South Dakota


South Dakota

State Facts

Minimum Wage $11.20
2-Bedroom Housing Wage $19.68
Number of Renter Households 110,854
Number of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Number of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI

Affordable Rent for Low Income Households

Minimum Wage Worker


Household at 30% of Area Median Income


Household at 50% of Area Median Income


Fair Market Rent

1-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


2-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


Working at minimum wage $11.20/hr

Each week you have to work 56 hours

To afford a modest 1 bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent

Connect to NetworkSouth Dakota

Compare Jurisdictions

South Dakota South Dakota Non-metropolitan areas Meade County HMFA Rapid City HMFA Sioux City MSA Sioux Falls MSA Aurora County Beadle County Bennett County Bon Homme County Brookings County Brown County Brule County Buffalo County † Butte County Campbell County Charles Mix County Clark County Clay County Codington County Corson County Custer County Davison County Day County Deuel County Dewey County Douglas County Edmunds County Fall River County Faulk County Grant County Gregory County Haakon County † Hamlin County Hand County Hanson County Harding County Hughes County Hutchinson County Hyde County Jackson County Jerauld County Jones County Kingsbury County Lake County Lawrence County Lincoln County Lyman County Marshall County McCook County McPherson County Meade County Mellette County Miner County Minnehaha County Moody County Oglala Lakota County Pennington County Perkins County Potter County Roberts County Sanborn County Spink County Stanley County Sully County Todd County Tripp County Turner County Union County Walworth County Yankton County Ziebach County
Number of Households
Total 351,182 176,722 11,420 44,829 6,967 111,244 1,053 7,443 1,014 2,414 13,366 16,035 1,958 492 4,112 691 2,963 1,360 5,416 12,165 1,071 3,862 8,448 2,348 1,795 1,675 1,077 1,542 3,221 765 3,031 1,593 709 2,151 1,386 1,106 518 7,396 2,931 541 735 859 381 2,003 4,552 11,392 25,697 1,204 1,669 2,218 872 11,420 621 910 79,887 2,521 2,684 44,829 1,237 1,034 3,659 939 2,526 1,239 599 2,407 2,179 3,442 6,967 2,380 9,789 683
Renter 110,854 54,512 3,090 13,816 2,087 37,349 246 2,229 399 570 5,569 5,467 685 251 816 119 773 268 2,649 3,997 467 547 3,142 591 382 659 243 264 781 128 562 376 169 415 428 140 166 1,963 683 120 322 125 93 396 1,212 3,910 7,008 399 358 398 187 3,090 270 172 29,213 767 1,326 13,816 266 229 1,176 225 657 202 117 1,373 634 730 2,087 634 2,899 299
Percent Renters 32% 31% 27% 31% 30% 34% 23% 30% 39% 24% 42% 34% 35% 51% 20% 17% 26% 20% 49% 33% 44% 14% 37% 25% 21% 39% 23% 17% 24% 17% 19% 24% 24% 19% 31% 13% 32% 27% 23% 22% 44% 15% 24% 20% 27% 34% 27% 33% 21% 18% 21% 27% 43% 19% 37% 30% 49% 31% 22% 22% 32% 24% 26% 16% 20% 57% 29% 21% 30% 27% 30% 44%
Housing Wage
Zero-Bedroom $13.96 $13.06 $15.08 $15.15 $13.17 $14.79 $11.79 $12.44 $13.37 $11.79 $15.08 $14.35 $11.79 $13.85 $14.23 $11.79 $15.10 $11.79 $12.81 $13.73 $11.79 $14.98 $12.35 $11.79 $11.79 $11.79 $13.02 $11.79 $15.60 $12.06 $11.79 $11.79 $13.17 $11.79 $11.79 $11.79 $12.60 $13.40 $12.73 $12.60 $11.79 $12.60 $12.60 $12.69 $12.08 $13.44 $14.79 $11.79 $11.79 $14.79 $11.79 $15.08 $11.79 $11.79 $14.79 $11.79 $11.79 $15.15 $11.79 $12.81 $11.79 $11.79 $11.79 $13.98 $12.60 $11.79 $11.79 $14.79 $13.17 $12.04 $11.79 $11.79
One-Bedroom $15.74 $14.52 $16.92 $17.04 $15.00 $17.00 $14.60 $13.96 $15.00 $13.69 $15.17 $14.44 $13.25 $15.56 $15.56 $13.25 $15.48 $13.33 $14.37 $15.40 $13.25 $16.83 $13.87 $13.65 $13.25 $15.50 $14.62 $13.25 $17.50 $13.54 $13.25 $13.38 $14.79 $13.37 $13.73 $15.50 $14.15 $15.42 $14.29 $14.15 $15.50 $14.15 $14.15 $14.25 $13.58 $15.10 $17.00 $13.25 $14.62 $17.00 $13.25 $16.92 $13.25 $13.25 $17.00 $13.25 $13.25 $17.04 $14.02 $14.38 $14.83 $13.25 $13.88 $15.69 $14.15 $14.54 $14.10 $17.00 $15.00 $13.52 $14.12 $13.25
Two-Bedroom $19.68 $18.63 $22.23 $22.37 $19.42 $20.04 $17.40 $18.35 $19.71 $17.40 $19.37 $18.46 $17.40 $20.44 $20.44 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $18.88 $20.25 $17.40 $22.12 $18.21 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $19.21 $17.40 $23.00 $17.79 $17.40 $17.40 $19.44 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $18.60 $19.79 $18.77 $18.60 $17.40 $18.60 $18.60 $18.73 $17.83 $19.85 $20.04 $17.40 $17.40 $20.04 $17.40 $22.23 $17.40 $17.40 $20.04 $17.40 $17.40 $22.37 $17.40 $18.90 $17.40 $17.40 $17.40 $20.62 $18.60 $17.40 $17.40 $20.04 $19.42 $17.77 $17.40 $17.40
Three-Bedroom $26.70 $25.28 $29.73 $30.62 $23.62 $27.25 $23.35 $23.38 $23.83 $24.52 $27.29 $26.02 $24.52 $24.71 $24.71 $24.52 $24.40 $21.25 $26.62 $26.50 $21.15 $31.17 $25.17 $22.63 $24.52 $22.98 $25.44 $23.04 $27.81 $23.56 $24.52 $23.63 $25.73 $23.56 $24.52 $23.73 $24.62 $27.88 $22.98 $24.62 $21.31 $24.62 $24.62 $22.65 $23.94 $27.96 $27.25 $21.04 $24.38 $27.25 $24.52 $29.73 $22.88 $23.04 $27.25 $24.15 $22.75 $30.62 $24.06 $25.02 $23.46 $24.52 $21.04 $27.29 $24.62 $23.98 $23.60 $27.25 $23.62 $21.48 $24.52 $21.04
Four-Bedroom $32.27 $30.51 $37.73 $34.25 $25.87 $34.00 $27.96 $28.12 $31.67 $28.12 $32.87 $31.33 $29.54 $32.85 $32.85 $27.96 $27.17 $25.48 $32.04 $34.15 $24.81 $35.54 $30.90 $27.96 $27.96 $23.58 $30.87 $27.96 $36.94 $28.58 $27.96 $27.96 $31.23 $23.63 $27.96 $23.83 $29.88 $31.79 $25.00 $29.88 $25.42 $29.88 $29.88 $30.10 $29.06 $33.67 $34.00 $29.54 $27.96 $34.00 $27.96 $37.73 $27.96 $27.96 $34.00 $29.54 $27.96 $34.25 $27.96 $25.17 $29.40 $27.96 $25.94 $33.12 $29.88 $27.96 $27.96 $34.00 $25.87 $26.75 $29.54 $24.54
Fair Market Rent
Zero-Bedroom $726 $679 $784 $788 $685 $769 $613 $647 $695 $613 $784 $746 $613 $720 $740 $613 $785 $613 $666 $714 $613 $779 $642 $613 $613 $613 $677 $613 $811 $627 $613 $613 $685 $613 $613 $613 $655 $697 $662 $655 $613 $655 $655 $660 $628 $699 $769 $613 $613 $769 $613 $784 $613 $613 $769 $613 $613 $788 $613 $666 $613 $613 $613 $727 $655 $613 $613 $769 $685 $626 $613 $613
One-Bedroom $819 $755 $880 $886 $780 $884 $759 $726 $780 $712 $789 $751 $689 $809 $809 $689 $805 $693 $747 $801 $689 $875 $721 $710 $689 $806 $760 $689 $910 $704 $689 $696 $769 $695 $714 $806 $736 $802 $743 $736 $806 $736 $736 $741 $706 $785 $884 $689 $760 $884 $689 $880 $689 $689 $884 $689 $689 $886 $729 $748 $771 $689 $722 $816 $736 $756 $733 $884 $780 $703 $734 $689
