NLIHC Updates Emergency Rental Assistance Spending Tracker to Include Second Round of ERA Funds
Dec 13, 2021
NLIHC updated the Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Dashboard “Spending Tracker” to include spending progress for both the first and second rounds of ERA. ERA1 includes $25 billion for emergency rental assistance appropriated as a part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, while ERA2 includes an additional $21.55 billion appropriated in the American Rescue Plan Act in March of this year. The dashboard’s accompanying ERA Spending Tracking spreadsheet provides additional details on spending progress for each state and programs with dashboards.
The updated Dashboard shows how much ERA1 and ERA2 programs have approved and paid to households based on information from the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s monthly and quarterly reports, publicly available data from program dashboards, data from communications with program administrators and advocates, and news articles. Based on NLIHC’s tracking, 54.2% of ERA1 funds and 11.4% of ERA2 funds have been approved or paid to households as of December 6, 2021. The spending tracker is updated weekly to provide the most up-to-date snapshot of ERA spending progress.
The tracker links to the ERA Spending Tracking spreadsheet, which includes additional disaggregated spending data. This includes ERA1 and ERA2 spending progress for each state, as well as spending progress for programs with data dashboards. Several states have already paid or approved a large portion of their ERA2 funds, including New York, New Jersey, and Texas which have paid or approved 86%, 72%, and 51% of their ERA2 allocations, respectively. Thirty-one states have not yet spent any of their ERA2 allocations, including Nebraska and Arkansas, which have yet to request ERA2 funds from the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
If you have any questions, or if you know of any dashboards not on NLIHC’s list, email us at: [email protected]