HUD Releases ARPA Funds to Assist Victims of Housing Discrimination during Pandemic
Nov 08, 2021
HUD announced on November 3 that it is providing nearly $14 million in funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to support fair housing enforcement organizations. Fifty-one HUD Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) grantees will receive funding to conduct a range of fair housing enforcement and education and outreach activities related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This first round of funding is available under the FHIP Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI) component and are the first ARPA competitive grants from HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) to focus on the disparate impact the pandemic has had on low-income communities of colors. The funds will be used to support a range of activities, such as responding to housing inquiries, investigating fair housing complaints, conducting fair housing testing, providing legal assistance, conducting education and outreach, and covering costs associated with providing services related to the pandemic. An additional $6 million in ARPA funding will be made available to eligible applicants that did not receive funding in this first round.
Read the press release and see list of grantees at: