Recording and Slides from HUD Webinars on Amended Lead-Safe Housing Rule Now Available

Oct 21, 2019

HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) hosted two 90-minute webinars on federal lead regulations and the Lead-Safe Housing Rule (LSHR) Amendment for pre-1978 housing. Presenters provided step-by-step explanations of how public housing agencies (PHAs), grantees, and owners need to respond to cases of elevated blood lead levels in children younger than six years old living in federally assisted homes.  HUD has made recordings and the slides from the webinars available to the public.

The webinars presented:

  • A review of rules concerning lead-safe work practices
  • A description and discussion about the scope, requirements, and key definitions of the LSHR amendment
  • An overview of available resources

There were two webinars, each geared toward a distinct audience.

  • LSHR Amendment Training for-HUD Funded Recipients Who Administer Tenant-Based Rental Assistance. This webinar is for PHAs, grantees, and owners involved in Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) programs.

The webinar slides and recording are at:

  • LSHR Amendment Training for Conventional Public Housing and Project-Based Assistance Programs. This webinar is for PHAs, grantees, and owners involved in administering conventional public housing and Project-Based Assistance Rental Assistance (PBRA) rental programs.

The webinar slides and recording are at:

The website for HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) is at:

Information about lead hazards and healthy homes is also available on page 6-1 of NLIHC’s 2019 Advocates’ Guide