Join Today’s (June 6) Tenant Talk Live Webinar on the Need for Significant Federal Investments in Public Housing!

NLIHC invites tenants, advocates, and others to join today’s (June 6) session of “Tenant Talk Live,” a webinar with and for renter and resident leaders. Scheduled for 6 pm ET this evening, the webinar will feature advocates from Human Rights Watch and Save Section 9 and staff from NLIHC, who will come together to discuss the importance of preserving public housing through significant federal funding. Register for tonight’s Tenant Talk Live webinar at:

In 1974, the Nixon administration placed a moratorium on the building of public housing that has resulted in little new public housing being constructed in the last 40 years. In the wake of the moratorium, advocates have focused on preserving the remaining public housing stock. One of the biggest challenges for public housing advocates is the lack of federal funding for public housing agencies (PHAs). Humans Rights Watch (HRW) interviewed New York City public housing residents, who drew attention to the consequences of low investments in the country’s public housing stock, including poor living conditions and lack of repairs. Public housing has often been cited by residents as a useful resource for people with the lowest incomes, but it can be difficult to live somewhere that is in disrepair with minimal support. Congress can address these problems by making significant investments in public housing.

In the webinar, staff from NLIHC will be joined by Jackson Gandour, researcher at Human Rights Watch; Ramona Ferreyra, advocate with Save Section 9; and Mrs. Loraine Brown, resident board member with NLIHC. We hope you will join our panelists to learn more about the history of public housing and how you can advocate for significant investments in our country’s remaining public housing stock.

And remember: Tenant Talk Live would not be possible without tenants like you! We strive to connect and engage with tenants and tenant leaders through our webinars. If you are a low-income tenant and have a topic you would like to propose for an upcoming Tenant Talk Live meeting, or if you would like to participate as a speaker on an upcoming call or webinar, please email Sidney Betancourt at: [email protected]

Register for the next Tenant Talk Live webinar at:

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