Join #HoUSed Tweetstorm during National Fair Housing Month – April 21 at 1 pm ET
Apr 19, 2021
Join us on Wednesday April 21 from 1 to 2 pm ET as we head to Twitter for a #HoUSed campaign tweetstorm for National Fair Housing Month. Tell Congress that the next infrastructure and recovery bills must ensure stable, affordable housing is universally available to those in need. This moment is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to invest in proven affordable housing solutions, including universal rental assistance, public housing, and the national Housing Trust Fund. Congress must immediately address the urgent housing needs facing extremely low-income households, disproportionately people of color, by including in any infrastructure package the HoUSed campaign’s priorities.
Sample images are available at:
Sample Tweets include:
- Bold policies are needed to ensure #Universal, #Stable, #Affordable housing for all. #HoUSed #Housing4UsAll
- #DYK: Racial segregation & discrimination in housing is a major cause of racial inequity across all sectors of education, income, and more.
- We need to bridge the gap to ensure #Housing4UsAll.
- To guarantee the lowest-income people are #HoUSed we must preserve & expand the supply of rental homes across the US through investments in public housing & the national Housing Trust Fund.
- Housing is health care. When we keep people #HoUSed, we prevent long-term health problems & promote healthy, productive lives.
- Millions of households are one financial shock away from eviction & homelessness. Everyone deserves a housing safety net; universal rental assistance for all eligible households would provide it. #Housing4UsAll.
- #ICYMI Children learn better and are more likely to graduate when they are #HoUSed in stable, affordable homes. Learn more here:
- We all deserve the opportunity to climb the income ladder and achieve financial stability. Housing assistance reduces poverty and helps keep low-income renters #HoUSed.
- Congress must advance anti-racist policies and provide the large-scale, sustained investments and reforms needed to ensure renters with the lowest incomes have an affordable place to call home. #HoUSed
- There is no state or congressional district in America w/ enough affordable homes for families w/ the lowest incomes. A National Housing Stabilization Fund can alleviate economic shocks before they cause instability & homelessness. Keep people #hoUSed.
- Eviction records make it hard for families to find decent housing in safe neighborhoods and have negative impacts on health, employment, education, etc. Universal housing assistance will help renters avoid eviction & remain stably #hoUSed.
- .@SpeakerPelosi #DYK that only 1 in 4 households who qualify for housing assistance receives it, and most are left to fend for themselves. We need #Housing4UsAll
- .@SenSchumer #DYK in communities with right to counsel, 86% of renters were able to remain in their homes, and eviction filings decreased by 10%. #Housing4UsAll
- #DYK fewer than 10% of renters have access to legal counsel when facing eviction, compared to 90% of landlords. #Housing4UsAll
- #DYK since 1960, renters’ incomes have increased by 5%, while rents have risen 61%. #Housing4UsAll
- .@SpeakerPelosi #DYK millions of eligible households are on housing waiting lists, often for years, waiting for help. #Housing4UsAll
- .@SenSchumer #DYK 8 million extremely low-income households pay at least half of their limited incomes on rent, leaving them w/o the resources they need to put food on the table, purchase medications, or make ends meet. #Housing4UsAll
- #DYK for every 10 extremely low-income households, there are fewer than 4 affordable and available homes. We need #Housing4UsAll
- #DYK on avg in the U.S., renters need an income $23.96 an hour to afford a modest, two-bedroom apartment - far above the incomes of many working families, seniors, & people w/ disabilities. We need #Housing4UsAll
- April is National Fair Housing Month! Congress must pass anti-racist housing policies for #Universal, #Stable, #Affordable housing called for in the #HoUSed campaign
- Racial justice requires housing justice! Congress must pass #Antiracist, #Universal, #Stable, #Affordable housing called for in the #HoUSed campaign
- Black, Indigenous, and people of color are disproportionately low-income and severely housing cost-burdened renters. Call on Congress to pass anti-racist housing policies in the #HoUSed campaign!