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HUD CPD Posts CDBG-CV Toolkit

Jun 07, 2021

HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) posted a comprehensive CDBG-CV Toolkit for the $5 billion CARES Act supplemental Community Development Block Grant funds (CDBG-CV). The toolkit provides guidance to state and local governments (grantees) receiving CDBG-CV regarding the ongoing task of identifying and implementing CDBG-CV-assisted activities. States and localities have six years after signing a Grant Agreement with CPD to expend CDBG-CV.

The online resource has eight chapters that include webinar recordings, slides, transcripts, and related materials such as Quick Guides, FAQs, and memoranda. Chapters are as follows: 

  1. Getting Started—which includes webinars held in August and September 2020 describing program rules, statutory and regulatory waivers, and alternative requirements
  2. CDBG National Objectives—which has a webinar about the CDBG National Objectives and a webinar focused on the Area Benefit to Low- and Moderate-income National Objective
  3. Eligible Uses—covering public services, public facilities and improvements, economic development, administration and planning, and ongoing coronavirus recovery.
  4. Duplication of Benefits
  5. Program Management
  6. Financial Management
  7. Documentation
  8. State CDBG-CV Implementation

The CDBG-CV Toolkit is at:

More about CDBG-CV is on page 10-15 of NLIHC’s 2021 Advocates’ Guide.

Information about regular CDBG is on page 8-4 of NLIHC’s 2021 Advocates’ Guide.