Memo to Members

Watch Recordings of NLIHC’s ERASE Webinars on Making ERA Programs Visible, Accessible, and Preventing Evictions

Aug 16, 2021

NLIHC’s End Rental Arrears to Stop Evictions (ERASE) three-part webinar series on ensuring ERA programs are visible, accessible, and preventing evictions concluded on August 11. Webinar recordings are available here. The webinars provide emergency rental assistance (ERA) program administrators, state and local partners, and community stakeholders with tools and best practices to ensure that ERA reaches households experiencing the worst impacts of the pandemic – including households of color, people with disabilities, and immigrant communities – in time to prevent housing loss and eviction.

Each webinar addresses one core focus area of the ERASE call to action:

  • Webinar 1: “Visible: Ensuring Equitable Outreach, Marketing and Targeting of Emergency Rental Assistance”
  • Webinar 2: “Accessible: Creating Flexible, Streamlined and Low-Barrier Application Processes”
  • Webinar 3: “Preventive: Connecting Emergency Rental Assistance to Courts and Tenant Protections”

Watch the webinars at: