Memo to Members

HUD Launches New LGBTQIA+ Fair Housing Toolkit

Apr 10, 2023

HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) released an LGBTQIA+ Fair Housing Toolkit to educate housing providers, tenants, applicants, and other housing consumers about LGBTQIA+ fair housing protections, with the goal of advancing housing equity for LGBTQIA+ people.

The toolkit was created in response to President Biden’s January 2021 Executive Order 13988, “Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation,” which requires federal agencies to assess measures taken to prohibit sex discrimination and fully enforce statutes combatting such discrimination. The toolkit:

  • Provides an overview of key fair housing laws, regulations, and executive orders related to LGBTQIA+ protections.
  • Provides a summary of HUD’s Equal Access Rule.
  • Describes the specific protected housing rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals.
  • Introduces housing providers to culturally competent definitions and terminology used when discussing sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • Provides information on the ways housing providers can prevent housing discrimination in their daily operations.
  • Provides detailed information on how and when an individual can report housing discrimination.

The toolkit’s five modules provide a comprehensive training relating to the rights of members of the LGBTQIA+ community, best practices, and policies that support the implementation of non-discrimination policies in practices concerning LGBTQIA+ people.

View the LGBTQIA+ Fair Housing Toolkit here.