New Resource: Healthy Parents, Healthy Babies Video Series Highlights Housing & Maternal Health Equity
Feb 24, 2025
The Framework for an Equitable Homelessness Response launched a new resource related to its “Healthy Parents, Healthy Babies” (HPHB) initiative. HPHB explores strategies to reduce racial disparities in maternal and birth outcomes, improve housing stability, and support healthier futures for parents and their children.
The initiative launched three new videos: two videos from women with lived experience, Destiny sand Ariana, who share their stories and perspectives and how they helped inform HPHB’s recommendations. The third video is a brief training video that details the connection between housing and healthcare, and how both impact parents and their children. These videos can be used for public education, advocacy, and practitioner dialogues.
Families experiencing homelessness—especially Black, Indigenous, and other families of color—face disproportionately high risks of poor maternal and infant health outcomes, including increased preterm birth rates, low birth weight, and infant mortality. The HPHB initiative underscores how stable housing is a critical determinant of maternal and child health and shares solutions that center racial equity, trauma-informed care, and cross-sector collaboration to address these disparities.
The HPHB website is home to several additional resources, including a webinar with slide decks and a report with recommendations developed by people with lived experience.
Watch the video series and explore the full resource here: