
14-1 Advancing Tenant Protections: What Federal Tenant Protections Do You Need?

Feb 08, 2023

NLIHC Invites Readers to Complete a Short Survey about Necessary Federal Tenant Protections

NLIHC has always called for greater tenant protections on a national scale, such as source-of-income protections, right to counsel, and the expansion, strengthening, and enforcement of the “Fair Housing Act.” See the HoUSed campaign’s full list of needed tenant protections. Now, as members of Congress and the present administration express an increased interest in this work, NLIHC is building out our asks in a more robust and meaningful way, and we need your input!

We invite you to complete a short survey concerning what tenant protections you would like to see at the federal level. Use your smartphone to scan the QR code below or type the web address into your browser to access the input form. You can also email [email protected] for other ways to make your voice heard.

Thank you!

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