Join This Week’s NLIHC ERASE Webinar: “Preventive: Connecting Emergency Rental Assistance to Courts and Tenant Protections”
Aug 09, 2021
NLIHC’s End Rental Arrears to Stop Evictions (ERASE) webinar series continues on August 11 with a session on “Preventive: Connecting Emergency Rental Assistance to Courts and Tenant Protections.” The three-part series (July 28, August 4, and August 11 from 3-4:30 pm ET) supports emergency rental assistance (ERA) program administrators, state and local partners, and community stakeholders with tools and best practices to ensure that ERA reaches households experiencing the worst impacts of the pandemic—including households of color, people with disabilities, and immigrant communities—in time to prevent housing loss and eviction.
NLIHC calls on state and local partners to ensure that: 1) tenants and landlords in need know about and can access ERA; 2) ERA applications are flexible, streamlined, and low-barrier; and 3) ERA programs are connected to other tenant protections and ultimately successful in preventing evictions. Each webinar addresses one core focus area of the ERASE call to action: that ERA programs are visible, accessible, and preventive of evictions.
This week’s webinar is “Preventive: Connecting Emergency Rental Assistance to Courts and Tenant Protections” on August 11, 2021, 3-4:30 pm ET.
This webinar will highlight strategies to prevent eviction, housing displacement and homelessness by offering flexible, holistic, and preventative interventions and creating formal partnerships with state and local courts to support eviction prevention and diversion in coordination with ERA programs. We will hear from national partners regarding tenant protections that can be aligned with emergency rental assistance as well as from state and local programs on how they are using data to track eviction cases and conduct advocacy.
Speakers include:
- Christine Stoneman, principal deputy chief performing duties as chief, United States Department of Justice
- Zackery Zarnow, principal court management consultant, National Center for State Courts
- Samira Nazem, Associate Director of Programs & Advocacy at The Chicago Bar Foundation
- Jay Rose, independent housing legal services consultant
- Webb Brewer, general counsel for ERA, Memphis and Shelby County Emergency Rental Assistance Program
- Greg Payne, director, Maine Affordable Housing Coalition
Register at:
If you missed the first two webinars in the series, “Visible: Ensuring Equitable Outreach, Marketing and Targeting of Emergency Rental Assistance,” or “Accessible: Creating Flexible, Streamlined and Low-Barrier Application Processes,” access the recordings at: COVID-19 Working Group/Calls