Two-Bedroom $1,024 $969 $1,156 $1,163 $1,010 $1,042 $905 $954 $1,025 $905 $1,007 $960 $905 $1,063 $1,063 $905 $905 $905 $982 $1,053 $905 $1,150 $947 $905 $905 $905 $999 $905 $1,196 $925 $905 $905 $1,011 $905 $905 $905 $967 $1,029 $976 $967 $905 $967 $967 $974 $927 $1,032 $1,042 $905 $905 $1,042 $905 $1,156 $905 $905 $1,042 $905 $905 $1,163 $905 $983 $905 $905 $905 $1,072 $967 $905 $905 $1,042 $1,010 $924 $905 $905
Three-Bedroom $1,388 $1,315 $1,546 $1,592 $1,228 $1,417 $1,214 $1,216 $1,239 $1,275 $1,419 $1,353 $1,275 $1,285 $1,285 $1,275 $1,269 $1,105 $1,384 $1,378 $1,100 $1,621 $1,309 $1,177 $1,275 $1,195 $1,323 $1,198 $1,446 $1,225 $1,275 $1,229 $1,338 $1,225 $1,275 $1,234 $1,280 $1,450 $1,195 $1,280 $1,108 $1,280 $1,280 $1,178 $1,245 $1,454 $1,417 $1,094 $1,268 $1,417 $1,275 $1,546 $1,190 $1,198 $1,417 $1,256 $1,183 $1,592 $1,251 $1,301 $1,220 $1,275 $1,094 $1,419 $1,280 $1,247 $1,227 $1,417 $1,228 $1,117 $1,275 $1,094
Four-Bedroom $1,678 $1,587 $1,962 $1,781 $1,345 $1,768 $1,454 $1,462 $1,647 $1,462 $1,709 $1,629 $1,536 $1,708 $1,708 $1,454 $1,413 $1,325 $1,666 $1,776 $1,290 $1,848 $1,607 $1,454 $1,454 $1,226 $1,605 $1,454 $1,921 $1,486 $1,454 $1,454 $1,624 $1,229 $1,454 $1,239 $1,554 $1,653 $1,300 $1,554 $1,322 $1,554 $1,554 $1,565 $1,511 $1,751 $1,768 $1,536 $1,454 $1,768 $1,454 $1,962 $1,454 $1,454 $1,768 $1,536 $1,454 $1,781 $1,454 $1,309 $1,529 $1,454 $1,349 $1,722 $1,554 $1,454 $1,454 $1,768 $1,345 $1,391 $1,536 $1,276
Annual Income Needed to Afford
Zero-Bedroom $29,040 $27,163 $31,360 $31,520 $27,400 $30,760 $24,520 $25,880 $27,800 $24,520 $31,360 $29,840 $24,520 $28,800 $29,600 $24,520 $31,400 $24,520 $26,640 $28,560 $24,520 $31,160 $25,680 $24,520 $24,520 $24,520 $27,080 $24,520 $32,440 $25,080 $24,520 $24,520 $27,400 $24,520 $24,520 $24,520 $26,200 $27,880 $26,480 $26,200 $24,520 $26,200 $26,200 $26,400 $25,120 $27,960 $30,760 $24,520 $24,520 $30,760 $24,520 $31,360 $24,520 $24,520 $30,760 $24,520 $24,520 $31,520 $24,520 $26,640 $24,520 $24,520 $24,520 $29,080 $26,200 $24,520 $24,520 $30,760 $27,400 $25,040 $24,520 $24,520
One-Bedroom $32,747 $30,194 $35,200 $35,440 $31,200 $35,360 $30,360 $29,040 $31,200 $28,480 $31,560 $30,040 $27,560 $32,360 $32,360 $27,560 $32,200 $27,720 $29,880 $32,040 $27,560 $35,000 $28,840 $28,400 $27,560 $32,240 $30,400 $27,560 $36,400 $28,160 $27,560 $27,840 $30,760 $27,800 $28,560 $32,240 $29,440 $32,080 $29,720 $29,440 $32,240 $29,440 $29,440 $29,640 $28,240 $31,400 $35,360 $27,560 $30,400 $35,360 $27,560 $35,200 $27,560 $27,560 $35,360 $27,560 $27,560 $35,440 $29,160 $29,920 $30,840 $27,560 $28,880 $32,640 $29,440 $30,240 $29,320 $35,360 $31,200 $28,120 $29,360 $27,560
Two-Bedroom $40,944 $38,747 $46,240 $46,520 $40,400 $41,680 $36,200 $38,160 $41,000 $36,200 $40,280 $38,400 $36,200 $42,520 $42,520 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $39,280 $42,120 $36,200 $46,000 $37,880 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $39,960 $36,200 $47,840 $37,000 $36,200 $36,200 $40,440 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $38,680 $41,160 $39,040 $38,680 $36,200 $38,680 $38,680 $38,960 $37,080 $41,280 $41,680 $36,200 $36,200 $41,680 $36,200 $46,240 $36,200 $36,200 $41,680 $36,200 $36,200 $46,520 $36,200 $39,320 $36,200 $36,200 $36,200 $42,880 $38,680 $36,200 $36,200 $41,680 $40,400 $36,960 $36,200 $36,200
Three-Bedroom $55,538 $52,581 $61,840 $63,680 $49,120 $56,680 $48,560 $48,640 $49,560 $51,000 $56,760 $54,120 $51,000 $51,400 $51,400 $51,000 $50,760 $44,200 $55,360 $55,120 $44,000 $64,840 $52,360 $47,080 $51,000 $47,800 $52,920 $47,920 $57,840 $49,000 $51,000 $49,160 $53,520 $49,000 $51,000 $49,360 $51,200 $58,000 $47,800 $51,200 $44,320 $51,200 $51,200 $47,120 $49,800 $58,160 $56,680 $43,760 $50,720 $56,680 $51,000 $61,840 $47,600 $47,920 $56,680 $50,240 $47,320 $63,680 $50,040 $52,040 $48,800 $51,000 $43,760 $56,760 $51,200 $49,880 $49,080 $56,680 $49,120 $44,680 $51,000 $43,760
Four-Bedroom $67,113 $63,462 $78,480 $71,240 $53,800 $70,720 $58,160 $58,480 $65,880 $58,480 $68,360 $65,160 $61,440 $68,320 $68,320 $58,160 $56,520 $53,000 $66,640 $71,040 $51,600 $73,920 $64,280 $58,160 $58,160 $49,040 $64,200 $58,160 $76,840 $59,440 $58,160 $58,160 $64,960 $49,160 $58,160 $49,560 $62,160 $66,120 $52,000 $62,160 $52,880 $62,160 $62,160 $62,600 $60,440 $70,040 $70,720 $61,440 $58,160 $70,720 $58,160 $78,480 $58,160 $58,160 $70,720 $61,440 $58,160 $71,240 $58,160 $52,360 $61,160 $58,160 $53,960 $68,880 $62,160 $58,160 $58,160 $70,720 $53,800 $55,640 $61,440 $51,040
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20 $11.20
Rent Affordable for a Full-Time Worker at Minimum Wage $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582 $582
Work Hours/Week at Minimum Wage
Zero-Bedroom 50 47 54 54 47 53 42 44 48 42 54 51 42 49 51 42 54 42 46 49 42 54 44 42 42 42 46 42 56 43 42 42 47 42 42 42 45 48 45 45 42 45 45 45 43 48 53 42 42 53 42 54 42 42 53 42 42 54 42 46 42 42 42 50 45 42 42 53 47 43 42 42
One-Bedroom 56 52 60 61 54 61 52 50 54 49 54 52 47 56 56 47 55 48 51 55 47 60 50 49 47 55 52 47 63 48 47 48 53 48 49 55 51 55 51 51 55 51 51 51 48 54 61 47 52 61 47 60 47 47 61 47 47 61 50 51 53 47 50 56 51 52 50 61 54 48 50 47
Two-Bedroom 70 67 79 80 69 72 62 66 70 62 69 66 62 73 73 62 62 62 67 72 62 79 65 62 62 62 69 62 82 64 62 62 69 62 62 62 66 71 67 66 62 66 66 67 64 71 72 62 62 72 62 79 62 62 72 62 62 80 62 68 62 62 62 74 66 62 62 72 69 63 62 62
Three-Bedroom 95 90 106 109 84 97 83 84 85 88 97 93 88 88 88 88 87 76 95 95 76 111 90 81 88 82 91 82 99 84 88 84 92 84 88 85 88 100 82 88 76 88 88 81 86 100 97 75 87 97 88 106 82 82 97 86 81 109 86 89 84 88 75 97 88 86 84 97 84 77 88 75
Four-Bedroom 115 109 135 122 92 121 100 100 113 100 117 112 105 117 117 100 97 91 114 122 89 127 110 100 100 84 110 100 132 102 100 100 112 84 100 85 107 114 89 107 91 107 107 107 104 120 121 105 100 121 100 135 100 100 121 105 100 122 100 90 105 100 93 118 107 100 100 121 92 96 105 88
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payment
SSI Monthly Payment $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943
Rent affordable to SSI recipient $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283
Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $28,569 $26,943 $28,020 $26,040 $27,750 $32,280 $27,270 $24,690 $16,770 $24,660 $31,950 $30,750 $27,420 $13,860 $25,710 $28,800 $23,190 $23,880 $28,500 $28,080 $17,790 $28,530 $27,390 $24,390 $27,360 $18,570 $29,070 $28,170 $22,350 $28,770 $27,930 $23,280 $22,380 $26,250 $31,530 $30,360 $24,840 $29,670 $29,160 $26,580 $10,800 $28,200 $23,940 $27,180 $28,920 $27,330 $32,280 $21,090 $31,950 $32,280 $22,740 $28,020 $15,960 $28,020 $32,280 $29,190 $10,710 $26,040 $25,560 $28,590 $22,080 $26,670 $28,650 $33,330 $28,080 $11,280 $21,990 $32,280 $27,750 $24,210 $28,920 $15,120
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $47,615 $44,905 $46,700 $43,400 $46,250 $53,800 $45,450 $41,150 $27,950 $41,100 $53,250 $51,250 $45,700 $23,100 $42,850 $48,000 $38,650 $39,800 $47,500 $46,800 $29,650 $47,550 $45,650 $40,650 $45,600 $30,950 $48,450 $46,950 $37,250 $47,950 $46,550 $38,800 $37,300 $43,750 $52,550 $50,600 $41,400 $49,450 $48,600 $44,300 $18,000 $47,000 $39,900 $45,300 $48,200 $45,550 $53,800 $35,150 $53,250 $53,800 $37,900 $46,700 $26,600 $46,700 $53,800 $48,650 $17,850 $43,400 $42,600 $47,650 $36,800 $44,450 $47,750 $55,550 $46,800 $18,800 $36,650 $53,800 $46,250 $40,350 $48,200 $25,200
Median Renter Household Income $44,957 $41,622 $51,893 $42,108 $48,858 $50,086 $72,465 $48,668 $29,018 $40,627 $48,771 $44,002 $42,528 $31,056 $34,719 $40,612 $34,354 $49,991 $34,034 $42,681 $27,163 $54,769 $36,516 $37,486 $40,429 $38,268 $43,039 $43,945 $23,255 $21,530 $28,586 $26,434 $48,526 $41,055 $59,724 $63,374 $44,058 $46,590 $43,676 $23,045 $36,719 $54,415 $39,485 $45,290 $47,982 $61,051 $32,422 $54,415 $52,645 $43,797 $51,893 $39,058 $47,210 $47,777 $47,980 $28,345 $42,108 $40,429 $40,148 $35,883 $39,904 $53,479 $57,600 $62,776 $22,192 $31,656 $35,834 $48,858 $43,797 $46,801 $25,039
Rent Affordable at Different Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $714 $674 $701 $651 $694 $807 $682 $617 $419 $617 $799 $769 $686 $347 $643 $720 $580 $597 $713 $702 $445 $713 $685 $610 $684 $464 $727 $704 $559 $719 $698 $582 $560 $656 $788 $759 $621 $742 $729 $665 $270 $705 $599 $680 $723 $683 $807 $527 $799 $807 $569 $701 $399 $701 $807 $730 $268 $651 $639 $715 $552 $667 $716 $833 $702 $282 $550 $807 $694 $605 $723 $378
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $1,190 $1,123 $1,168 $1,085 $1,156 $1,345 $1,136 $1,029 $699 $1,028 $1,331 $1,281 $1,143 $578 $1,071 $1,200 $966 $995 $1,188 $1,170 $741 $1,189 $1,141 $1,016 $1,140 $774 $1,211 $1,174 $931 $1,199 $1,164 $970 $933 $1,094 $1,314 $1,265 $1,035 $1,236 $1,215 $1,108 $450 $1,175 $998 $1,133 $1,205 $1,139 $1,345 $879 $1,331 $1,345 $948 $1,168 $665 $1,168 $1,345 $1,216 $446 $1,085 $1,065 $1,191 $920 $1,111 $1,194 $1,389 $1,170 $470 $916 $1,345 $1,156 $1,009 $1,205 $630
Median Renter Household Income $1,124 $1,041 $1,297 $1,053 $1,221 $1,252 $1,812 $1,217 $725 $1,016 $1,219 $1,100 $1,063 $776 $868 $1,015 $859 $1,250 $851 $1,067 $679 $1,369 $913 $937 $1,011 $957 $1,076 $1,099 $581 $538 $715 $661 $1,213 $1,026 $1,493 $1,584 $1,101 $1,165 $1,092 $576 $918 $1,360 $987 $1,132 $1,200 $1,526 $811 $1,360 $1,316 $1,095 $1,297 $976 $1,180 $1,194 $1,199 $709 $1,053 $1,011 $1,004 $897 $998 $1,337 $1,440 $1,569 $555 $791 $896 $1,221 $1,095 $1,170 $626

Median Wages for State’s Most Common Occupations

Occupation Total Employment Median Hourly Wage
Waiters and Waitresses 6,080 $13.79
Food Preparation Workers 2,990 $13.92
Bartenders 3,700 $13.98
Cashiers 12,530 $14.00
Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 3,840 $14.01
Fast Food and Counter Workers 15,090 $14.36
One-Bedroom Housing Wage $15.74
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 8,110 $16.29
Retail Salespersons 13,270 $16.31
Receptionists and Information Clerks 5,990 $16.50
Home Health and Personal Care Aides 3,770 $17.09
Stockers and Order Fillers 10,540 $17.49
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 3,880 $17.49
Nursing Assistants 5,880 $17.59
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 5,450 $18.39
Customer Service Representatives 7,660 $18.61
First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers 2,850 $18.67
Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators 3,760 $18.94
Two-bedrooom Housing Wage $19.68
Shipping, Receiving, and Inventory Clerks 2,680 $19.74
Light Truck Drivers 4,150 $19.93
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 9,480 $20.11
Carpenters 4,320 $20.93
All Occupations 444,400 $21.51
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 3,300 $21.89
Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers 3,510 $22.80
First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers 3,580 $24.19
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 5,770 $27.04
Registered Nurses 14,600 $33.02
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products 5,390 $35.74
Accountants and Auditors 6,170 $36.99
Management Analysts 2,870 $39.14
General and Operations Managers 4,180 $64.32