West Virginia


West Virginia

State Facts

Minimum Wage $8.75
2-Bedroom Housing Wage $18.46
Number of Renter Households 185,013
Number of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Number of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI

Affordable Rent for Low Income Households

Minimum Wage Worker


Household at 30% of Area Median Income


Household at 50% of Area Median Income


Fair Market Rent

1-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


2-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


Working at minimum wage $8.75/hr

Each week you have to work 69 hours

To afford a modest 1 bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent

Connect to NetworkWest Virginia

Compare Jurisdictions

West Virginia West Virginia Non-metropolitan areas Boone County HMFA Charleston HMFA Cumberland MSA Fayette County HMFA Huntington-Ashland HMFA Jackson County HMFA Jefferson County HMFA Lincoln County HMFA Martinsburg HMFA Morgan County HMFA Morgantown MSA Parkersburg-Vienna MSA Putnam County HMFA Raleigh County HMFA Weirton-Steubenville MSA Wheeling MSA Winchester MSA Barbour County Berkeley County Boone County Braxton County Brooke County Cabell County Calhoun County Clay County Doddridge County Fayette County Gilmer County Grant County Greenbrier County Hampshire County Hancock County Hardy County Harrison County Jackson County Jefferson County Kanawha County Lewis County Lincoln County Logan County Marion County Marshall County Mason County McDowell County Mercer County Mineral County Mingo County Monongalia County Monroe County Morgan County Nicholas County Ohio County Pendleton County Pleasants County Pocahontas County Preston County Putnam County Raleigh County Randolph County Ritchie County Roane County Summers County Taylor County Tucker County Tyler County Upshur County Wayne County Webster County Wetzel County Wirt County Wood County Wyoming County
Number of Households
Total 716,040 245,166 7,992 80,117 10,532 15,938 53,813 11,148 21,472 7,776 48,528 7,053 56,829 37,693 22,402 29,395 22,578 29,542 8,066 5,789 48,528 7,992 4,567 9,593 38,854 2,416 2,865 2,345 15,938 2,132 4,160 14,724 8,066 12,985 5,740 25,888 11,148 21,472 77,252 6,839 7,776 12,375 23,083 12,055 10,120 6,547 24,471 10,532 9,093 44,206 4,596 7,053 9,644 17,487 2,361 2,737 2,951 12,623 22,402 29,395 10,362 3,257 5,461 4,890 6,702 2,836 2,948 9,537 14,959 3,010 5,861 2,149 35,544 7,724
Renter 185,013 57,108 1,673 23,919 1,999 3,875 17,224 2,599 4,380 1,716 11,939 1,106 21,440 9,339 4,004 7,330 5,868 7,986 1,508 1,441 11,939 1,673 845 2,428 13,744 528 522 238 3,875 548 819 3,697 1,508 3,440 1,295 6,814 2,599 4,380 23,397 1,864 1,716 3,005 5,709 2,455 1,595 1,501 7,353 1,999 2,496 19,007 843 1,106 1,907 5,531 406 398 461 2,433 4,004 7,330 2,651 524 1,422 1,032 1,322 560 334 2,206 3,480 650 1,129 332 9,007 1,515
Percent Renters 26% 23% 21% 30% 19% 24% 32% 23% 20% 22% 25% 16% 38% 25% 18% 25% 26% 27% 19% 25% 25% 21% 19% 25% 35% 22% 18% 10% 24% 26% 20% 25% 19% 26% 23% 26% 23% 20% 30% 27% 22% 24% 25% 20% 16% 23% 30% 19% 27% 43% 18% 16% 20% 32% 17% 15% 16% 19% 18% 25% 26% 16% 26% 21% 20% 20% 11% 23% 23% 22% 19% 15% 25% 20%
Housing Wage
Zero-Bedroom $14.16 $13.21 $11.92 $13.23 $12.00 $11.38 $15.25 $11.92 $15.98 $11.94 $17.52 $11.92 $16.48 $15.13 $15.77 $13.60 $12.69 $11.67 $18.90 $13.06 $17.52 $11.92 $12.33 $12.69 $15.25 $13.06 $13.23 $13.12 $11.38 $12.42 $12.33 $13.13 $18.90 $12.69 $13.10 $15.67 $11.92 $15.98 $13.23 $13.06 $11.94 $13.06 $15.52 $11.67 $13.65 $12.85 $11.06 $12.00 $12.33 $16.48 $13.06 $11.92 $13.06 $11.67 $13.06 $12.33 $13.06 $16.48 $15.77 $13.60 $11.60 $13.06 $13.06 $12.33 $11.50 $13.06 $13.17 $13.52 $15.25 $11.06 $13.44 $15.13 $15.13 $13.44
One-Bedroom $15.02 $13.94 $14.52 $15.69 $14.15 $13.13 $15.67 $13.60 $16.08 $12.42 $17.62 $15.65 $16.58 $15.23 $15.88 $13.67 $13.04 $13.73 $21.23 $14.52 $17.62 $14.52 $12.40 $13.04 $15.67 $13.17 $15.69 $13.23 $13.13 $12.52 $12.40 $13.21 $21.23 $13.04 $13.17 $16.08 $13.60 $16.08 $15.69 $14.52 $12.42 $14.52 $15.62 $13.73 $14.10 $12.94 $13.27 $14.15 $12.40 $16.58 $14.19 $15.65 $13.27 $13.73 $13.17 $12.40 $13.17 $16.58 $15.88 $13.67 $12.40 $13.54 $14.52 $12.40 $13.69 $14.52 $14.65 $13.62 $15.67 $12.40 $13.52 $15.23 $15.23 $13.56
Two-Bedroom $18.46 $17.02 $16.31 $19.12 $17.69 $16.79 $18.04 $16.31 $21.13 $16.33 $22.13 $17.58 $20.73 $18.23 $20.38 $17.79 $16.54 $17.21 $26.73 $16.31 $22.13 $16.31 $16.31 $16.54 $18.04 $16.31 $19.12 $16.38 $16.79 $16.31 $16.31 $16.62 $26.73 $16.54 $16.71 $18.48 $16.31 $21.13 $19.12 $16.31 $16.33 $16.31 $19.25 $17.21 $17.04 $16.31 $16.31 $17.69 $16.31 $20.73 $16.31 $17.58 $16.31 $17.21 $16.31 $16.31 $16.31 $20.73 $20.38 $17.79 $16.31 $16.31 $16.31 $16.31 $16.96 $16.31 $16.44 $17.77 $18.04 $16.31 $17.77 $18.23 $18.23 $16.79
Three-Bedroom $24.40 $22.38 $22.98 $25.00 $22.81 $22.48 $23.77 $22.71 $29.79 $19.75 $30.25 $24.77 $25.88 $24.79 $28.37 $25.08 $22.63 $22.37 $33.35 $21.96 $30.25 $22.98 $19.83 $22.63 $23.77 $22.98 $25.00 $21.40 $22.48 $19.71 $20.63 $21.87 $33.35 $22.63 $21.38 $24.38 $22.71 $29.79 $25.00 $22.56 $19.75 $22.98 $23.73 $22.37 $20.60 $21.48 $22.40 $22.81 $21.67 $25.88 $20.27 $24.77 $22.98 $22.37 $22.98 $22.77 $22.62 $25.88 $28.37 $25.08 $20.94 $19.71 $22.98 $22.98 $21.00 $22.98 $19.88 $22.23 $23.77 $22.69 $21.48 $24.79 $24.79 $21.33
Four-Bedroom $28.09 $25.07 $27.67 $25.46 $27.94 $28.48 $27.52 $23.27 $35.87 $22.12 $37.56 $28.27 $35.17 $25.10 $32.27 $27.33 $24.60 $25.56 $45.13 $25.58 $37.56 $27.67 $23.19 $24.60 $27.52 $23.23 $25.46 $23.35 $28.48 $21.71 $23.23 $22.13 $45.13 $24.60 $23.81 $29.56 $23.27 $35.87 $25.46 $22.63 $22.12 $26.75 $27.63 $25.56 $22.69 $21.71 $24.04 $27.94 $27.67 $35.17 $24.52 $28.27 $23.23 $25.56 $25.38 $23.23 $23.23 $35.17 $32.27 $27.33 $23.83 $21.71 $23.23 $23.23 $24.15 $27.67 $23.42 $26.98 $27.52 $23.23 $23.67 $25.10 $25.10 $22.37
Fair Market Rent
Zero-Bedroom $736 $687 $620 $688 $624 $592 $793 $620 $831 $621 $911 $620 $857 $787 $820 $707 $660 $607 $983 $679 $911 $620 $641 $660 $793 $679 $688 $682 $592 $646 $641 $683 $983 $660 $681 $815 $620 $831 $688 $679 $621 $679 $807 $607 $710 $668 $575 $624 $641 $857 $679 $620 $679 $607 $679 $641 $679 $857 $820 $707 $603 $679 $679 $641 $598 $679 $685 $703 $793 $575 $699 $787 $787 $699
One-Bedroom $781 $725 $755 $816 $736 $683 $815 $707 $836 $646 $916 $814 $862 $792 $826 $711 $678 $714 $1,104 $755 $916 $755 $645 $678 $815 $685 $816 $688 $683 $651 $645 $687 $1,104 $678 $685 $836 $707 $836 $816 $755 $646 $755 $812 $714 $733 $673 $690 $736 $645 $862 $738 $814 $690 $714 $685 $645 $685 $862 $826 $711 $645 $704 $755 $645 $712 $755 $762 $708 $815 $645 $703 $792 $792 $705
