Memo to Members

House Appropriations Committee Approves FY22 Spending Bill for Affordable Housing and Community Development

Jul 19, 2021

The House Appropriations Committee voted on July 16 to approve a draft spending bill that would fund HUD programs for fiscal year (FY) 2022. The full committee vote followed a July 12 vote in the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development (THUD) to advance the legislation. The House THUD bill proposes to fund HUD at $56.5 billion, an increase of $6.8 billion above FY21. If enacted, the bill would provide significant increases to nearly all HUD programs compared to FY21.

The House bill calls for expanding rental assistance through the Tenant-Based Rental Assistance program to 125,000 additional households and proposes to increase funding for Homeless Assistance Grants by more than $400 million to $3.4 billion and to provide $3.7 billion for public housing capital repairs and climate-resilient upgrades to public housing stock. For more details on the House FY22 spending bill, see NLIHC’s full analysis and updated budget chart.

The THUD bill will be combined with six other FY22 spending bills into one $617 billion package and brought to the House floor for a vote the last week of July. Advocates should contact their senators and representatives to urge them to pass an FY22 spending bill with the highest possible allocation for affordable housing and community development programs.

Find out how to contact your member of Congress at:

Read NLIHC’s analysis of the House’s FY22 HUD budget at:

View NLIHC’s updated budget chart for FY22 at: