Memo to Members

NFHA Virtual Event to Address Fair Housing Implications of Zoning and Land Use Reform

Sep 27, 2021

The National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) will hold a virtual event, “Meeting the Moment: Reversing Legacies of Exclusion and Disinvestment,” on Thursday, September 30 from 1:00 to 5:30 pm ET. Dr. Darrick Hamilton, Henry Cohen professor of economics and urban policy at The New School, will be the keynote speaker. Two panel discussions will follow Dr. Hamilton’s presentation.

The first panel is “Fair Housing Implications of Zoning and Land Use Reform” from 1:40 - 3:10 pm. Panelists include:

  • Fionnuala Darby-Hudgens, director of operations, Connecticut Fair Housing Center
  • Lydia Edwards, city councilor, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Allan Lazo, executive director, Fair Housing Council of Oregon
  • Moderator: Thomas Silverstein, associate director, Fair Housing & Community Development Project, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

The second panel, from 3:40 - 5:25 pm, will discuss “New Approaches to Closing the Racial Homeownership Gap.” The panelists will be:

  • Nikitra Bailey, senior vice president of public policy, National Fair Housing Alliance
  • Symone Crawford, director of STASH and homeownership operations, Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance
  • Glenn Schlactus, partner, Relman Colfax PLLC
  • Moderator: Lisa Rice, president and CEO, National Fair Housing Alliance

Access the agenda here.

Cost for the event is $100. Register here.