Recording Available of NLIHC’s February 8 National Call on “Coronavirus, Disasters, Housing, and Homelessness”
Feb 16, 2021
During the most recent national call on coronavirus, disasters, housing, and homelessness, we were joined by Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), who discussed the next coronavirus relief package and his plans for other housing legislation moving forward. We also heard about a resource on healthcare and homelessness programs, learned about a borrower awareness campaign, and received field updates from Michigan and Massachusetts.
Representative Cleaver, chair of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development, and Insurance, shared his plans for housing legislation during the 117th Congress. NLIHC’s Sarah Saadian provided an update on the budget reconciliation process to pass the next coronavirus relief bill. The House Financial Services Committee released their COVID-19 relief bill on February 5 that includes $40 billion for rental, housing, and homelessness assistance (see Memo, 2/8).
Barbara DiPietro of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council provided an overview of a new Framework resource on building healthcare partnerships to meet the needs of people experiencing homelessness. The report highlights three communities that successfully integrated health care and homelessness services in response to the pandemic. Faith Schwartz of Housing Finance Strategies, LLC discussed the COVID-19 Borrower Awareness Campaign, which was created to help borrowers understand their options during the coronavirus-induced economic crisis. We also received field updates from the Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness and the Western Massachusetts Network to End Homelessness.
NLIHC hosts national calls on coronavirus, disasters, housing, and homelessness every week. On today’s call, we will hear about a rental assistance program in San Jose, California targeted to extremely low-income renters, share the latest on the coronavirus relief package, get updates from the field, and more. Register for today’s call (Tuesday, February 16 at 2:30 pm ET) at:
Watch a recording of the February 8 call at:
Access presentation slides at: