Memo to Members

HUD Notice on ConPlans Includes NHTF Allocation Plans

Feb 08, 2016

The HUD Office of Community Development and Planning issued a Notice on January 28 outlining the timing for states and entitlement jurisdictions to submit their FY16 consolidated plans (ConPlan), action plans, and National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) allocation plans. To receive its share of the NHTF, a state must submit an allocation plan as part of its annual action plan. The action plan is the annual update of the three to five year ConPlan required of states and jurisdictions (grantees) in order to receive CDBG, HOME, HOPWA, and ESG funds.

The notice says that HUD expects to announce the amount of NHTF funds that each state will receive in April 2016. The total amount for the NHTF for 2016 will be known by February 28. The NHTF receives dedicated revenue from an annual assessment on the volume of business of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. (NLIHC will release its estimated state allocations soon after the total amount is made public.)

The allocations for CDBG, HOME, HOPWA, and ESG are based on annual appropriations, which were enacted into law on December 16, 2015 (see Memo, 12/21/15). The amounts that each grantee will receive will be made available by mid-February. At that point, grantees with program years that begin or before June 1 will be able to submit their ConPlans and action plans.

Because this will before the NHTF allocations are known, the NHTF allocation plans for these states will be submitted as substantial amendments to annual action plans. However, states should begin preparing their allocation plans using the citizen participation process for ConPlans.

NLIHC reminds advocates that the NHTF is a block grant to states. The designated state administering agency will develop the allocation plan based on priority housing needs identified in its ConPlan.

To read Notice CPD-16-01, go to