Memo to Members

HUD Announces Tribal Homelessness Webinars

Jul 29, 2024

HUD announced three upcoming webinars that the agency will host in partnership with the Tribal Homelessness Network (THN) to share information about resources and programs that address homelessness, including the Continuum of Care (CoC) program. THN offers HUD Technical Assistance through online, group learning, and peer-to-peer collaborative approaches (see Memo, 4/15). The first webinar, “Building Communities,” will be held on July 30, while the second webinar, “CoC 101 Training Part 1,” will be held on August 20 and the third webinar, “CoC 101 Training Part 2”, will be held on August 22. Register for the webinars here.

The THN hopes to use the webinars to create a forum for Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs) to learn more about the CoC program, discuss the benefits and challenges of being a part of or establishing a new CoC, access technical assistance resources, and share ideas about preventing and ending homelessness. Participation in the Tribal Homelessness Network (THN) is voluntary and is intended to enable Tribes and TDHEs to take advantage of peer-sharing opportunities. THN participants will decide on how frequently they would like to meet.