Memo to Members

NLIHC Announces RFP for ERASE Evaluation

Nov 01, 2021

NLIHC released a request for proposals (RFP) for a consultant, evaluation firm and/or academic institution to conduct a multi-site evaluation that will assess the impact and effectiveness of COVID-response emergency rental assistance (ERA) programs in selected sites. Results from the study will be used to assess the impact of ERA on tenants, inform program development and on-going implementation, and guide policy recommendations related to the need and provision of emergency rental assistance beyond the pandemic. 

The evaluator selected through this RFP process will work with the NLIHC ERASE team to conduct a participant-level analysis. The overall goals of the participant-level analysis are to:

  1. Understand the characteristics and the need of households requiring emergency rental assistance
  2. Measure the impact of ERA on short- and intermediate-term tenant outcomes
  3. Understand the tenant experience with the emergency rental assistance program 

Access the RFP here.

To respond to this RFP, please submit your proposal and all required documents to [email protected] no later than 5 pm ET on November 19, 2021. Send questions related to the RFP to [email protected] by November 10, 2021.