Memo to Members

Time to Get Out the Vote for Nov. 5 Elections in Several States and Many Localities

Oct 28, 2019

Several states and many localities will hold elections on November 5. It’s time to get out the vote! NLIHC’s nonpartisan voter and candidate engagement project, Our Homes, Our Votes: 2020, focuses on the 2020 national elections, but we offer tools, information, and resources advocates can use to engage candidates and voters at every level and in every election.  Our Voter Engagement Toolkit includes many tips and resources to help affordable housing advocates engage low-income renters in voting before and on election day, such as:  

  • Encouraging voters to make a plan
  • Organizing group voting
  • Educating voters on what to bring with them to vote
  • Organizing rides and child care.

Low-income people in America historically vote at significantly lower rates than higher-income people, and renters vote at much lower rates than homeowners. Only when lower-income renters become a strong voting block will candidates pay attention to their need for decent, accessible, affordable homes. Affordable housing advocates are encouraged to do all they can to ensure their constituents vote - because affordable homes are built with ballots every bit as much as they are built with bricks and mortar.

Check out the Voter Engagement Toolkit today and help get out the vote next week!