Memo to Members

HUD Recap Office Announces Availability of RAD Resident Fact Sheets in Six Additional Languages

Apr 01, 2024

HUD’s Office of Recapitalization (Recap) has posted Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Resident Fact Sheets in six additional languages, supplementing the Resident Fact Sheets already available in English and Spanish (see Memo, 2/7/22 and 2/22/22). The newly translated fact sheets are in Korean, Vietnamese, French, Haitian Creole, Chinese, and Russian and include “Overview of Resident Rights after a RAD Conversion,” “Resident Engagement and Consultation,” “Resident Organizing and Funding,” as well as 12 other fact sheets.

Recap has also redesigned the resident-oriented RAD webpages. One page, “What is RAD?,” now includes a link to a five-minute video in English and Spanish, a link to a redesigned electronic complaint or inquiry form, and short responses to five frequently asked questions. Also on this page are links to:

The other redesigned page, “RAD Public Housing Residents,” repeats much of what is on the “What is RAD?” page, adding a link to a video describing resident protections and engagement and “Resources” such as the “Rental Assistance Demonstration – Supplemental Notice 4B” from July 27, 2023, and the “Fair Housing, Civil Rights, and Relocation Notice” (Notice H 2016-17/PIH 2016-17). Various “Tools” are offered, including webinars discussing “RAD 101 – Public Housing Conversions” and “Section 3,” as well as a five-page “Guidance for Successful Implementation of Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Choice-Mobility.” Finally, the pages includes an email address for contacting Recap staff: [email protected]

Find the RAD homepage at:

More information about RAD is on page 4-50 of NLIHC’s 2024 Advocates’ Guide and on NLIHC’s Public Housing webpage.