Memo to Members

HUD HOME-ARP Webinar Materials Available

Oct 25, 2021

HUD’s Office of Affordable Housing Programs (OAHP) has posted slides and recordings from four webinars held regarding Notice CPD-21-10 that established requirements for the use of the HOME-ARP program (see Memo, 9/20). The American Rescue Plan (ARP) provides $5 billion through the HOME Program to 651 state and local Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) that qualified for regular FY21 HOME funds.

In collaboration with other community stakeholders, PJs can use the funding to make targeted, strategic investments in housing and other assistance for people experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of homelessness, as well as other vulnerable populations. HOME-ARP is a distinct program and should not be confused as a form of the regular HOME program.

The webinar materials are at: 

OAHP’s HOME-ARP website includes several fact sheets at: