Memo to Members

CHCDF Urges Congressional Appropriators to Maximize Funding for Affordable Housing and Community Development in FY22

Apr 26, 2021

The Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding (CHCDF) sent on April 22 a letter signed by over 830 national, state, and local organizations to congressional appropriators requesting the highest possible 302(b) appropriations allocations for fiscal year (FY) 2022. CHCDF is an education, strategy, and action coalition representing over 70 national housing and community development organizations.

The 302(b) allocations establish a spending cap on each appropriations bill, so higher 302(b) allocations allow for greater funding for vital federal programs, including affordable housing and community development programs. While CHCDF sends a 302(b) letter annually, FY2022 will be the first year in a decade appropriators will not be limited by the spending caps imposed by the Budget Control Act of 2011, presenting the opportunity for significant funding increases for affordable housing and community development programs.

Read CHCDF’s 302(b) letter at: