
15-2 Become an Our Homes, Our Votes Affiliate!

Sep 05, 2024

The Our Homes, Our Votes Affiliates Network provides support for state-, local-, and neighborhood-level civic engagement activities. Any nonpartisan organization that is committed to boosting voter turnout in its community can become an affiliate. Many tenant associations and other resident-led groups participate in the Our Homes, Our Votes Affiliates Network. To find a complete list of affiliates and sign up your organization, visit

By becoming an affiliate, your organization will join a nationwide network of partners that are registering, educating, and mobilizing voters in this election cycle. All affiliates are invited to join a Google Groups email listserv where Our Homes, Our Votes shares new resources and upcoming opportunities to get involved with the campaign and affiliates pose questions or exchange ideas with each other. Affiliates also receive enhanced access to Our Homes, Our Votes tools and communications materials, including permission to use the Our Homes, Our Votes logos and images on co-branded materials.

Our Homes, Our Votes hosts biweekly, virtual office hours on Fridays from 1 to 3 pm ET where affiliates can drop by to brainstorm or workshop their voter and candidate engagement plans. Our Homes, Our Votes also seeks to highlight our affiliates’ activities in our newsletter, on webinars, and on social media. After the election, Our Homes, Our Votes will host a virtual celebration to thank our affiliates for their hard work to get out the vote in this election cycle and strategize for future years.