NLIHC Modifies Preliminary Summary of HUD’s Proposed Section 3 Rule

HUD published the long-awaited update to the 1994 interim Section 3 rule on April 4 (see Memo, 4/8). NLIHC prepared a comprehensive preliminary summary and initial analysis of those proposed changes (see Memo, 4/15). NLIHC has modified its comprehensive summary and has prepared a separate summary focused exclusively on the public housing-related provisions.

NLIHC will engage with residents and other advocates and modify each summary based on further analysis and resident and advocate input. NLIHC will provide sample comment letters for residents and other advocates to use as guides for submitting comments to HUD, due June 3.

NLIHC’s modified Preliminary Summary and Analysis is at:

NLIHC’s summary focused on the public housing components is at:

Background on Section 3 and the current interim rule is on page 7-66 of NLIHC’s 2019 Advocates’ Guide.

NLIHC will host a webinar on May 8, 2:00 p.m. ET on HUD's proposed Section 3 rule. Register for this webinar at: