NLIHC Seeks Operations Manager

Jun 22, 2020

NLIHC seeks an operations manager to work closely with the NLIHC chief operating officer (COO) and the director of administration to ensure effective and efficient NLIHC operations in support of the Coalition’s mission to achieve socially just public policy to ensure the lowest-income people in the U.S. have decent, affordable homes. The operations manager will manage key functions related to organizational financials, contracting and granting; meetings and events; hiring, staffing and HR management; and other matters. The operations manager will report to the COO.


Financials, Contracts and Grants:

  • Prepare monthly financial Excels for NLIHC’s 501(c)(4) and monthly tracking of outside donor financials.
  • Prepare drafts of monthly financial narrative reports for review by COO.
  • Assign general ledger codes to revenue receipts (grants, donations, memberships, and other payments).
  • Assist the COO with annual audit and tax filings.
  • Assist director of admin with transitioning previous years financial documents into storage (on and off-site) and updating the system to receive the new/current years financial documents.
  • Play a key role in contracting and granting with NLIHC vendors/partners – preparation of grants/contracts, tracking deliverables, invoicing/payments, etc.

Meetings and Events:

  • Manage the planning and operational execution of the NLIHC annual Housing Policy Forum under the guidance of the COO – preparing/updating the Forum planning guide, managing food and beverage/banquet event orders (F&B/BEOs), preparing onsite staff assignments, etc. Prepare weekly drafts of Forum and Leadership Reception e-mail blasts and articles for Memo to Members and Partners from January-March. 
  • Coordinate operations components of other smaller events – facility contracts, F&B/BEOs, audio-visual, etc. – including for the fall NLIHC state partner and board meetings.
  • Manage the annual low-income resident lodging scholarship process for the Housing Policy Forum in close coordination with the director of administration and the Field team. 


  • Post vacancy position announcements, review resumes, schedule interviews, conduct reference checks.
  • Prepare new staff on-boarding orientation schedules
  • Ensure intern postings on Idealist and university websites each semester (with executive assistant).
  • Prepare intern on-boarding orientation schedules and complete the administrative orientation for interns.
  • Assist new staff in enrolling in 403b retirement plan.
  • Compile annual NLIHC workplan and mid-year workplan revisions with inputs from each NLIHC work team.


  • Prepare minutes for finance committee, investment committee, and personnel committee meetings for review by COO.
  • Assist COO in preparation of Board documents.

Other Operations:

  • Conduct annual equipment inventory.
  • Manage document organization and destruction in the NLIHC storage facility once a year.
  • Coordinate annual update of the NLIHC Disaster Preparedness/Business Continuity Plan.
  • Coordinate with NLIHC staff the regular updating of the NLIHC Standard Operating Procedures – 4-5 functional areas each year.
  • Operations manager may provide some communications support such as preparing first draft of NLIHC Annual Report from the Program Summary Report for the COO’s review and scanning NLIHC website for out-of-date information and ensuring corrections are made by comms team.


Applicants must have a bachelor's degree and at least two years of experience in nonprofit operations and/or financial management (additional years of experience preferred; exceptional candidates with fewer may be considered). Applicants should have a strong commitment to social justice. Candidates should have strong analytical, writing, and organizational skills, as well as a keen attention to detail. Applicants should also be proficient in the Microsoft Office suite and must have at least an intermediate level of proficiency in Excel (common formulas, understanding/calculating percentages, linked workbooks, etc.).

An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, NLIHC offers a competitive salary and a generous benefits package. This is a full-time position located in Washington, DC, but NLIHC will be flexible about location for the first 6-12 months (depending on the pandemic).

Interested candidates should submit a resume, cover letter with salary requirement, one writing sample, and one Excel sample to Paul Kealey, chief operating officer at: [email protected]