


State Facts

Minimum Wage $7.25
2-Bedroom Housing Wage $26.89
Number of Renter Households 311,167
Number of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Number of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI

Affordable Rent for Low Income Households

Minimum Wage Worker


Household at 30% of Area Median Income


Household at 50% of Area Median Income


Fair Market Rent

1-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


2-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


Working at minimum wage $7.25/hr

Each week you have to work 124 hours

To afford a modest 1 bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent

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Utah Utah Non-metropolitan areas Box Elder County HMFA Logan MSA Ogden-Clearfield HMFA Provo-Orem MSA Salt Lake City HMFA St. George MSA Tooele County HMFA Beaver County Box Elder County Cache County Carbon County Daggett County † Davis County Duchesne County Emery County Garfield County Grand County Iron County Juab County Kane County Millard County Morgan County Piute County Rich County Salt Lake County San Juan County Sanpete County Sevier County Summit County Tooele County Uintah County Utah County Wasatch County Washington County Wayne County Weber County
Number of Households
Total 1,062,819 112,180 18,557 41,718 205,651 190,765 407,673 64,151 22,124 2,290 18,557 41,718 7,998 235 112,155 6,461 3,447 1,952 4,335 18,596 3,594 3,225 4,177 3,506 569 765 407,673 4,457 8,617 7,396 13,655 22,124 11,547 187,171 11,407 64,151 1,051 89,990
Renter 311,167 27,944 4,441 14,970 48,712 59,535 133,934 17,674 3,957 447 4,441 14,970 2,643 38 25,005 1,469 749 524 1,429 5,952 732 711 1,004 458 51 160 133,934 903 1,911 1,511 2,597 3,957 3,037 58,803 2,578 17,674 230 23,249
Percent Renters 29% 25% 24% 36% 24% 31% 33% 28% 18% 20% 24% 36% 33% 16% 22% 23% 22% 27% 33% 32% 20% 22% 24% 13% 9% 21% 33% 20% 22% 20% 19% 18% 26% 31% 23% 28% 22% 26%
Housing Wage
Zero-Bedroom $19.88 $14.93 $12.67 $15.19 $19.54 $20.88 $21.56 $19.42 $14.67 $11.87 $12.67 $15.19 $11.79 $12.65 $19.54 $12.62 $11.87 $11.87 $16.19 $14.23 $20.88 $17.73 $12.04 $19.54 $11.87 $11.87 $21.56 $12.75 $13.15 $12.15 $26.60 $14.67 $11.87 $20.88 $18.87 $19.42 $11.87 $19.54
One-Bedroom $22.41 $17.51 $15.56 $16.08 $21.31 $21.02 $25.73 $21.13 $16.48 $14.46 $15.56 $16.08 $14.27 $15.40 $21.31 $16.00 $15.50 $15.50 $18.06 $17.13 $21.02 $19.77 $14.65 $21.31 $14.46 $14.46 $25.73 $15.15 $14.67 $13.81 $26.77 $16.48 $14.04 $21.02 $24.63 $21.13 $14.46 $21.31
Two-Bedroom $26.89 $21.50 $18.69 $20.13 $25.96 $24.10 $30.88 $26.06 $21.65 $17.40 $18.69 $20.13 $17.40 $18.54 $25.96 $18.50 $17.40 $17.40 $23.73 $20.87 $24.10 $25.98 $17.63 $25.96 $17.40 $17.40 $30.88 $18.69 $19.27 $17.81 $34.75 $21.65 $17.40 $24.10 $27.65 $26.06 $17.40 $25.96
Three-Bedroom $36.66 $28.61 $25.71 $28.37 $35.21 $33.96 $41.69 $35.69 $29.94 $24.08 $25.71 $28.37 $21.63 $24.96 $35.21 $25.13 $24.12 $21.04 $31.48 $28.98 $33.96 $31.42 $23.88 $35.21 $24.52 $24.52 $41.69 $22.60 $23.31 $23.10 $44.83 $29.94 $24.40 $33.96 $38.96 $35.69 $21.04 $35.21
Four-Bedroom $42.94 $33.99 $30.60 $34.17 $42.87 $40.88 $47.15 $44.21 $36.75 $26.44 $30.60 $34.17 $29.54 $31.46 $42.87 $26.77 $29.54 $29.54 $31.60 $35.40 $40.88 $34.60 $25.73 $42.87 $29.54 $29.54 $47.15 $31.71 $27.75 $29.06 $48.56 $36.75 $29.54 $40.88 $46.92 $44.21 $29.54 $42.87
Fair Market Rent
Zero-Bedroom $1,034 $776 $659 $790 $1,016 $1,086 $1,121 $1,010 $763 $617 $659 $790 $613 $658 $1,016 $656 $617 $617 $842 $740 $1,086 $922 $626 $1,016 $617 $617 $1,121 $663 $684 $632 $1,383 $763 $617 $1,086 $981 $1,010 $617 $1,016
One-Bedroom $1,165 $910 $809 $836 $1,108 $1,093 $1,338 $1,099 $857 $752 $809 $836 $742 $801 $1,108 $832 $806 $806 $939 $891 $1,093 $1,028 $762 $1,108 $752 $752 $1,338 $788 $763 $718 $1,392 $857 $730 $1,093 $1,281 $1,099 $752 $1,108
Two-Bedroom $1,398 $1,118 $972 $1,047 $1,350 $1,253 $1,606 $1,355 $1,126 $905 $972 $1,047 $905 $964 $1,350 $962 $905 $905 $1,234 $1,085 $1,253 $1,351 $917 $1,350 $905 $905 $1,606 $972 $1,002 $926 $1,807 $1,126 $905 $1,253 $1,438 $1,355 $905 $1,350
Three-Bedroom $1,907 $1,488 $1,337 $1,475 $1,831 $1,766 $2,168 $1,856 $1,557 $1,252 $1,337 $1,475 $1,125 $1,298 $1,831 $1,307 $1,254 $1,094 $1,637 $1,507 $1,766 $1,634 $1,242 $1,831 $1,275 $1,275 $2,168 $1,175 $1,212 $1,201 $2,331 $1,557 $1,269 $1,766 $2,026 $1,856 $1,094 $1,831
Four-Bedroom $2,233 $1,767 $1,591 $1,777 $2,229 $2,126 $2,452 $2,299 $1,911 $1,375 $1,591 $1,777 $1,536 $1,636 $2,229 $1,392 $1,536 $1,536 $1,643 $1,841 $2,126 $1,799 $1,338 $2,229 $1,536 $1,536 $2,452 $1,649 $1,443 $1,511 $2,525 $1,911 $1,536 $2,126 $2,440 $2,299 $1,536 $2,229
Annual Income Needed to Afford
