NLIHC Releases Resources on Using ARPA Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds for Affordable Housing
Jul 06, 2021
NLIHC released two resources with guidance on how state and local governments can use the $350 billion in Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (Fiscal Recovery Funds) allocated by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) for affordable housing. Fiscal Recovery Funds provide flexibility for governments to meet local needs, including providing emergency rental assistance, addressing the housing and health needs of people experiencing homelessness, and building and preserving affordable housing in impacted communities (see Memo, 6/28).
First, NLIHC developed a fact sheet providing an overview of ARPA Fiscal Recovery Funds and highlighting eligible housing and homelessness uses for these funds. The resource reflects Treasury’s updated guidance (6/24), allowing Fiscal Recovery Funds to be used for eviction prevention and diversion. The new guidance also clarifies jurisdictions do not need to demonstrate that each individual assisted with these funds has experienced a COVID-19 hardship, only that the household is within the population or group that experienced a hardship.
Additionally, NLIHC is tracking state and local legislation allocating Fiscal Recovery Funds for affordable housing, and we released a fact sheet highlighting committed and proposed state and local housing investments using these funds. States and localities have allocated or proposed using ARPA Fiscal Recovery Funds to boost emergency rental and utility assistance programs, develop affordable housing, support rapid rehousing programs, fund legal services for tenants facing eviction, and support other needed housing investments.
Read the NLIHC fact sheet on ARPA Fiscal Recovery Funds at:
Read the NLIHC fact sheet on state and local housing investments using ARPA Fiscal Recovery Funds at:
Learn more on Treasury’s Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds webpage at:
Read Treasury’s FAQ on Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds at: