Memo to Members

Recording Available of NLIHC’s August 17 National Call on Coronavirus, Housing, and Homelessness

Aug 24, 2020

During the most recent national call on coronavirus, housing, and homelessness on August 17, Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) provided updates from Capitol Hill and discussed what advocates can do to ensure policymakers restart negotiations as soon as possible and pass a coronavirus relief package with critical housing and homelessness resources.

Meredith Dodson from RESULTS shared the work of volunteer advocates pressuring Congress to include housing resources in the next relief package. Former U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) Director Barbara Poppe explained the “At-A-Glance Funding Matrix,” a new resource accompanying the Framework for an Equitable COVID-19 Homelessness Response to help state and local decision makers effectively utilize their CARES Act funding. Susan Reif of the George Legal Services Program, David Klein of the Great Plains Housing Authority, and Margarita de Escontrias of the Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation provided field updates, and NLIHC’s Sarah Saadian, Joey Lindstrom, and Lisa Marlow discussed congressional action on the next coronavirus relief bill, needed advocacy actions, and strategies for communicating the urgent need for rent relief.

NLIHC hosts national calls on the coronavirus, housing, and homelessness every week. Register for today’s call (Monday, August 24 at 2:30 pm ET) at:

Watch a recording of the August 17 call at:

Access presentation slides at: