21 | $36.87 | $26.42 | $30.42 | $34.56 | $25.40 | $29.54 | $38.56 | $36.37 | $27.21 | $29.19 | $25.58 | $23.81 | $36.87 | $29.54 | $23.27 | $26.88 | $27.27 | $25.92 | $26.08 | $34.56 | $36.87 | $36.87 | $29.54 | $29.85 | $23.17 | $24.98 | $47.71 |
Fair Market Rent |
Zero-Bedroom | $1,038 | $728 | $838 | $805 | $1,432 | $1,386 | $1,347 | $733 | $684 | $1,036 | $751 | $787 | $1,032 | $1,028 | $800 | $785 | $752 | $1,121 | $976 | $790 | $705 | $805 | $720 | $838 | $684 | $684 | $1,432 | $1,386 | $1,036 | $1,386 | $706 | $733 | $714 | $684 | $720 | $751 | $686 | $1,386 | $805 | $1,036 | $787 | $842 | $1,032 | $781 | $720 | $1,121 | $1,028 | $800 | $785 | $752 | $684 | $1,036 | $738 | $613 | $752 | $767 | $670 | $807 | $1,032 | $1,036 | $1,036 | $976 | $790 | $613 | $684 | $1,347 |
One-Bedroom | $1,085 | $755 | $841 | $961 | $1,472 | $1,424 | $1,384 | $737 | $689 | $1,110 | $756 | $792 | $1,074 | $1,056 | $805 | $790 | $757 | $1,187 | $1,016 | $933 | $709 | $961 | $806 | $841 | $689 | $689 | $1,472 | $1,424 | $1,110 | $1,424 | $711 | $737 | $718 | $689 | $756 | $756 | $691 | $1,424 | $961 | $1,110 | $792 | $848 | $1,074 | $786 | $760 | $1,187 | $1,056 | $805 | $790 | $757 | $689 | $1,110 | $806 | $689 | $757 | $772 | $752 | $825 | $1,074 | $1,110 | $1,110 | $1,016 | $933 | $689 | $689 | $1,384 |
Two-Bedroom | $1,252 | $950 | $1,044 | $1,100 | $1,652 | $1,599 | $1,554 | $910 | $905 | $1,246 | $959 | $1,012 | $1,206 | $1,186 | $985 | $1,026 | $994 | $1,361 | $1,141 | $1,165 | $905 | $1,100 | $905 | $1,044 | $905 | $905 | $1,652 | $1,599 | $1,246 | $1,599 | $934 | $910 | $905 | $905 | $905 | $959 | $905 | $1,599 | $1,100 | $1,246 | $1,012 | $1,114 | $1,206 | $992 | $905 | $1,361 | $1,186 | $985 | $1,026 | $994 | $905 | $1,246 | $905 | $905 | $994 | $1,015 | $988 | $957 | $1,206 | $1,246 | $1,246 | $1,141 | $1,165 | $905 | $905 | $1,554 |
Three-Bedroom | $1,575 | $1,197 | $1,318 | $1,463 | $2,050 | $1,979 | $1,936 | $1,282 | $1,185 | $1,595 | $1,170 | $1,279 | $1,500 | $1,671 | $1,211 | $1,360 | $1,202 | $1,724 | $1,450 | $1,409 | $1,275 | $1,463 | $1,268 | $1,318 | $1,275 | $1,167 | $2,050 | $1,979 | $1,595 | $1,979 | $1,187 | $1,282 | $1,164 | $1,185 | $1,094 | $1,170 | $1,125 | $1,979 | $1,463 | $1,595 | $1,279 | $1,478 | $1,500 | $1,199 | $1,258 | $1,724 | $1,671 | $1,211 | $1,360 | $1,202 | $1,233 | $1,595 | $1,175 | $1,104 | $1,283 | $1,227 | $1,215 | $1,172 | $1,500 | $1,595 | $1,595 | $1,450 | $1,409 | $1,156 | $1,105 | $1,936 |
Four-Bedroom | $1,876 | $1,368 | $1,756 | $1,779 | $2,634 | $2,402 | $2,481 | $1,441 | $1,376 | $1,917 | $1,349 | $1,374 | $1,797 | $1,891 | $1,415 | $1,518 | $1,330 | $2,005 | $1,536 | $1,552 | $1,409 | $1,779 | $1,273 | $1,756 | $1,377 | $1,243 | $2,634 | $2,402 | $1,917 | $2,402 | $1,355 | $1,441 | $1,291 | $1,376 | $1,457 | $1,349 | $1,446 | $2,402 | $1,779 | $1,917 | $1,374 | $1,582 | $1,797 | $1,321 | $1,536 | $2,005 | $1,891 | $1,415 | $1,518 | $1,330 | $1,238 | $1,917 | $1,536 | $1,210 | $1,398 | $1,418 | $1,348 | $1,356 | $1,797 | $1,917 | $1,917 | $1,536 | $1,552 | $1,205 | $1,299 | $2,481 |
Annual Income Needed to Afford |
Zero-Bedroom | $41,532 | $29,121 | $33,520 | $32,200 | $57,280 | $55,440 | $53,880 | $29,320 | $27,360 | $41,440 | $30,040 | $31,480 | $41,280 | $41,120 | $32,000 | $31,400 | $30,080 | $44,840 | $39,040 | $31,600 | $28,200 | $32,200 | $28,800 | $33,520 | $27,360 | $27,360 | $57,280 | $55,440 | $41,440 | $55,440 | $28,240 | $29,320 | $28,560 | $27,360 | $28,800 | $30,040 | $27,440 | $55,440 | $32,200 | $41,440 | $31,480 | $33,680 | $41,280 | $31,240 | $28,800 | $44,840 | $41,120 | $32,000 | $31,400 | $30,080 | $27,360 | $41,440 | $29,520 | $24,520 | $30,080 | $30,680 | $26,800 | $32,280 | $41,280 | $41,440 | $41,440 | $39,040 | $31,600 | $24,520 | $27,360 | $53,880 |
One-Bedroom | $43,413 | $30,206 | $33,640 | $38,440 | $58,880 | $56,960 | $55,360 | $29,480 | $27,560 | $44,400 | $30,240 | $31,680 | $42,960 | $42,240 | $32,200 | $31,600 | $30,280 | $47,480 | $40,640 | $37,320 | $28,360 | $38,440 | $32,240 | $33,640 | $27,560 | $27,560 | $58,880 | $56,960 | $44,400 | $56,960 | $28,440 | $29,480 | $28,720 | $27,560 | $30,240 | $30,240 | $27,640 | $56,960 | $38,440 | $44,400 | $31,680 | $33,920 | $42,960 | $31,440 | $30,400 | $47,480 | $42,240 | $32,200 | $31,600 | $30,280 | $27,560 | $44,400 | $32,240 | $27,560 | $30,280 | $30,880 | $30,080 | $33,000 | $42,960 | $44,400 | $44,400 | $40,640 | $37,320 | $27,560 | $27,560 | $55,360 |
Two-Bedroom | $50,085 | $38,008 | $41,760 | $44,000 | $66,080 | $63,960 | $62,160 | $36,400 | $36,200 | $49,840 | $38,360 | $40,480 | $48,240 | $47,440 | $39,400 | $41,040 | $39,760 | $54,440 | $45,640 | $46,600 | $36,200 | $44,000 | $36,200 | $41,760 | $36,200 | $36,200 | $66,080 | $63,960 | $49,840 | $63,960 | $37,360 | $36,400 | $36,200 | $36,200 | $36,200 | $38,360 | $36,200 | $63,960 | $44,000 | $49,840 | $40,480 | $44,560 | $48,240 | $39,680 | $36,200 | $54,440 | $47,440 | $39,400 | $41,040 | $39,760 | $36,200 | $49,840 | $36,200 | $36,200 | $39,760 | $40,600 | $39,520 | $38,280 | $48,240 | $49,840 | $49,840 | $45,640 | $46,600 | $36,200 | $36,200 | $62,160 |
Three-Bedroom | $62,989 | $47,877 | $52,720 | $58,520 | $82,000 | $79,160 | $77,440 | $51,280 | $47,400 | $63,800 | $46,800 | $51,160 | $60,000 | $66,840 | $48,440 | $54,400 | $48,080 | $68,960 | $58,000 | $56,360 | $51,000 | $58,520 | $50,720 | $52,720 | $51,000 | $46,680 | $82,000 | $79,160 | $63,800 | $79,160 | $47,480 | $51,280 | $46,560 | $47,400 | $43,760 | $46,800 | $45,000 | $79,160 | $58,520 | $63,800 | $51,160 | $59,120 | $60,000 | $47,960 | $50,320 | $68,960 | $66,840 | $48,440 | $54,400 | $48,080 | $49,320 | $63,800 | $47,000 | $44,160 | $51,320 | $49,080 | $48,600 | $46,880 | $60,000 | $63,800 | $63,800 | $58,000 | $56,360 | $46,240 | $44,200 | $77,440 |
Four-Bedroom | $75,035 | $54,704 | $70,240 | $71,160 | $105,360 | $96,080 | $99,240 | $57,640 | $55,040 | $76,680 | $53,960 | $54,960 | $71,880 | $75,640 | $56,600 | $60,720 | $53,200 | $80,200 | $61,440 | $62,080 | $56,360 | $71,160 | $50,920 | $70,240 | $55,080 | $49,720 | $105,360 | $96,080 | $76,680 | $96,080 | $54,200 | $57,640 | $51,640 | $55,040 | $58,280 | $53,960 | $57,840 | $96,080 | $71,160 | $76,680 | $54,960 | $63,280 | $71,880 | $52,840 | $61,440 | $80,200 | $75,640 | $56,600 | $60,720 | $53,200 | $49,520 | $76,680 | $61,440 | $48,400 | $55,920 | $56,720 | $53,920 | $54,240 | $71,880 | $76,680 | $76,680 | $61,440 | $62,080 | $48,200 | $51,960 | $99,240 |
Minimum Wage |
Minimum Wage | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 | $7.25 |
Rent Affordable for a Full-Time Worker at Minimum Wage | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 | $377 |
Work Hours/Week at Minimum Wage |
Zero-Bedroom | 110 | 77 | 89 | 85 | 152 | 147 | 143 | 78 | 73 | 110 | 80 | 84 | 109 | 109 | 85 | 83 | 80 | 119 | 104 | 84 | 75 | 85 | 76 | 89 | 73 | 73 | 152 | 147 | 110 | 147 | 75 | 78 | 76 | 73 | 76 | 80 | 73 | 147 | 85 | 110 | 84 | 89 | 109 | 83 | 76 | 119 | 109 | 85 | 83 | 80 | 73 | 110 | 78 | 65 | 80 | 81 | 71 | 86 | 109 | 110 | 110 | 104 | 84 | 65 | 73 | 143 |
One-Bedroom | 115 | 80 | 89 | 102 | 156 | 151 | 147 | 78 | 73 | 118 | 80 | 84 | 114 | 112 | 85 | 84 | 80 | 126 | 108 | 99 | 75 | 102 | 86 | 89 | 73 | 73 | 156 | 151 | 118 | 151 | 75 | 78 | 76 | 73 | 80 | 80 | 73 | 151 | 102 | 118 | 84 | 90 | 114 | 83 | 81 | 126 | 112 | 85 | 84 | 80 | 73 | 118 | 86 | 73 | 80 | 82 | 80 | 88 | 114 | 118 | 118 | 108 | 99 | 73 | 73 | 147 |
Two-Bedroom | 133 | 101 | 111 | 117 | 175 | 170 | 165 | 97 | 96 | 132 | 102 | 107 | 128 | 126 | 105 | 109 | 105 | 144 | 121 | 124 | 96 | 117 | 96 | 111 | 96 | 96 | 175 | 170 | 132 | 170 | 99 | 97 | 96 | 96 | 96 | 102 | 96 | 170 | 117 | 132 | 107 | 118 | 128 | 105 | 96 | 144 | 126 | 105 | 109 | 105 | 96 | 132 | 96 | 96 | 105 | 108 | 105 | 102 | 128 | 132 | 132 | 121 | 124 | 96 | 96 | 165 |
Three-Bedroom | 167 | 127 | 140 | 155 | 218 | 210 | 205 | 136 | 126 | 169 | 124 | 136 | 159 | 177 | 128 | 144 | 128 | 183 | 154 | 149 | 135 | 155 | 135 | 140 | 135 | 124 | 218 | 210 | 169 | 210 | 126 | 136 | 124 | 126 | 116 | 124 | 119 | 210 | 155 | 169 | 136 | 157 | 159 | 127 | 133 | 183 | 177 | 128 | 144 | 128 | 131 | 169 | 125 | 117 | 136 | 130 | 129 | 124 | 159 | 169 | 169 | 154 | 149 | 123 | 117 | 205 |
Four-Bedroom | 199 | 145 | 186 | 189 | 279 | 255 | 263 | 153 | 146 | 203 | 143 | 146 | 191 | 201 | 150 | 161 | 141 | 213 | 163 | 165 | 149 | 189 | 135 | 186 | 146 | 132 | 279 | 255 | 203 | 255 | 144 | 153 | 137 | 146 | 155 | 143 | 153 | 255 | 189 | 203 | 146 | 168 | 191 | 140 | 163 | 213 | 201 | 150 | 161 | 141 | 131 | 203 | 163 | 128 | 148 | 150 | 143 | 144 | 191 | 203 | 203 | 163 | 165 | 128 | 138 | 263 |
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payment |
SSI Monthly Payment | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 |
Rent affordable to SSI recipient | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 |
Income Levels |
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) | $25,611 | $19,253 | $23,970 | $26,040 | $31,920 | $31,530 | $31,800 | $19,080 | $21,240 | $26,070 | $19,080 | $23,430 | $26,580 | $21,540 | $24,540 | $25,620 | $21,120 | $23,910 | $21,750 | $21,150 | $21,210 | $26,040 | $16,650 | $23,970 | $18,900 | $20,250 | $31,920 | $31,530 | $26,070 | $31,530 | $20,460 | $19,080 | $18,960 | $21,240 | $18,660 | $19,080 | $15,390 | $31,530 | $26,040 | $26,070 | $23,430 | $22,770 | $26,580 | $18,030 | $16,590 | $23,910 | $21,540 | $24,540 | $25,620 | $21,120 | $16,200 | $26,070 | $14,730 | $15,030 | $24,330 | $22,260 | $22,230 | $17,550 | $26,580 | $26,070 | $26,070 | $21,750 | $21,150 | $18,570 | $17,760 | $31,800 |
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) | $42,685 | $32,088 | $39,950 | $43,400 | $53,200 | $52,550 | $53,000 | $31,800 | $35,400 | $43,450 | $31,800 | $39,050 | $44,300 | $35,900 | $40,900 | $42,700 | $35,200 | $39,850 | $36,250 | $35,250 | $35,350 | $43,400 | $27,750 | $39,950 | $31,500 | $33,750 | $53,200 | $52,550 | $43,450 | $52,550 | $34,100 | $31,800 | $31,600 | $35,400 | $31,100 | $31,800 | $25,650 | $52,550 | $43,400 | $43,450 | $39,050 | $37,950 | $44,300 | $30,050 | $27,650 | $39,850 | $35,900 | $40,900 | $42,700 | $35,200 | $27,000 | $43,450 | $24,550 | $25,050 | $40,550 | $37,100 | $37,050 | $29,250 | $44,300 | $43,450 | $43,450 | $36,250 | $35,250 | $30,950 | $29,600 | $53,000 |
Median Renter Household Income | $43,416 | $31,516 | $37,449 | $36,274 | $58,648 | $54,372 | $54,206 | $37,245 | $23,441 | $41,190 | $28,653 | $35,636 | $46,174 | $49,553 | $35,350 | $37,664 | $35,679 | $45,607 | $41,521 | $41,496 | $32,552 | $38,213 | $32,318 | $37,449 | $34,198 | $24,227 | $58,648 | $59,210 | $29,978 | $53,434 | $33,421 | $37,245 | $29,899 | $23,441 | $35,118 | $28,653 | $26,804 | $51,023 | $22,263 | $23,728 | $35,636 | $41,479 | $48,693 | $36,019 | $26,206 | $45,607 | $49,553 | $35,350 | $37,664 | $35,679 | $26,467 | $47,021 | $26,339 | $25,996 | $30,153 | $42,816 | $33,542 | $27,036 | $35,440 | $39,664 | $32,923 | $41,521 | $41,496 | $30,666 | $24,041 | $54,206 |
Rent Affordable at Different Income Levels |
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) | $640 | $481 | $599 | $651 | $798 | $788 | $795 | $477 | $531 | $652 | $477 | $586 | $665 | $539 | $614 | $641 | $528 | $598 | $544 | $529 | $530 | $651 | $416 | $599 | $473 | $506 | $798 | $788 | $652 | $788 | $512 | $477 | $474 | $531 | $467 | $477 | $385 | $788 | $651 | $652 | $586 | $569 | $665 | $451 | $415 | $598 | $539 | $614 | $641 | $528 | $405 | $652 | $368 | $376 | $608 | $557 | $556 | $439 | $665 | $652 | $652 | $544 | $529 | $464 | $444 | $795 |
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) | $1,067 | $802 | $999 | $1,085 | $1,330 | $1,314 | $1,325 | $795 | $885 | $1,086 | $795 | $976 | $1,108 | $898 | $1,023 | $1,068 | $880 | $996 | $906 | $881 | $884 | $1,085 | $694 | $999 | $788 | $844 | $1,330 | $1,314 | $1,086 | $1,314 | $853 | $795 | $790 | $885 | $778 | $795 | $641 | $1,314 | $1,085 | $1,086 | $976 | $949 | $1,108 | $751 | $691 | $996 | $898 | $1,023 | $1,068 | $880 | $675 | $1,086 | $614 | $626 | $1,014 | $928 | $926 | $731 | $1,108 | $1,086 | $1,086 | $906 | $881 | $774 | $740 | $1,325 |
Median Renter Household Income | $1,085 | $788 | $936 | $907 | $1,466 | $1,359 | $1,355 | $931 | $586 | $1,030 | $716 | $891 | $1,154 | $1,239 | $884 | $942 | $892 | $1,140 | $1,038 | $1,037 | $814 | $955 | $808 | $936 | $855 | $606 | $1,466 | $1,480 | $749 | $1,336 | $836 | $931 | $747 | $586 | $878 | $716 | $670 | $1,276 | $557 | $593 | $891 | $1,037 | $1,217 | $900 | $655 | $1,140 | $1,239 | $884 | $942 | $892 | $662 | $1,176 | $658 | $650 | $754 | $1,070 | $839 | $676 | $886 | $992 | $823 | $1,038 | $1,037 | $767 | $601 | $1,355 |
Median Wages for State’s Most Common Occupations
Occupation | Total Employment | Median Hourly Wage |
Waiters and Waitresses | 42,470 | $9.20 |
Fast Food and Counter Workers | 60,800 | $12.70 |
Cashiers | 55,560 | $13.00 |
Food Preparation Workers | 16,930 | $13.94 |
Home Health and Personal Care Aides | 31,750 | $13.95 |
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners | 30,100 | $14.20 |
Retail Salespersons | 69,050 | $14.23 |
Security Guards | 14,740 | $15.59 |
Cooks, Restaurant | 27,070 | $15.69 |
Stockers and Order Fillers | 46,550 | $16.72 |
Office Clerks, General | 40,170 | $16.98 |
Nursing Assistants | 20,040 | $17.28 |
Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers | 15,990 | $17.30 |
Customer Service Representatives | 56,350 | $17.83 |
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand | 54,000 | $17.88 |
First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers | 17,540 | $18.61 |
Construction Laborers | 16,940 | $18.80 |
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive | 33,220 | $19.32 |
Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators | 44,970 | $19.48 |
All Occupations | 2,222,950 | $20.79 |
One-Bedroom Housing Wage | $20.87 | |
Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers | 14,650 | $21.36 |
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks | 19,960 | $21.74 |
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General | 28,300 | $21.85 |
First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers | 18,210 | $22.47 |
Two-bedrooom Housing Wage | $24.08 | |
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers | 34,560 | $24.69 |
Sales Representatives of Services, Except Advertising, Insurance, Financial Services, and Travel | 20,020 | $26.42 |
First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers | 22,550 | $29.20 |
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products | 23,910 | $30.30 |
Accountants and Auditors | 15,760 | $32.89 |
Registered Nurses | 48,790 | $38.60 |
General and Operations Managers | 43,390 | $44.48 |