Memo to Members

Protecting Immigrant Families Coalition Announces Webinar and Immigrant Advocates’ Checklist

Dec 16, 2024

The Protecting Immigrant Families Coalition (PIF) will conduct a webinar, “Post-Election State of Play: Addressing Threats to Immigrant Families in 2025,” on Wednesday, December 18 at 1pm ET. While speakers have not yet been announced, webinar attendees can expect a discussion on anticipated threats to immigrant families and immigration, the PIF Coalition’s intended response to these threats, and an opportunity to learn about PIF’s new resources, including PIF’s new Advocates’ Checklist. The new tool, available in English and Spanish, includes a checklist of actions advocates can take right now to prepare for the upcoming attacks on immigrant communities. 

In anticipation of a year full of attacks by anti-immigrant and anti-safety net politicians, PIF has compiled a checklist of actions that you, your colleagues, and your coalitions can take right now to prepare. The checklist is available in English and Spanish. The checklist was formed by Andrea Kovach of the Shriver Center on Poverty Law and PIF’s State Policy Working Group, which reviewed the document and added to it. PIF recommends advocates share this checklist with anyone in their networks, even if immigrants and the safety net are not core to their mission. Because the anticipated threats will impact many low-income and marginalized communities, NLIHC and PIF are committed to partnering to protect immigrant families and their access to decent, safe, and accessible housing. 

Register for the December 18 webinar at: Post-Election State of Play: Addressing Threats to Immigrant Families in 2025”.

Read the PIF Advocates’ Checklist in English and Spanish.

Read more about public charge in NLIHC’s 2024 Advocates’ Guide.