HUD Provides Online Version of Building HOME

HUD announced on January 13, a new online version of Building Home, a 12-module training program about the HOME Investment Partnerships Program. The Building HOME online training is an interactive guide providing the HOME program’s regulatory requirements and practical advice for implementing all HOME activities at the state and local levels. The training presents real-world scenarios and includes challenge questions and exams.

The initial launch includes eight of the twelve training modules; four more will be added in the coming months. To receive notice when the other modules are available as well as to receive up-to-date HOME program information in the future, register for the HUD Exchange email list. Users will have to create a user name and password in order to access the modules.

The 12 modules are titled: Overview, Program Requirements, Program Administration, Homeowner Rehab Programs, Homebuyer Programs, Rental Housing Activities, Rental Housing—Long-term Compliance, CHDOs (Community Housing Development Organizations), TBRA (tenant-based rental assistance), Match Requirements, Reporting and IDIS, and Other Federal Requirements.

The online version replaces and enhances the very helpful 2008 PDF version of Building HOME, still on the HOME HUD Exchange website at:

The new online version of Building HOME is at:

More information about HOME is on page 5-3 of NLIHC’s 2019 Advocates’ Guide