Memo to Members

USDA Announces 5/2 Community Roundtable on Tenant Rights and Protections in USDA-Financed Properties

Apr 22, 2024

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that it will host a community roundtable on May 2 from 2 to 3:30 pm ET for residents of USDA-financed housing. Roundtable participants will be able to provide feedback to USDA on existing protections and discuss additional ways USDA Rural Development (RD) can support the needs of tenants. Register to attend.

Participants will also learn about their existing rights and protections and receive important updates and resources from USDA regarding their rights under tenant leases, protections under the “Violence Against Women Act,” and more. The roundtable is one of the latest actions to come out of the Biden administration’s Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights, launched in January 2023.

Learn more about the community roundtable, and register to attend.