Memo to Members

HUD to Hold CARES Act Virtual Conference on July 27-28

Jul 26, 2021

HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) will hold a two-day virtual conference to discuss how jurisdictions can use supplemental funds made available by the CARES Act. The act provided supplemental funds amounting to $5 billion in Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus (CDBG-CV), $3.96 billion in Emergency Solutions Grants Coronavirus (ESG-CV) and $65 million in Housing Opportunities for Persons With HIV/AIDS Coronavirus (HOPWA-CV). The virtual conference will cover topics related using CDBG-CV, HOPWA-CV, and ESG-CV funds. All coronavirus funding must be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus pandemic. While the conference is intended for jurisdictions that received CARES Act funding, advocates might also value learning how they can more effectively advocating for priority uses.

Topics include rental assistance, housing instability, housing models, rehousing strategies, targeting homelessness, rural coronavirus response, state CV implementation, broadband, HOPWA-CV implementation, duplication of benefits, economic development, and CDBG national objectives.

The virtual conference takes place on July 27 and 28. Register at

Information about CDBG-CV is on page 10-15 of NLIHC’s 2021 Advocates’ Guide.

Information about ESG-CV is on page 10-47 of NLIHC’s 2021 Advocates’ Guide.

Information about HOPWA-CV is on page 10-44 of NLIHC’s 2021 Advocates’ Guide.

Information about regular CDBG is on page 8-4 of NLIHC’s 2021 Advocates’ Guide.

Information about regular ESG is on page 4-84 of NLIHC’s 2021 Advocates’ Guide.

Information about regular HOPWA is on page 4-81 of NLIHC’s 2021 Advocates’ Guide