Two-Bedroom $960 $885 $848 $994 $920 $873 $938 $848 $1,099 $849 $1,151 $914 $1,078 $948 $1,060 $925 $860 $895 $1,390 $848 $1,151 $848 $848 $860 $938 $848 $994 $852 $873 $848 $848 $864 $1,390 $860 $869 $961 $848 $1,099 $994 $848 $849 $848 $1,001 $895 $886 $848 $848 $920 $848 $1,078 $848 $914 $848 $895 $848 $848 $848 $1,078 $1,060 $925 $848 $848 $848 $848 $882 $848 $855 $924 $938 $848 $924 $948 $948 $873
Three-Bedroom $1,269 $1,164 $1,195 $1,300 $1,186 $1,169 $1,236 $1,181 $1,549 $1,027 $1,573 $1,288 $1,346 $1,289 $1,475 $1,304 $1,177 $1,163 $1,734 $1,142 $1,573 $1,195 $1,031 $1,177 $1,236 $1,195 $1,300 $1,113 $1,169 $1,025 $1,073 $1,137 $1,734 $1,177 $1,112 $1,268 $1,181 $1,549 $1,300 $1,173 $1,027 $1,195 $1,234 $1,163 $1,071 $1,117 $1,165 $1,186 $1,127 $1,346 $1,054 $1,288 $1,195 $1,163 $1,195 $1,184 $1,176 $1,346 $1,475 $1,304 $1,089 $1,025 $1,195 $1,195 $1,092 $1,195 $1,034 $1,156 $1,236 $1,180 $1,117 $1,289 $1,289 $1,109
Four-Bedroom $1,461 $1,303 $1,439 $1,324 $1,453 $1,481 $1,431 $1,210 $1,865 $1,150 $1,953 $1,470 $1,829 $1,305 $1,678 $1,421 $1,279 $1,329 $2,347 $1,330 $1,953 $1,439 $1,206 $1,279 $1,431 $1,208 $1,324 $1,214 $1,481 $1,129 $1,208 $1,151 $2,347 $1,279 $1,238 $1,537 $1,210 $1,865 $1,324 $1,177 $1,150 $1,391 $1,437 $1,329 $1,180 $1,129 $1,250 $1,453 $1,439 $1,829 $1,275 $1,470 $1,208 $1,329 $1,320 $1,208 $1,208 $1,829 $1,678 $1,421 $1,239 $1,129 $1,208 $1,208 $1,256 $1,439 $1,218 $1,403 $1,431 $1,208 $1,231 $1,305 $1,305 $1,163
Annual Income Needed to Afford
Zero-Bedroom $29,444 $27,472 $24,800 $27,520 $24,960 $23,680 $31,720 $24,800 $33,240 $24,840 $36,440 $24,800 $34,280 $31,480 $32,800 $28,280 $26,400 $24,280 $39,320 $27,160 $36,440 $24,800 $25,640 $26,400 $31,720 $27,160 $27,520 $27,280 $23,680 $25,840 $25,640 $27,320 $39,320 $26,400 $27,240 $32,600 $24,800 $33,240 $27,520 $27,160 $24,840 $27,160 $32,280 $24,280 $28,400 $26,720 $23,000 $24,960 $25,640 $34,280 $27,160 $24,800 $27,160 $24,280 $27,160 $25,640 $27,160 $34,280 $32,800 $28,280 $24,120 $27,160 $27,160 $25,640 $23,920 $27,160 $27,400 $28,120 $31,720 $23,000 $27,960 $31,480 $31,480 $27,960
One-Bedroom $31,248 $29,004 $30,200 $32,640 $29,440 $27,320 $32,600 $28,280 $33,440 $25,840 $36,640 $32,560 $34,480 $31,680 $33,040 $28,440 $27,120 $28,560 $44,160 $30,200 $36,640 $30,200 $25,800 $27,120 $32,600 $27,400 $32,640 $27,520 $27,320 $26,040 $25,800 $27,480 $44,160 $27,120 $27,400 $33,440 $28,280 $33,440 $32,640 $30,200 $25,840 $30,200 $32,480 $28,560 $29,320 $26,920 $27,600 $29,440 $25,800 $34,480 $29,520 $32,560 $27,600 $28,560 $27,400 $25,800 $27,400 $34,480 $33,040 $28,440 $25,800 $28,160 $30,200 $25,800 $28,480 $30,200 $30,480 $28,320 $32,600 $25,800 $28,120 $31,680 $31,680 $28,200
Two-Bedroom $38,405 $35,412 $33,920 $39,760 $36,800 $34,920 $37,520 $33,920 $43,960 $33,960 $46,040 $36,560 $43,120 $37,920 $42,400 $37,000 $34,400 $35,800 $55,600 $33,920 $46,040 $33,920 $33,920 $34,400 $37,520 $33,920 $39,760 $34,080 $34,920 $33,920 $33,920 $34,560 $55,600 $34,400 $34,760 $38,440 $33,920 $43,960 $39,760 $33,920 $33,960 $33,920 $40,040 $35,800 $35,440 $33,920 $33,920 $36,800 $33,920 $43,120 $33,920 $36,560 $33,920 $35,800 $33,920 $33,920 $33,920 $43,120 $42,400 $37,000 $33,920 $33,920 $33,920 $33,920 $35,280 $33,920 $34,200 $36,960 $37,520 $33,920 $36,960 $37,920 $37,920 $34,920
Three-Bedroom $50,750 $46,552 $47,800 $52,000 $47,440 $46,760 $49,440 $47,240 $61,960 $41,080 $62,920 $51,520 $53,840 $51,560 $59,000 $52,160 $47,080 $46,520 $69,360 $45,680 $62,920 $47,800 $41,240 $47,080 $49,440 $47,800 $52,000 $44,520 $46,760 $41,000 $42,920 $45,480 $69,360 $47,080 $44,480 $50,720 $47,240 $61,960 $52,000 $46,920 $41,080 $47,800 $49,360 $46,520 $42,840 $44,680 $46,600 $47,440 $45,080 $53,840 $42,160 $51,520 $47,800 $46,520 $47,800 $47,360 $47,040 $53,840 $59,000 $52,160 $43,560 $41,000 $47,800 $47,800 $43,680 $47,800 $41,360 $46,240 $49,440 $47,200 $44,680 $51,560 $51,560 $44,360
Four-Bedroom $58,423 $52,138 $57,560 $52,960 $58,120 $59,240 $57,240 $48,400 $74,600 $46,000 $78,120 $58,800 $73,160 $52,200 $67,120 $56,840 $51,160 $53,160 $93,880 $53,200 $78,120 $57,560 $48,240 $51,160 $57,240 $48,320 $52,960 $48,560 $59,240 $45,160 $48,320 $46,040 $93,880 $51,160 $49,520 $61,480 $48,400 $74,600 $52,960 $47,080 $46,000 $55,640 $57,480 $53,160 $47,200 $45,160 $50,000 $58,120 $57,560 $73,160 $51,000 $58,800 $48,320 $53,160 $52,800 $48,320 $48,320 $73,160 $67,120 $56,840 $49,560 $45,160 $48,320 $48,320 $50,240 $57,560 $48,720 $56,120 $57,240 $48,320 $49,240 $52,200 $52,200 $46,520
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75
Rent Affordable for a Full-Time Worker at Minimum Wage $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455 $455
Work Hours/Week at Minimum Wage
Zero-Bedroom 65 60 55 60 55 52 70 55 73 55 80 55 75 69 72 62 58 53 86 60 80 55 56 58 70 60 60 60 52 57 56 60 86 58 60 72 55 73 60 60 55 60 71 53 62 59 51 55 56 75 60 55 60 53 60 56 60 75 72 62 53 60 60 56 53 60 60 62 70 51 61 69 69 61
One-Bedroom 69 64 66 72 65 60 72 62 73 57 81 72 76 70 73 63 60 63 97 66 81 66 57 60 72 60 72 60 60 57 57 60 97 60 60 73 62 73 72 66 57 66 71 63 64 59 61 65 57 76 65 72 61 63 60 57 60 76 73 63 57 62 66 57 63 66 67 62 72 57 62 70 70 62
Two-Bedroom 84 78 75 87 81 77 82 75 97 75 101 80 95 83 93 81 76 79 122 75 101 75 75 76 82 75 87 75 77 75 75 76 122 76 76 84 75 97 87 75 75 75 88 79 78 75 75 81 75 95 75 80 75 79 75 75 75 95 93 81 75 75 75 75 78 75 75 81 82 75 81 83 83 77
Three-Bedroom 112 102 105 114 104 103 109 104 136 90 138 113 118 113 130 115 103 102 152 100 138 105 91 103 109 105 114 98 103 90 94 100 152 103 98 111 104 136 114 103 90 105 108 102 94 98 102 104 99 118 93 113 105 102 105 104 103 118 130 115 96 90 105 105 96 105 91 102 109 104 98 113 113 97
Four-Bedroom 128 115 127 116 128 130 126 106 164 101 172 129 161 115 148 125 112 117 206 117 172 127 106 112 126 106 116 107 130 99 106 101 206 112 109 135 106 164 116 103 101 122 126 117 104 99 110 128 127 161 112 129 106 117 116 106 106 161 148 125 109 99 106 106 110 127 107 123 126 106 108 115 115 102
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payment
SSI Monthly Payment $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943
Rent affordable to SSI recipient $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283
Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $22,912 $20,441 $22,410 $23,490 $24,690 $19,740 $21,390 $23,190 $36,270 $17,910 $24,630 $23,310 $27,270 $22,410 $28,710 $19,230 $21,630 $24,180 $33,000 $17,730 $24,630 $22,410 $14,670 $21,630 $21,390 $15,210 $23,490 $23,190 $19,740 $20,640 $21,990 $19,470 $33,000 $21,630 $18,450 $25,140 $23,190 $36,270 $23,490 $22,020 $17,910 $16,260 $24,420 $24,180 $22,560 $11,910 $20,100 $24,690 $16,320 $27,270 $20,730 $23,310 $20,670 $24,180 $20,070 $24,420 $19,410 $27,270 $28,710 $19,230 $20,400 $18,900 $15,960 $19,740 $21,840 $21,990 $25,230 $20,460 $21,390 $17,700 $22,140 $22,410 $22,410 $16,260
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $38,187 $34,068 $37,350 $39,150 $41,150 $32,900 $35,650 $38,650 $60,450 $29,850 $41,050 $38,850 $45,450 $37,350 $47,850 $32,050 $36,050 $40,300 $55,000 $29,550 $41,050 $37,350 $24,450 $36,050 $35,650 $25,350 $39,150 $38,650 $32,900 $34,400 $36,650 $32,450 $55,000 $36,050 $30,750 $41,900 $38,650 $60,450 $39,150 $36,700 $29,850 $27,100 $40,700 $40,300 $37,600 $19,850 $33,500 $41,150 $27,200 $45,450 $34,550 $38,850 $34,450 $40,300 $33,450 $40,700 $32,350 $45,450 $47,850 $32,050 $34,000 $31,500 $26,600 $32,900 $36,400 $36,650 $42,050 $34,100 $35,650 $29,500 $36,900 $37,350 $37,350 $27,100
Median Renter Household Income $32,728 $31,363 $26,962 $32,908 $34,250 $25,982 $26,812 $33,954 $41,478 $27,285 $52,208 $33,460 $32,832 $31,192 $43,724 $27,063 $34,653 $25,799 $30,277 $39,000 $52,208 $26,962 $34,395 $35,871 $25,046 $19,473 $19,965 $40,973 $25,982 $33,218 $30,733 $26,793 $30,277 $33,794 $42,485 $36,357 $33,954 $41,478 $33,197 $27,163 $27,285 $27,507 $38,177 $26,490 $44,926 $15,386 $32,792 $34,250 $22,441 $32,309 $39,618 $33,460 $26,370 $25,493 $31,587 $24,964 $31,568 $36,918 $43,724 $27,063 $25,443 $31,189 $26,050 $25,733 $34,124 $34,590 $28,203 $31,713 $33,788 $15,416 $31,225 $20,214 $31,597 $26,357
Rent Affordable at Different Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $573 $511 $560 $587 $617 $494 $535 $580 $907 $448 $616 $583 $682 $560 $718 $481 $541 $605 $825 $443 $616 $560 $367 $541 $535 $380 $587 $580 $494 $516 $550 $487 $825 $541 $461 $629 $580 $907 $587 $551 $448 $407 $611 $605 $564 $298 $503 $617 $408 $682 $518 $583 $517 $605 $502 $611 $485 $682 $718 $481 $510 $473 $399 $494 $546 $550 $631 $512 $535 $443 $554 $560 $560 $407
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $955 $852 $934 $979 $1,029 $823 $891 $966 $1,511 $746 $1,026 $971 $1,136 $934 $1,196 $801 $901 $1,008 $1,375 $739 $1,026 $934 $611 $901 $891 $634 $979 $966 $823 $860 $916 $811 $1,375 $901 $769 $1,048 $966 $1,511 $979 $918 $746 $678 $1,018 $1,008 $940 $496 $838 $1,029 $680 $1,136 $864 $971 $861 $1,008 $836 $1,018 $809 $1,136 $1,196 $801 $850 $788 $665 $823 $910 $916 $1,051 $853 $891 $738 $923 $934 $934 $678
Median Renter Household Income $818 $784 $674 $823 $856 $650 $670 $849 $1,037 $682 $1,305 $837 $821 $780 $1,093 $677 $866 $645 $757 $975 $1,305 $674 $860 $897 $626 $487 $499 $1,024 $650 $830 $768 $670 $757 $845 $1,062 $909 $849 $1,037 $830 $679 $682 $688 $954 $662 $1,123 $385 $820 $856 $561 $808 $990 $837 $659 $637 $790 $624 $789 $923 $1,093 $677 $636 $780 $651 $643 $853 $865 $705 $793 $845 $385 $781 $505 $790 $659

Median Wages for State’s Most Common Occupations

Occupation Total Employment Median Hourly Wage
Cooks, Fast Food 14,770 $10.97
Cashiers 17,890 $11.37
Home Health and Personal Care Aides 19,790 $12.64
Fast Food and Counter Workers 6,500 $12.66
Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 4,900 $13.39
Retail Salespersons 17,450 $13.59
Waiters and Waitresses 9,190 $13.77
Cooks, Restaurant 7,060 $13.84
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 9,860 $14.25
Receptionists and Information Clerks 5,710 $14.49
Security Guards 6,080 $14.60
First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers 6,810 $14.62
One-Bedroom Housing Wage $15.02
Office Clerks, General 12,370 $15.80
Stockers and Order Fillers 12,810 $15.99
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 10,310 $16.72
Nursing Assistants 8,720 $17.48
Customer Service Representatives 10,040 $17.59
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 8,660 $17.85
First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers 7,360 $18.19
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 8,890 $18.41
Two-bedrooom Housing Wage $18.46
Construction Laborers 7,580 $18.79
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 7,760 $18.92
All Occupations 688,670 $19.59
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 10,460 $23.07
Operating Engineers and Other Construction Equipment Operators 6,810 $23.30
Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses 6,560 $23.45
First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers 7,340 $24.14
Accountants and Auditors 4,830 $33.24
General and Operations Managers 14,950 $37.38
First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers 5,490 $37.99
Registered Nurses 20,860 $38.77