Zero-Bedroom $41,341 $31,047 $26,360 $31,600 $40,640 $43,440 $44,840 $40,400 $30,520 $24,680 $26,360 $31,600 $24,520 $26,320 $40,640 $26,240 $24,680 $24,680 $33,680 $29,600 $43,440 $36,880 $25,040 $40,640 $24,680 $24,680 $44,840 $26,520 $27,360 $25,280 $55,320 $30,520 $24,680 $43,440 $39,240 $40,400 $24,680 $40,640
One-Bedroom $46,613 $36,412 $32,360 $33,440 $44,320 $43,720 $53,520 $43,960 $34,280 $30,080 $32,360 $33,440 $29,680 $32,040 $44,320 $33,280 $32,240 $32,240 $37,560 $35,640 $43,720 $41,120 $30,480 $44,320 $30,080 $30,080 $53,520 $31,520 $30,520 $28,720 $55,680 $34,280 $29,200 $43,720 $51,240 $43,960 $30,080 $44,320
Two-Bedroom $55,930 $44,718 $38,880 $41,880 $54,000 $50,120 $64,240 $54,200 $45,040 $36,200 $38,880 $41,880 $36,200 $38,560 $54,000 $38,480 $36,200 $36,200 $49,360 $43,400 $50,120 $54,040 $36,680 $54,000 $36,200 $36,200 $64,240 $38,880 $40,080 $37,040 $72,280 $45,040 $36,200 $50,120 $57,520 $54,200 $36,200 $54,000
Three-Bedroom $76,262 $59,513 $53,480 $59,000 $73,240 $70,640 $86,720 $74,240 $62,280 $50,080 $53,480 $59,000 $45,000 $51,920 $73,240 $52,280 $50,160 $43,760 $65,480 $60,280 $70,640 $65,360 $49,680 $73,240 $51,000 $51,000 $86,720 $47,000 $48,480 $48,040 $93,240 $62,280 $50,760 $70,640 $81,040 $74,240 $43,760 $73,240
Four-Bedroom $89,316 $70,690 $63,640 $71,080 $89,160 $85,040 $98,080 $91,960 $76,440 $55,000 $63,640 $71,080 $61,440 $65,440 $89,160 $55,680 $61,440 $61,440 $65,720 $73,640 $85,040 $71,960 $53,520 $89,160 $61,440 $61,440 $98,080 $65,960 $57,720 $60,440 $101,000 $76,440 $61,440 $85,040 $97,600 $91,960 $61,440 $89,160
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25
Rent Affordable for a Full-Time Worker at Minimum Wage $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377
Work Hours/Week at Minimum Wage
Zero-Bedroom 110 82 70 84 108 115 119 107 81 65 70 84 65 70 108 70 65 65 89 79 115 98 66 108 65 65 119 70 73 67 147 81 65 115 104 107 65 108
One-Bedroom 124 97 86 89 118 116 142 117 91 80 86 89 79 85 118 88 86 86 100 95 116 109 81 118 80 80 142 84 81 76 148 91 77 116 136 117 80 118
Two-Bedroom 148 119 103 111 143 133 170 144 119 96 103 111 96 102 143 102 96 96 131 115 133 143 97 143 96 96 170 103 106 98 192 119 96 133 153 144 96 143
Three-Bedroom 202 158 142 156 194 187 230 197 165 133 142 156 119 138 194 139 133 116 174 160 187 173 132 194 135 135 230 125 129 127 247 165 135 187 215 197 116 194
Four-Bedroom 237 188 169 189 236 226 260 244 203 146 169 189 163 174 236 148 163 163 174 195 226 191 142 236 163 163 260 175 153 160 268 203 163 226 259 244 163 236
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payment
SSI Monthly Payment $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943
Rent affordable to SSI recipient $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283
Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $32,787 $28,697 $27,720 $28,740 $33,120 $32,850 $34,650 $30,360 $34,470 $27,570 $27,720 $28,740 $22,650 $30,870 $33,120 $24,990 $26,220 $23,220 $24,000 $24,840 $32,850 $30,930 $24,450 $33,120 $14,910 $26,400 $34,650 $20,880 $23,130 $24,480 $45,900 $34,470 $26,790 $32,850 $38,190 $30,360 $27,390 $33,120
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $54,645 $47,828 $46,200 $47,900 $55,200 $54,750 $57,750 $50,600 $57,450 $45,950 $46,200 $47,900 $37,750 $51,450 $55,200 $41,650 $43,700 $38,700 $40,000 $41,400 $54,750 $51,550 $40,750 $55,200 $24,850 $44,000 $57,750 $34,800 $38,550 $40,800 $76,500 $57,450 $44,650 $54,750 $63,650 $50,600 $45,650 $55,200
Median Renter Household Income $58,401 $50,832 $48,074 $45,527 $61,263 $59,089 $60,807 $54,622 $61,995 $72,711 $48,074 $45,527 $32,126 $65,512 $50,116 $30,629 $50,944 $49,644 $41,485 $64,522 $39,006 $43,511 $87,112 $28,836 $61,051 $60,807 $50,856 $42,858 $46,854 $89,393 $61,995 $48,057 $59,021 $72,608 $54,622 $66,822 $56,184
Rent Affordable at Different Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $820 $717 $693 $719 $828 $821 $866 $759 $862 $689 $693 $719 $566 $772 $828 $625 $656 $581 $600 $621 $821 $773 $611 $828 $373 $660 $866 $522 $578 $612 $1,148 $862 $670 $821 $955 $759 $685 $828
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $1,366 $1,196 $1,155 $1,198 $1,380 $1,369 $1,444 $1,265 $1,436 $1,149 $1,155 $1,198 $944 $1,286 $1,380 $1,041 $1,093 $968 $1,000 $1,035 $1,369 $1,289 $1,019 $1,380 $621 $1,100 $1,444 $870 $964 $1,020 $1,913 $1,436 $1,116 $1,369 $1,591 $1,265 $1,141 $1,380
Median Renter Household Income $1,460 $1,271 $1,202 $1,138 $1,532 $1,477 $1,520 $1,366 $1,550 $1,818 $1,202 $1,138 $803 $1,638 $1,253 $766 $1,274 $1,241 $1,037 $1,613 $975 $1,088 $2,178 $721 $1,526 $1,520 $1,271 $1,071 $1,171 $2,235 $1,550 $1,201 $1,476 $1,815 $1,366 $1,671 $1,405

