Sign Up Today to Participate "Our Homes, Our Voices" National Housing Week of Action, May 1-8

Sign up today to take action for affordable housing during the nationwide “Our Homes, Our Voices” National Housing Week of Action, May 1-8! Go to the Our Homes, Our Voices webpage to view a video recap of highlights from the 2017 Housing Week of Action campaign, which included more than 60 events in communities across the country July 22-29, 2017. The website also features fact sheets, guides on how to get involved, a list of confirmed local events, T-shirts and other merchandise you can use during your campaign, downloadable posters, and other resources. 

In the coming days an array of new planned events and activities will be added to the website, including ones in Allentown, PA; Cambridge, MA; Charlottesville, VA; Cleveland, OH; Dayton, OH; Detroit, MI; Dover, DE; Eaton, OH; Miami, FL; Newton, MA; Palm Springs, CA; Philadelphia, PA; and Salt Lake City, UT. Additional Week of Action statewide events are in the early stages of planning in Alabama, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Utah, Virginia, and Washington state.  Events and activities planned for the week include letter-writing campaigns to elected officials, meal- and story-sharing events, in-home community discussions, subsidized housing site visits, press events, rallies, meetings with elected officials, nonpartisan voter registration drives, and a special feature on public-access television.

For more information on the Our Homes, Our Voices campaign, visit:

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