Memo to Members

Former Vice President Biden Calls for Goal of Housing for All Formerly Incarcerated Individuals

Jul 29, 2019

Former Vice President and presidential candidate Joe Biden released a “Plan for Strengthening America’s Commitment to Justice” which sets a national goal of ensuring 100% of formerly incarcerated individuals have housing upon reentry. 

The plan states: “If incarcerated individuals do not find housing upon reentry, that lack of housing can be completely destabilizing and limit their likelihood of successfully staying out of the criminal justice system and fulfilling their potential. Biden will work toward a goal of ensuring 100% of formerly incarcerated individuals – at the federal and state level – have housing upon release. He’ll start by directing the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to only contract with entities that are open to housing individuals looking for a second chance. And, he’ll expand funding for transitional housing, which has been drastically cut under the Trump Administration.”