Fact of the Week: Renters in Northeast, Midwest More Likely to Live in Homes Built before 1970
Jun 21, 2021
Source: Joint Center for Housing Studies, The State of the Nation’s Housing 2021.
Jun 21, 2021
Source: Joint Center for Housing Studies, The State of the Nation’s Housing 2021.
A recent study published in JAMA Pediatrics, “Tenant Right-to-Counsel and Adverse Birth Outcomes in New York, New York,” demonstrates how guaranteed legal representation for tenants facing eviction…
A study recently published in Cityscape, “Using Linked Administrative Data to Profile a City’s Rental Stock and Landlords and Guide a Lead-Safe Housing Initiative,” explores how the linkage of…
New research published in Housing Studies, “Linking Landlords to Uncover Ownership Obscurity,” examines challenges in identifying the owners of rental properties in the context of the increasing…