Memo to Members


Now Available: Advocates’ Guide 2024!

Mar 04, 2024

NLIHC released on February 29 Advocates’ Guide 2024: A Primer on Federal Affordable Housing & Community Development Programs & Policies. Published annually, the Advocates’ Guide is a comprehensive resource designed for advocates and others involved in affordable housing and community development advocacy. The Advocates’ Guide comprises hundreds of pages of useful resources and practical information written by leading experts in the affordable housing and community development field with the aim of educating readers about the programs and policies that make housing affordable to low-income people across America.

NLIHC’s Advocates’ Guide is considered by many to be the leading reference for advocates and affordable housing providers looking for a quick and convenient way to understand federal affordable housing programs and policies. The Advocates’ Guide includes a huge range of material, with sections on advocacy resources, rental housing programs for the lowest-income people, the national Housing Trust Fund, community development resources, housing tools, special housing issues, tenant protections and eviction prevention resources, and much more.

An essential resource for anyone interested in affordable housing and community development, Advocates’ Guide 2024 is meant to answer any and all questions about federal housing policy, from the operation and funding levels of HUD and USDA housing programs, to the structure of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, to the kinds of activities CDBG and HOME can fund, to the status of renter protections, to the nuts-and-bolts of the federal appropriations process. A perfect primer for people new to affordable housing and community development, the Guide also offers experienced advocates invaluable updates regarding changes in programs, the most recent funding information, and new legislative threats and opportunities.  

Advocates’ Guide 2024: A Primer on Federal Affordable Housing & Community Development Programs & Policies is available here.