Median Wages for State’s Most Common Occupations

Occupation Total Employment Median Hourly Wage
Fast Food and Counter Workers 50,890 $14.05
Cashiers 29,560 $14.40
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 24,160 $14.59
Waiters and Waitresses 17,400 $15.69
Retail Salespersons 37,530 $16.25
Receptionists and Information Clerks 12,000 $17.22
Home Health and Personal Care Aides 13,120 $17.25
Shipping, Receiving, and Inventory Clerks 17,600 $17.72
Stockers and Order Fillers 28,160 $18.07
Nursing Assistants 11,930 $18.36
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 29,010 $18.89
Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators 17,760 $18.96
Customer Service Representatives 56,470 $19.01
Office Clerks, General 34,620 $19.06
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 14,860 $19.82
One-Bedroom Housing Wage $22.41
Construction Laborers 20,320 $22.62
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 14,340 $22.91
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 14,770 $23.15
All Occupations 1,678,660 $23.15
Carpenters 12,920 $24.41
Two-bedrooom Housing Wage $26.89
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 22,530 $28.48
Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists 14,020 $29.49
Sales Representatives of Services, Except Advertising, Insurance, Financial Services, and Travel 15,620 $29.54
First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers 18,510 $29.86
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products 13,920 $30.82
First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers 11,860 $35.85
Accountants and Auditors 16,170 $36.41
Registered Nurses 24,730 $39.29
Project Management Specialists 12,880 $40.99
General and Operations Managers 56,000 $41.05
Software Developers 25,930 $57.54