Memo to Members

Fight for Housing Justice Campaign Week of Action Starts Today!

Mar 09, 2020

March 16 is the deadline to submit comments opposing HUD Secretary Carson’s proposed changes to the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule. HUD’s proposal signals this administration’s retreat from national efforts to overcome pervasive racial segregation, much of which is  the result of federal policies in past decades. Join NLIHC, the National Housing Law Project, the National Fair Housing Alliance, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and many others for a Week of Action starting today, March 9, and running through March 13. Rally with advocates in a series of events and activities to encourage organizations and individuals to submit unique comments opposing the new rule before the March 16 deadline.

More than 14,400 comments have been submitted so far in response to the Trump administration’s proposed changes to the rule. Help keep this momentum going and let’s double the number of comments submitted by March 16. Use the resources available through the Fight for Housing Justice campaign to draft unique comments opposing this proposal. (It is very important that comments are unique.) Participate in scheduled events hosted by national and local groups such as a comment party, Facebook Live events, and a tweetstorm. Or host your own activity. Tips and ideas for events/activities are available at:

Mark your calendar for a national #KeepHousingFair tweetstorm on March 13, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET. This is the last weekday before the March 16 comment deadline. Let’s be sure to use this last opportunity to elevate the conversation on Twitter. Sample tweets are below. Sample graphics can be downloaded at: and

  • Where you live determines how you live. Everyone deserves access to safe & #affordablehousing near quality schools, transportation & jobs. Fight back against @HUDGov’s latest attack on the right of every person to an affordable home in a healthy community
  • Do you want to see the Trump administration successfully gut fair housing protections for millions of people? If not, join the fight to #KeepHousingFair. Submit a comment opposing changes that would weaken the existing #AFFH rule
  • Why do we need a strong #AFFH? It's meant to end discriminatory housing practices & overcome the impacts of government-sponsored residential segregation that weaken our communities & undermine our prosperity. #KeepHousingFair Comment today
  • We need to take a stand against @HUDgov’s attempt to weaken fair housing rights & to let communities receive HUD funds while they perpetuate housing discrimination & segregation. HUD’s accepting comments now – send yours today #KeepHousingFair
  • .@HUDgov is accepting comments on its proposed #AFFH rule that would eliminate anti-segregation protections. Now is the time to make your voice heard and join the campaign to #KeepHousingFair
  • #ALERT: @HUDgov proposes rule that would weaken #AFFH, a legal mandate for ensuring communities address systemic discrimination & segregation. Fight back to #KeepHousingFair
  • We’re joining a coalition of advocates to #KeepHousingFair and fight the Trump administration’s latest attack on key fair housing rights. Join us by commenting today
  • ALERT: @HUDgov has launched another attack on fair housing, announcing a rule that would allow communities to receive @HUDgov funding while perpetuating housing discrimination & segregation. This isn’t right! #KeepHousingFair by submitting a comment today
  • Help protect our neighborhoods from discrimination! Everyone should have a place to call home that connects them to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. #KeepHousingFair Submit a comment today 
  • .@HUDgov's new proposed #AFFH rule would rollback desegregation efforts. It takes away the tools communities need to identify and eliminate housing discrimination. It would PERPETUATE discrimination & segregation. Fight back 
  • March 16 is the deadline to tell @HUDGov to #KeepHousingFair! Submit a comment to oppose its efforts to gut the #AFFH rule and tell @SecretaryCarson you will not stand for housing discrimination
  • It’s not too late to fight for your housing rights and protect our ability to combat decades of policies that continue segregation and discrimination. March 16 is the deadline to submit your comment to @HUDGov and help us #KeepHousingFair
  • March 16 is fast approaching! Time is running out to submit public comments to @HUDgov opposing its attack on the #AFFH rule. Don’t miss your opportunity to #KeepHousingFair and comment TODAY
  • #ICYMI The Trump administration is attacking your fair housing rights — and March 16 is the deadline to fight back. Protect the #AFFH rule and #KeepHousingFair submit your comments today

More information on the scheduled national events can be found at:

Comment templates and sample letters, fact sheets, news, and additional resources are at:

You can also submit comments at:

More about AFFH under the Trump/Carson administration is on NLIHC’s website at: 

Information about the 2015 AFFH rule, Secretary Carson’s suspension of the 2015 rule, and the AI process jurisdictions must follow until a final rule is passed is on pages 7-14, 7-21, and 7-26 of NLIHC’s 2019 Advocates’ Guide.